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88 lines (56 loc) · 3.73 KB

File metadata and controls

88 lines (56 loc) · 3.73 KB

Contributing to Events | Projects | Programs

  1. Set up your local environment as mentioned here
  2. Open the event.js file and in the data variable you can see monthId and inside it we have event where we add our event for that particular month Our month convention is 0 - January to 11 - December

In the picture below we have an event of January and the event number is 1 readme.png

According to the above pattern we have to add other events.

All the images works good in (1000 * 1000) pixels and store it in ../images/events folder only

  1. If you want to add an event that will be occuring in March then go to monthId - 2 and create a block as shown and fill all the necessary details.

We will be reviewing each and every PR before it gets merged.

💯 Adding of PROJECTS and PROGRAMS work the same way!

If you want to add a domain you can add it inside domain array and make necessary changes in data

Contributing to Tutorials

We know there are 100's of tutorials out there but we do not want any spam here. Only put of those which you genuinely found useful and would recommend others to watch.

  1. Open the tutorial.js file and you can see the pattern


  1. The id is coming from Youtube. Here is how you can get it:
  • Open the Youtube video you want to add.
  • The highlighted part is your id that we are going to use.
  • Copy the id and paste it. Add the necessary details like author, desc and about.


Commit Message Guidelines using Commitlint

We follow a standardized commit message format using Commitlint to ensure consistency and clarity in our commit history. Each commit message should adhere to the following guidelines:

  1. Type: The commit type must be one of the following:

    • feat: A new feature or enhancement.
    • fix: A bug fix.
    • docs: Documentation changes.
    • style: Code style changes (e.g., formatting, semicolons).
    • refactor: Code refactorings with no feature changes or bug fixes.
    • test: Adding or improving tests.
    • chore: General maintenance tasks, build changes, etc.
  2. Scope (Optional): The scope provides context for the commit, indicating the specific part of the project being affected. Use a short description in lowercase (e.g., auth, navbar, README).

  3. Description: A brief and meaningful description of the changes made. Start with a capital letter and use the imperative mood (e.g., "Add new feature" instead of "Added new feature").

  4. Issue reference (Optional): Include the issue number associated with the commit (e.g., #123).


Valid Commit Messages:

  • feat: Add user authentication feature
  • fix(auth): Resolve login page redirect issue
  • docs: Update installation instructions
  • style: Format code according to project guidelines
  • refactor(navbar): Improve responsiveness
  • test: Add unit tests for API endpoints
  • chore: Update dependencies to latest versions
  • fix: Handle edge case in data processing (#456)

Invalid Commit Messages:

  • Added new stuff
  • Fixed a bug
  • Updated code
  • auth feature update
  • chore: fixed some stuff

Commit Example with Commitlint:

git commit -m "feat(auth): Implement user signup process (#789)"

🌟 Voila, you can now contribute and can make a difference!!