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rename Cpp command line args
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avoid name clashes with the C runtime, e.g. when used from OMEdit
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rfranke committed Aug 10, 2015
1 parent 198ef81 commit ec7758a
Showing 1 changed file with 13 additions and 13 deletions.
26 changes: 13 additions & 13 deletions SimulationRuntime/cpp/Flags.dox
@@ -1,24 +1,24 @@
\page Flags
There are several flags that can be passed to a binary which is linked against the simulation runtime. The most important flags
are automatically passed to the executable, if the binary was generated by OpenModelica. This is done with the help of an
additional script file (.sh or .bat).
are automatically built into the executable. Alternatively an additional script file (.sh or .bat) passes the flags to the executable.
Moreover flags of the C runtime are mapped to the respective Cpp flags. This is needed when running in OMEdit.

Flag | Description |
------------------------------------------------------------------: | :------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
- -help | Produce the help message |
-r \<PATH\> | Path to the cpp runtime libraries (required) |
-m \<PATH\> | Path to the modelica system library (required) |
-R \<PATH\> | Path to the result file (required) |
-s \<VALUE\> | Simulation start time (default: 0.0) |
-e \<VALUE\> | Simulation stop time (default: 1.0) |
-f \<VALUE\> | Simulation step size (default: 0.0) |
-v \<VALUE\> | Number of output intervals (default: 500) |
-y \<VALUE\> | Tolerance for the time integration algorithm (default: 1e-6) |
-i \[\"euler\"\|\"peer\"\|\"rtrk\"\|\"ida\"\|\"cvode\"\|\"dassl\"\] | Time integration algorithm that should be used (default: \"euler\") |
-R \<PATH\> | Path to the cpp runtime libraries (required) |
-M \<PATH\> | Path to the modelica system library (required) |
-r \<NAME\> | Name of the results file (required) |
-S \<VALUE\> | Simulation start time (default: 0.0) |
-E \<VALUE\> | Simulation stop time (default: 1.0) |
-H \<VALUE\> | Simulation step size (default: 0.0) |
-G \<VALUE\> | Number of output intervals in equidistant grid (default: 500) |
-T \<VALUE\> | Tolerance for the time integration algorithm (default: 1e-6) |
-I \[\"euler\"\|\"peer\"\|\"rtrk\"\|\"ida\"\|\"cvode\"\|\"dassl\"\] | Time integration algorithm that should be used (default: \"euler\") |
-L \[\"umfpack\"\|\<NONLINEARSOLVER\>\] | Solver for linear equation systems that should be used (default: \"kinsol\") |
-N \[\"newton\"\|\"kinsol\"\|\"hybrj\"\] | Solver for non linear equation systems that should be used (default: \"kinsol\") |
-a \<VALUE\> | Timeout in seconds for the simulation (default: 360) |
-A \<VALUE\> | Timeout in seconds for the simulation (default: 360) |
-O \["all"\|"step"|"none"\] | The time points that should be written to the result file (default: all) |

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