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Reveal Data Warehouse Migrations

This document describes the database system for Reveal.


Naming Conventions

You will notice that all the directories are named with a number as a prefix. This is only necessary to ensure that tests run in the desired order.

Database Setup

Setting up entails:

  1. Creating a Postgres Database and Database user.
  2. Running the queries in the database setup section.
  3. Running the queries in the performance tweaks section, if desired.
  4. Running the utility database migrations using sqitch.


The Reveal data comes from an OpenSRP server, and is fed into this database system by a Reveal-flavoured OpenSRP Connector. On ingestion, this data is stored in raw data tables, as follows:

OpenSRP Entity Raw Data Table
Events raw_events
Locations raw_locations
Jurisdictions raw_jurisdictions
Tasks raw_tasks
Plans raw_plans

* "Locations" as used in this document can be defined as OpenSRP locations that are not jurisdictions, i.e. which have is_jurisdiction=False.

More information on the raw tables is here (for raw_events) and here (for the rest).

Transform & Load

The Reveal connector then transforms the raw data and stores them into "transaction" tables. Note that this transformation happens in the Reveal connector, and not in the database. The end result is a number of database tables on which further operations can be performed.

These are the resulting "transaction" tables:

  • actions
  • clients
  • events
  • goals
  • goal_target
  • jurisdictions
  • plan_jurisdiction
  • plans
  • locations
  • tasks

More information here.

One of these operations is the setting up of basic general purpose materialized views from the transaction tables. These views are used and re-used many times in other parts of the system.

To support specific use-cases, the Reveal database next does some implementation-specific things. Each of this is only necessary if needed. These are:

Focus Investigation (FI)

The end result here is that some materialized views are set up to be consumed by the Reveal web application for FI reports.

  1. Thailand 2019

Indoor Residual Spraying (IRS)

The end result here is that some materialized views are set up to be consumed by the Reveal web application for IRS reports.

  1. Generic stuff
  2. Zambia 2019
  3. Namibia 2019


To keep the database fresh, the system includes some queries which are meant to be run periodically.


This section contains queries that are meant to be used to build Superset slices.


These queries are used to in NiFi flows.


Finally, there are some utilities to help in monitoring so that the database can be more observable and errors easier to find.

This directory is meant to hold all Reveal data warehouse migrations.

Other Included migrations

  1. Utilities
  2. Common OpenSRP Migrations


  1. Clone this repo

  2. Install dependencies

    apt install sqitch libdbd-pg-perl postgresql-client libdbd-sqlite3-perl sqlite3
  3. Submit code for review


This repo has been set up to automatically run database migration tests using sqitch on CircleCI. This is to ensure that no PR with failing migrations is overlooked.

Testing Database migrations locally

To test locally, you need the following:

  1. Install sqitch locally

  2. Install your database management system of choice and set up a test database like so:

    • Database name: sqitch_test
    • Database user name: sqitch
    • Database user password: secret

    One easy way to do this is to use the docker-compose.yml file (if Docker Compose is installed):

    docker-compose up -d

    Note that the docker-compose.yml file assumes there isn't an existing Postgres database on the :5432 port.

Once you are done with the above, you can run sqitch tests using this command:

# run tests
find . -iname sqitch.conf -print0 | sort -zn | xargs -I {} -0 bash -c 'cd `dirname {}` && pwd && sqitch deploy sqitch_test && sqitch verify sqitch_test'
# revert them
find . -iname sqitch.conf -print0 | sort -znr | xargs -I {} -0 bash -c 'cd `dirname {}` && pwd && sqitch revert -y sqitch_test'

Note that the above command runs sqitch tests for all projects.

To run tests for one project, do the following:

cd <into directory that contains sqitch.plan and sqitch.conf>
sqitch deploy sqitch_test && sqitch verify sqitch_test && sqitch revert -y sqitch_test

You can also alternatively use the CircleCI Local CLI to run tests.