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- addded functions getSimVarsInSimEq and getSimEqsOfSimVar
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git-svn-id: f25d12d1-65f4-0310-ae8a-bbce733d8d8e
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Volker Waurich committed Apr 16, 2014
1 parent 4f87cb2 commit abee067
Showing 1 changed file with 66 additions and 1 deletion.
67 changes: 66 additions & 1 deletion Compiler/BackEnd/
Expand Up @@ -12567,6 +12567,47 @@ algorithm
end appendEqIdcs;

public function getSimVarsInSimEq"gets the indeces for the simVars occuring in the given simEq
author:Waurich TUD 2014-04"
input Integer simEq;
input SimCode.BackendMapping map;
output list<Integer> simVars;
list<Integer> bVars,bEqs,simVars;
list<list<Integer>> bVarsLst;
list<tuple<Integer,list<Integer>>> eqMapping;
list<tuple<Integer,Integer>> varMapping;
BackendDAE.IncidenceMatrix m;
BackendDAE.IncidenceMatrixT mt;
SimCode.BACKENDMAPPING(m=m,mT=mt,eqMapping=eqMapping,varMapping=varMapping) := map;
bEqs := getBackendEqsForSimEq(simEq,map);
bVarsLst := List.map1(bEqs,Util.arrayGetIndexFirst,m);
bVars := List.flatten(bVarsLst);
bVars := List.filter1OnTrue(bVars,intGt,0);
bVars := List.unique(bVars);
simVars := List.map1(bVars,getSimVarForBackendVar,map);
end getSimVarsInSimEq;

public function getSimEqsOfSimVar"gets the indeces for the simVars occuring in the given simEq
author:Waurich TUD 2014-04"
input Integer simVar;
input SimCode.BackendMapping map;
output list<Integer> simEqs;
Integer bVar;
list<Integer> bEqs;
list<tuple<Integer,list<Integer>>> eqMapping;
list<tuple<Integer,Integer>> varMapping;
BackendDAE.IncidenceMatrix m;
BackendDAE.IncidenceMatrixT mt;
SimCode.BACKENDMAPPING(m=m,mT=mt,eqMapping=eqMapping,varMapping=varMapping) := map;
bVar := getBackendVarForSimVar(simVar,map);
bEqs := arrayGet(mt,bVar);
simEqs := List.map1(bEqs,getSimEqsForBackendEqs,map);
end getSimEqsOfSimVar;

public function getReqSimEqsForSimVar"outputs the indeces for the required simEqSys for the indexed SimVar
author:Waurich TUD 2014-04"
input Integer simVar;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -12603,7 +12644,7 @@ algorithm
eqsOut := List.fold1(preEqs,collectReqSimEqs,tree,reqEqs);
end collectReqSimEqs;

protected function getBackendVarForSimVar"outputs the backendVar indeces for the given SimEVar index
protected function getBackendVarForSimVar"outputs the backendVar indeces for the given SimVar index
author:Waurich TUD 2014-04"
input Integer simVar;
input SimCode.BackendMapping map;
Expand All @@ -12615,6 +12656,18 @@ algorithm
((_,bVar)):= List.getMemberOnTrue(simVar,varMapping,findSimVar);
end getBackendVarForSimVar;

protected function getSimVarForBackendVar"outputs the SimVar indeces for the given backendVar index
author:Waurich TUD 2014-04"
input Integer bVar;
input SimCode.BackendMapping map;
output Integer simVar;
list<tuple<Integer,Integer>> varMapping;
SimCode.BACKENDMAPPING(varMapping=varMapping) := map;
((simVar,_)):= List.getMemberOnTrue(bVar,varMapping,findBackendVar);
end getSimVarForBackendVar;

protected function getBackendEqsForSimEq"outputs the backendEq indeces for the given SimEqSys index
author:Waurich TUD 2014-04"
input Integer simEq;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -12651,6 +12704,18 @@ algorithm
b := intEq(simVar,simVar1);
end findSimVar;

protected function findBackendVar"outputs true if the tuple contains mapping information about the SimVar
author:Waurich TUD 2014-04"
input Integer bVar;
input tuple<Integer,Integer> varTpl;
output Boolean b;
Integer bVar1;
(_,bVar1) := varTpl;
b := intEq(bVar,bVar1);
end findBackendVar;

protected function findSimEqs"outputs true if the tuple contains mapping information about the SimEquation
author:Waurich TUD 2014-04"
input Integer simEq;
Expand Down

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