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BOF (Boiboite Opener Framework) is a testing framework for industrial and field protocols implementations and devices. It is a Python 3.6+ library that provides means to send, receive, create, parse and manipulate frames from supported protocols, for basic interaction as well as for offensive testing.

There are three ways to use BOF:


Use of higher-level interaction functions to discover devices and start basic exchanges, without requiring to know anything about the protocol.


Perform more advanced (legitimate) operations. This requires the end user to know how the protocol works (how to establish connections, what kind of messages to send).


Modify every single part of exchanged frames and misuse the protocol instead of using it (we fuzz devices with it). The end user should have started digging into the protocol's specifications.


Please note that targeting BMS systems can have a severe impact on buildings and people and that BOF must be used carefully.

Interface with Scapy

BOF relies on Scapy for protocol implementations, with an additional layer that translates BOF code to changes on Scapy packets and fields. Why? Because BOF may slightly modify or override Scapy's internal behavior.

You do not need to know how to use Scapy to use BOF, however if you do, you are free to interact with the Scapy packet directly as well.

For instance, in the code sample below, lines 2 and 3 do the same thing and modify the same packet object. However for line 2, you set a value to the field1 from BOF's packet, applying any change provided by BOF when setting a value. In line 3, the field is modified directly in Scapy's packet, BOF does not interfer. In other words, a BOFPacket object (here KNXPacket) acts as a wrapper around a Scapy object representing the actual packet using the specified protocol.

packet = KNXPacket(type=connect_request)
packet.field1 = 1
packet.scapy_pkt.field1 = 1

The reason we did that is because there is nothing better than Scapy to handle protocol implementations, and by using Scapy we can also use all the implementations that were written for it. But BOF and Scapy do not have the same usage and aim: First, we made some choices about BOF's script syntax and sometimes Scapy's syntax doesn't follow these choices. But most of all, we sometimes can't rely on Scapy's behavior for what we want to do with BOF because they are not compatible. Just to mention a few:

Field-oriented usage

BOF's preferred usage when altering packets is to change specific fields directly. Why? Because BOF has been written to write attack scripts, including fuzzers. In these fuzzers, we want to stick to the protocol's specification because if we don't, devices we target may just drop our frames. And to stick to the specification, we have to keep a valid frame format, and to do that we just modify specific fields. Scapy does not work this way and, although we can modify isolated fields, it's hard to get and set values in a script, mostly because we can't refer to a field without referring to its parent packet holding its value.

BOF does not care about types

But Scapy does. Field objects in Scapy have a type and you can't change it easily or just use a field objectthat doesn't have a type without losing some capabilities. For us, packets are just a bunch of bytes so we might as well set values directly as bytes to fields, and Scapy won't allow that (unless using RawVal, which does not provide all of Scapy's Fields capabilities). It won't allow setting a value with the wrong type either, and we don't want field types to be a thing in BOF: a user should not need to know the type of a field, or she may be able to implicitly change it. That's what BOF's wrapper around the Scapy object does.

# Setting value to field from BOF, type is changed automatically
bofpacket.host_protocol = "test"

# Setting value to field directly on Scapy packet, type is invalid
# and will trigger an error when the packet is reconstructed.
bofpacket.scapy_pkt.control_endpoint.host_protocol = "test"


Clone repository:

git clone

BOF is a Python 3.6+ library that should be imported in scripts. It has no installer yet so you need to refer to the bof subdirectory which contains the library (inside the repository) in your project or to copy the folder to your project's folder. Then, inside your code (or interactively):

import bof

Global module content can be imported directly from bof. Protocol-specific content is in submodule layers (ex: bof.layers.knx).

from bof import BOFProgrammingError
from bof.layers import knx
from bof.layers.knx import *

Now you can start using BOF!


Examples in this section rely on the protocol KNX, but also apply to the others. Please refer to the Protocols section of this documentation for protocol-specific stuff.

Discover devices on a network

from bof.layers.knx import search

devices = search()
for device in devices:

Should output something like:

Device: "boiboite" @ - KNX address: 15.15.255 - Hardware: 00:00:ff:ff:ff:ff (SN: 0123456789)

Send and receive packets

from bof.layers.knx import KNXnet, KNXPacket, SID
from bof import BOFNetworkError

    knxnet = KNXnet().connect("", 3671)
    pkt = KNXPacket(type=SID.description_request,
    response, _ =
except BOFNetworkError as bne:

Craft your own packets!

from bof.layers.knx import KNXPacket, SID
from bof.layers.raw_scapy.knx import LcEMI

pkt = KNXPacket(type=SID.description_request)
pkt.ip_address = b"\x01\x01"
pkt.port = 99999 # Yes it's too large
pkt.show2() # This may output something strange


A recipient device will probably not respond to that, but at least now you know that BOF won't stop you from messing with your packets.


Getting started with BOF Packets


This section introduces a few general concepts about packet crafting in BOF but does not tell you how to create and manipulate packets with specific protocols. As there may be differences depending on the protocol, please refer to the Protocols section for details.

Protocol-dependent packets you may manipulate in BOF all inherit from BOFPacket. For instance, KNXPacket is the BOF packet from the protocol KNX. BOFPacket is not supposed to be instantiated directly, however it can be useful when you start interacting with unknown/unimplemented protocols.

You can instantiate a packet inheriting from BOFPacket as follows:

bof_pkt = KNXPacket() # Empty
bof_pkt = KNXPacket(b"\x06\x10"[...]) # From bytes
bof_pkt = KNXPacket(field1=val, field1=val2, etc...) # Set values to fields

For KNX, packets usually have a type, therefore you could do:

bof_pkt = KNXPacket(type=SID.description_request)

Before going further, you should know that a BOFPacket relies on a protocol implementation from Scapy or in Scapy format and will interact with a Scapy Packet object relying on this implementation. This implies that:

  • There are several features, mostly for printing the content of a frame, inherited from Scapy.
  • We have to make a clear distinction between BOF and Scapy content, especially when setting values to fields, hence some usage choices detailed later.
  • You can directly use Scapy features, if you interact with BOFPacket 's scapy_pkt attribute.

View packets and fields

Here is how to read a complete packet:

>>> print(packet)

>>> packet.show2()
###[ KNXnet/IP ]### 
header_length= 6
protocol_version= 0x10
service_identifier= DESCRIPTION_REQUEST
total_length= 14
      |###[ HPAI ]### 
      |  structure_length= 8
      |  host_protocol= IPV4_UDP
      |  ip_address=
      |  port      = 0

And to read the value of a field (for instance, host_protocol, which is located in the control_endpoint PacketField):

# Direct access from BOF packet
>>> packet.host_protocol

# Reading bytes from BOF packet
>>> packet["host_protocol"]

# Using BOF packet method get() with no path
>>> packet.get("host_protocol")

# Using get() method with absolute or partial path
>>> packet.get("control_endpoint", "host_protocol")

# Browsing to Scapy field directly from scapy_pkt attribute
>>> packet.scapy_pkt.control_endpoint.host_protocol

There are a few things to consider when reaching fields for reading and writing in BOF:

  1. packet.scapy_pkt.host_protocol won't work, because scapy_pkt does not have a host_protocol field. It has a control_endpoint field which has a host_protocol. The complete (absolute) path is required when accessing fields via scapy_pkt and not via BOF directly.
  2. packet.control_endpoint.host_protocol won't work either. If you access fields from BOF, only direct access is allowed (packet.host_protocol). This is mainly to avoid confusions between BOF syntax and Scapy syntax (see below). If there are two fields with the same name but different paths in the packet, this syntax will refer to the first one. To refer to a specific one, use packet.get()

Modify packets and fields

BOF does not only set values to packets and fields, it may change Scapy's default behavior when changing the Scapy Packet underneath. The main change is that BOF will replace the field by a field with another type if the value we are trying to set does not match the actual type.

>>> type(packet._get_field("host_protocol")[0])
<class 'scapy.fields.ByteEnumField'>
>>> packet.host_protocol = b"hey"
>>> type(packet._get_field("host_protocol")[0])
<class 'scapy.fields.Field'>

Therefore, there are two ways of setting a value in BOF.

  • The BOF way:
>>> packet.host_protocol = b"cor"
>>> packet.host_protocol
>>> packet.update(b"ne", "host_protocol")
>>> packet.host_protocol
>>> packet.update(b"muse", "control_endpoint", "host_protocol")
>>> packet.host_protocol
  • The Scapy way:

    >>> packet2.scapy_pkt.control_endpoint.host_protocol = b"nope"

The BOF way will set the value while applying changes specific to BOF (ex: replacing a field with a field with a different type). The Packet remains valid (and readable by Scapy's internal features) even if we set the wrong type to a field.

The Scapy way will directly change the value of the Scapy field, BOF will not interfer and will not apply BOF-specific changes. In this last example, we set a value of the wrong type to the field, and an exception will be triggered if you call a method that will try to reconstruct the packet (such as show2() or raw()).

Network connection

BOF provides core class for TCP and UDP network connections, however they should not be used directly, but inherited in protocol implementation network connection classes (ex: KNXnet inherits UDP). A connection class carries information about a network connection and methods to manage connection and exchanges, that can vary depending on the protocol.

Here is an example on how to establish connection using the knx submodule (3671 is the default port for KNXnet/IP).

from bof.layers.knx import KNXnet, KNXPacket, SID
from bof import BOFNetworkError

knxnet = KNXnet()
    knxnet.connect("", 3671)
    pkt = KNXPacket(type=SID.description_request,
    response, _ =
except BOFNetworkError as bne:

Error handling and logging

BOF has custom exceptions inheriting from a global custom exception class BOFError (code in bof/


Library, files and import-related exceptions.


Network-related exceptions (connection errors, etc.).


Misuse of the framework (most frequent one)

    knx.connect("invalid", 3671)
except BOFNetworkError as bne:
    print("Connection failure: ".format(str(bne)))

   pkt.update("unknown", 4)
except BOFProgrammingError:
   print("Field does not exist.")     

Logging features can be enabled for the entire framework. They are disabled by default. Events are stored to a file (default name is bof.log). One can make direct call to bof's logger to record custom events.

bof.log("Cannot send data to {0}:{1}".format(ip, port), level="ERROR")