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openwsman command line client

Klaus Kämpf edited this page Oct 15, 2013 · 9 revisions

Openwsman Command-Line Client

wsmancli is the command line client which uses the openwsman client interface and API to provide a utility for testing and accessing WS-Management information from the command line.

RPM package

Most RPM-based Linux distributions ship the wsmancli package. You can also get the latest version at the open build service


wsman [Option...] <action> <Resource Uri>

Help Options

-?, --help
--help-all Show help options
--help-enumeration Enumeration Options
--help-tests Test Cases
--help-cim CIM Options
--help-flags Request Flags
--help-event Subscription Options

Application Options

-q, --version Display application version
-d, --debug=1-6 Set the verbosity of debugging output.
-j, --encoding Set request message encoding
-c, --cacert=>filename< Certificate file to verify the peer
-A, --cert=>filename< Certificate file. The certificate must be in PEM format.
-K, --sslkey=>key< SSL Key.
-u, --username=>username< User name
-g, --path=>path< Service Path (default: 'wsman')
-J, --input=>filename< File with resource for Create and Put operations in XML, can be a SOAP envelope
-p, --password=>password< User Password
-h, --hostname=>hostname< Host name
-b, --endpoint=>url< End point
-P, --port=>port< Server Port
-X, --proxy=>proxy< Proxy name
-Y, --proxyauth=>proxyauth< Proxy user:pwd
-y, --auth=>basic|digest|gss< Authentication Method
-a, --method=>custom method< Method (Works only with 'invoke')
-k, --prop=>key=val< Properties with key value pairs (For 'put', 'invoke' and 'create')
-C, --config-file=>file< Alternate configuration file
-O, --out-file=>file< Write output to file
-V, --noverifypeer Not to verify peer certificate
-v, --noverifyhost Not to verify hostname
-I, --transport-timeout=>time in sec< Transport timeout in seconds


Using wsman identify is the simplest way to ensure correct client-server communication.

Run it as

wsman identify -h <hostname> -P <port> -u <user> -p <pass>

wsman identify -h localhost -P 5985 -u wsman -p secret


Enumeration requires a resource path to address the correct CIM class

wsman enumerate -h localhost -P 5985 -u wsman -p secret

This call will return an XML representation of the matching resoure(s).

WSMAN - Windows / Linux Command Conversion

WSMAN - Windows / Linux Command Conversion

Further links

Dell has put together a document about Programmatic scripting with WSMAN