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What is this?

A lightweight, multi-threaded Core Data stack. Design goals are ease of use, compile-time checks, and wrappers for some common use cases.

This library is intended to cover most use-cases, favor convention over configuration, and simply make your life easier. It's probably not for you if you have some special requirements, e.g., a complex setup with multiple managed object models. For something that covers all your bases, you might want to check out MagicalRecord.

Installation and setup

  1. Add as a pod.
  2. Import OGCoreDataStackCore.h in prefix.pch.
  3. Optionally import NSManagedObjectContext+OGCoreDataStackContexts.h and NSManagedObject+OGCoreDataStackUniqueId.h as well.

The library has only one persistent store coordinator and one persistent store. It's lazily loaded. If you need to customize it, call

+ (void)og_setupWithStoreType:(NSString *)storeType options:(NSDictionary *)options;

before first use. No other setup is required. It should automatically detect your managed object model (assuming you have one and only one).


Context-centric design

You can use contexts in multiple ways. Instead of forcing you to use one or two contexts (for instance, one context for keeping the UI updated and one context for importing data), it's your responsibility to create contexts as needed. You can have a few long-lived contexts, or you can discard them as needed, or mix and match with one context that retains its objects and other contexts for manipulating data as needed. It's up to you.

Important to note is that all contexts are directly tied to the persistent store coordinator. If you need to keep other contexts updated, use

- (void)og_observeSavesInContext:(NSManagedObjectContext *)context;


- (void)og_stopObservingSavesInContext:(NSManagedObjectContext *)context;

Optionally, you may use the Contexts subspec, which provides two contexts for you: one context for the main thread, and one context for heavy operations running in the background. The main thread context observes changes in the background context.


Managing objects is done via class methods on the managed object subclasses.


To create an object:

MyManagedObjectClass* object = [MyManagedObjectClass og_createObjectInContext:context];


To fetch objects:

NSArray* objects = [MyManagedObjectClass og_fetchWithRequest:^(NSFetchRequest *request) {

	// set filter predicate and sort descriptors here

} context:context];


To count objects:

NSUInteger count = [MyManagedObjectClass og_countWithRequest:^(NSFetchRequest *request) {

	// set filter predicate here

} context:context];


To delete objects, you can either do it directly:

[myObject og_delete];

or via a fetch:

[MyManagedObjectClass og_deleteWithRequest:^(NSFetchRequest *request) {

	// set filter predicate here

} context:context];

Batch update (requires iOS 8+)

To update attribute values on objects without fetching them to memory, use:

NSNumber* updatedObjectCount;

BOOL success = [MyManagedObjectClass og_updateWithRequest:^(NSBatchUpdateRequest* request) {
    // set filter predicate and resultType here, e.g
    request.resultType = NSUpdatedObjectsCountResultType;
} context:context result:&updatedObjectsCount];

Asynchronous fetch (requires iOS 8+)

To fetch objects asynchronously:

NSPersistentStoreAsynchronousResult* result = [MyManagedObjectClass og_fetchAsynchronouslyWithRequest:^(NSFetchRequest* request) {
        // set filter predicate here
    } progressTotal:1 context:context completion:^(BOOL success, NSArray* objects, NSError* error) {
        if (success)
            // do something the the objects
            // check the error

You can check the progress of the operation:

NSProgress* progress = result.progress;

You can cancel the operation:

[result cancel];

Unique ID's

While Core Data is not a relational database, it's often used to cache data from a database such as this. If this is something you want to do, it's useful to give each object an id property. To do this, use the UniqueId subspec, and in your NSManagedObject subclass, override:

+ (NSString *)og_uniqueIdAttributeName;

Return the name of the attribute to be used as an id property. This allows you to use a few convenience methods for creating and fetching objects:

MyObject* object = [MyObject og_objectWithUniqueId:@873 allowNil:YES context:context];

And for multiple objects:

NSArray* objects = [MyObject og_objectsWithUniqueIds:idArray allowNil:YES context:context];

If allowNil is NO, objects are created for any id's that don't have corresponding objects.

Vending objects

OGCoreDataStackVendor is a decorator for NSFetchedResultsController, with subclasses for using it as a data source for UITableViews and UICollectionViews. To use a vendor as data source for a UITableView, use the Vendor subspec, and create an instance of the tableview-specific subclass of the vendor:

self.myVendor = [[OGTableViewManagedObjectVendor alloc] init];

[self.myVendor setEntity:EntityClass.class request:^(NSFetchRequest* request) {
	// sort and filter the entity here

} context:myUIContext sectionNameKeyPath:nil cacheName:nil];

self.myVendor.tableView = myTableView;
self.myVendor.vending = YES;

You still need to implement the UITableViewDataSource protocol, but use the vendor to keep track of number of sections, number of objects per section and fetching objects for an indexPath. The vendor will then keep your tableview updated as the underlying objects change.


  • If you don't disable Foundation assertions in production code, you might end up with some unnecessary exceptions.
  • Uses the @import keyword, so enable modules.


More specific documentation in the headers. It's really very easy to use if you understand the basic concepts of Core Data. Check out Apple's documentation.