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Releases: OrangeSpork/Graphics


05 Feb 01:04
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New Feature: Additional Camlights. May be applied to directional or spot lights. The light rotation (and position in case of spots) is applied as an offset to the camera rotation/position creating a light that is always oriented and positioned in the same location relative to the camera.

Tweak: The Post Exposure and Range Intensity sliders (Post Exposure now has a slider) in Color Grading have newly limited ranges. This should allow the sliders to actually have a useful effect instead of the ludicrously overbroad numbers previously.


09 Jan 01:04
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Fix: Fixed Mirrors + VAO (note the VAO effect itself doesn't particularly work through the mirror, this just prevents the mirrors from breaking completely when VAO is on)


04 Jan 22:31
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Added Volumetric Ambient Occlusion Post Processing Effect - Thanks to large code contribution from Hanmen!


23 Nov 04:21
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Fixed: Issue with vanilla Illusion settings overwriting Scene settings when loading scenes. Graphics mod should more reliably win now.


16 Nov 22:21
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Fix: CTAA enabling on startup even when not selected AA mode


16 Nov 05:21
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Fix: Some defensive fixes around Reflection Probe and Light Settings application in the Main Game

Preview: New CTAA (Cinematic Temporal Anti-Aliasing) Alternate to the Unity TAA Implementation.


01 Nov 23:56
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Importing scenes will no longer replace the graphics settings with the ones from the importing scene.


25 Oct 05:22
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GTAO working in Forward Rendering Mode
Further fixes to light setting saving (fixed some edge cases where lights would swap settings)
Tweak to preset window layout for better space usage.

25 Sep 23:15
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Named Light Fixes (Studio)

  • Named Lights save settings correctly
  • Renaming a light will also rename it's workspace tag

GTAO Post Processing Effect

  • This is a deferred mode only Ambient Occlusion Post Processing Effect that can be used instead of the Unity AO Post Processing Effect
  • Note this is for environmental effects, it applies to maps mostly (along with a few select other shaders) not characters


15 Sep 03:59
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HS2 - Main Game - Map Light Presets

(A.I. Girl users - your latest version is 0.4.2, just below this [don't forget to expand the asset section to see the downloads])

Adds the ability to save per map light & reflection probe settings. Other settings still load from the presets as prior. There is only one preset slot per map. Buttons at the top of the Light tab save the preset, reload the saved preset or load the original default lights.

Map light presets have the .light extension and are saved in the mapLightPresets subdirectory of your presets folder. They are shareable if you like. Presets with the -original suffix are where the original pre-modification lighting setup is saved, only overwrite these if you want to replace the original default for some reason.

Added ability to add directional lights to main game scenes (previously was just maker). You can save these in a preset to have them stick around in future uses of the scene. Reloading the preset or default won't remove these lights, you'll need to manually click the (-) button next to the light to get rid of one and then save the preset.

Note: changes to light rotation is only saved for custom added lights, as the game needs to actually manage rotation on other lights itself.