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Legion::Json is the JSON wrapper that is used by the LegionIO framework. It gives all other gems and extensions a single json library to use for consistency. It wraps multi_json and also json_pure

Additional C extension style json gems can be installed like oj and it they should be used automatically.

Supported Ruby versions and implementations

Legion::Json should work identically on:

  • JRuby 9.2+
  • Ruby 2.4+

Installation and Usage

You can verify your installation using this piece of code:

gem install legion-json
require 'legion-json'
json_string = '{"foo":"bar","nested":{"hello":"world"}}'
Legion::Json.load(json_string, symbolize_keys: false) # symbolize_keys defaults to true

hash = {foo: 'bar', nested: {hello: 'world'}}
Legion::Json.dump(hash, )
