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Merge pull request #183 from steventlamb/topic/audit_exports
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Add management cmd for exporting audits to OTM2
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Steve Lamb committed Jan 16, 2014
2 parents 5a47c36 + 9678fbe commit 3c5861c
Showing 1 changed file with 215 additions and 0 deletions.
215 changes: 215 additions & 0 deletions treemap/management/commands/
@@ -0,0 +1,215 @@
from import BaseCommand

from optparse import make_option

from treemap.models import Tree, Plot
import json

# this was selectively copied from the migrating code on the otm2 side.
# where possible, notes are made for differences.
'tree': {
'model_class': Tree,
'common_fields': {'plot', 'species', 'readonly', 'canopy_height',
'date_planted', 'date_removed', 'height'},
'renamed_fields': {'dbh': 'diameter',
'species_id': 'species', # NOT included in otm2 counterpart
'removed_fields': {'tree_owner', 'steward_name', 'sponsor',
'species_other1', 'species_other2',
'orig_species', 'present', 'last_updated',
'last_updated_by', 's_order', 'photo_count',
'projects', 'condition', 'canopy_condition',
'url', 'pests', 'steward_user'},
# NOT included in otm2 counterpart
'foreign_events': {'Fruit or Nuts Harvested',
'Watered', 'Inspected', 'Pruned'}
'plot': {
'common_fields': {'width', 'length', 'address_street', 'address_zip',
'address_city', 'owner_orig_id', 'readonly'},
'renamed_fields': {'geometry': 'geom'},
'undecided_fields': {'import_event'},
'removed_fields': {'type', 'powerline_conflict_potential',
'sidewalk_damage', 'neighborhood',
'neighborhoods', 'zipcode', 'geocoded_accuracy',
'geocoded_address', 'geocoded_lat', 'geocoded_lon',
'present', 'last_updated', 'last_updated_by',
'data_owner', 'owner_additional_id',

'I': 1,
'D': 2,
'U': 3

class AuditParseException(Exception):

def _nested_insert(d, key, nestedkey, value):
if key in d:
d[key][nestedkey] = value
d[key] = { nestedkey: value }

def get_old_new_pairs(flat_hash):
Split previous ('old_' keys) and current values into nested hashes.
otm1 audits are serialized dictionaries with keys that are either
field names, or field names prefixed with 'old_'. This function
splits these out to nested hashes of 'previous'/'current' values
on a per-field basis.
To further complicate matters, some foreign key event records are
stored as double pairs in the format:
{'old_key':u'', 'old_value':u'None',
'key':'{{ event record name }}', 'value':'{{ event date }}'}
these are homogenized and stored as pairs as described above.
clean_hash = {k: v for k, v in flat_hash.items()
if k not in ('value', 'old_value') }
newhash = {}

for k in clean_hash:
if k == 'key':
newkey = flat_hash['key']
nestedkey = 'current'
v = flat_hash['value']
elif k == 'old_key':
newkey = flat_hash['key']
nestedkey = 'previous'
v = flat_hash['old_value']
elif k.startswith('old_'):
newkey = k[4:]
nestedkey = 'previous'
v = flat_hash[k]
newkey = k
nestedkey = 'current'
v = flat_hash[k]

_nested_insert(newhash, newkey, nestedkey, v)

return newhash

def _parse_diff(audit, model):
Turn _audit_diff field into a list of sanitized
(field, previous, current) tuples.
This is the main processing function of this module.
Validate format against audit type, deserialize from JSON,
iterate over changed values, filter out unused fields,
sanitize values.

diff_j = audit._audit_diff

# process record level changes
if diff_j == '':
if audit._audit_change_type == 'I':
return [('id', None,]
elif audit._audit_change_type == 'D':
return [('id',, None)]
raise AuditParseException('No diff on an update?')

# process field level changes
diff = json.loads(diff_j)
paired_diff = get_old_new_pairs(diff)
model_rules = MODELS[model]

changes = []
for k, v in paired_diff.iteritems():

# TODO: Sanitize values in a centralized place
v = None if v == 'None' else v

if k in model_rules['removed_fields']:
# drop these values.
# TODO: log these

elif k in model_rules['renamed_fields']:
(model_rules['renamed_fields'][k], v.get('previous', None), v.get('current', None)))

elif k in model_rules['common_fields']:
(k, v.get('previous', None), v.get('current', None)))

elif k == 'new photo':
# TODO: figure out how to support these and add them
self.stdout.write("SKIPPING UNHANDLED NEW PHOTO: '{%s: %s}'" % (k, v))
elif k in model_rules.get('foreign_events', set()):
# TODO: figure out how to support these and add them
self.stdout.write("SKIPPING UNHANDLED FOREIGN EVENT: '{%s: %s}'" % (k, v))
raise Exception("ERROR: UNHANDLED DIFF KEY - '{%s: %s}'" % (k, v))

return changes

def get_audit_dicts(qs, model_name, audit_count):
lowercase_model_name = model_name.lower()
audit_dicts = []
skipped = 0
for model in qs:
history = model.history.order_by('_audit_timestamp')
for audit in history:
changes = _parse_diff(audit, lowercase_model_name)
for field, previous_value, current_value in changes:
audit_dict = {
'pk': audit_count + 1,
'model': 'treemap.audit',
'fields': {
'model': model_name,
'field': field,
'previous_value': previous_value,
'current_value': current_value,
'action': AUDIT_TYPES[audit._audit_change_type],
'requires_auth': False,
'ref': None,
'created': audit._audit_timestamp.isoformat(),
'updated': audit._audit_timestamp.isoformat()
audit_count += 1
except AuditParseException:
skipped += 1

return audit_dicts, skipped, audit_count

class Command(BaseCommand):

option_list = BaseCommand.option_list + (
make_option('-o', '--outfile',
help='path to export the data to'),

def handle(self, *args, **options):
audit_count = 1
trees = Tree.objects.all()
plots = Plot.objects.all()

tree_hashes, tree_skipped, audit_count = get_audit_dicts(trees, 'Tree', audit_count)
plot_hashes, plot_skipped, audit_count = get_audit_dicts(plots, 'Plot', audit_count)

skipped = tree_skipped + plot_skipped

self.stdout.write("EXPORTED: %s audits" % audit_count - 1)
self.stdout.write("SKIPPED: %s audits" % skipped)
output = open(options['outfile'], 'w+b')
json.dump(tree_hashes + plot_hashes, output)

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