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File metadata and controls

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django-pgtransaction offers a drop-in replacement for the default django.db.transaction module which, when used on top of a PostgreSQL database, extends the functionality of that module with Postgres-specific features.

At present, django-pgtransaction offers an extension of the django.db.transaction.atomic context manager/decorator which allows one to dynamically set the isolation level when opening a transaction, as well as specifying a retry policy for when an operation in that transaction results in a Postgres locking exception. See :ref:`package` and the quickstart below for examples.


After :ref:`installation`, set the isolation level of a transaction by using pgtransaction.atomic:

import pgtransaction

with pgtransaction.atomic(isolation_level=pgtransaction.SERIALIZABLE):
    # Do queries...

There are three isolation levels: pgtransaction.READ_COMMITTED, pgtransaction.REPEATABLE_READ, and pgtransaction.SERIALIZABLE. By default it inherits the parent isolation level, which is Django's default of "READ COMMITTED".

When using stricter isolation levels like pgtransaction.SERIALIZABLE, Postgres will throw serialization errors upon concurrent updates to rows. Use the retry argument with the decorator to retry these failures:

@pgtransaction.atomic(isolation_level=pgtransaction.SERIALIZABLE, retry=3)
def do_queries():
# Do queries...


The retry argument will not work when used as a context manager. A RuntimeError will be thrown.

By default, retries are only performed when psycopg2.errors.SerializationError or psycopg2.errors.DeadlockDetected errors are raised. Configure retried psycopg2 errors with settings.PGTRANSACTION_RETRY_EXCEPTIONS. You can set a default retry amount with settings.PGTRANSACTION_RETRY.

pgtransaction.atomic can be nested, but keep the following in mind:

  1. The isolation level cannot be changed once a query has been performed.
  2. The retry argument only works on the outermost invocation as a decorator, otherwise RuntimeError is raised.

Other Reading

Check out the Postgres docs to learn about transaction isolation in Postgres.