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Infrastructure helpers

This code can be used to set up the standard infrastructure of Orckestra apps.


  • reducers: A plain JS object containing reducer functions as consumed by combineReducers() from redux-immutable. The returned store will use the keys of the reducers as their keys in the state. Should not contain the keys locale, navigation, router, requests, toasts, or view, as these are in use for internationalization, navigation info, routing, request tracking and view data, respectively.
  • devOptions: An options object for the dev tools, as described in the Redux dev tools documentation.

Constructs a state store with support for dev tools (as browser extension), routing, localization, API access and Immutable state.


  • highlight: A string containing a CSS color.
  • overrides: An object containing values to be merged into the returned theme.

Builds a theme objedct for use with styled-components. This contains lengths, colors, fonts and icon names for use in the application. As a side effect of importing getTheme.js, the standard UI fonts (Roboto Condensed and Open Sans) will also be imported.


This middleware is added by default when using buildStore. and permits adding 'spawners' to action types. Spawners are functions which can create and dispatch a new action based on the caught action and current state,


The utils folder contains a number of useful utility functions, for use in various parts of the application.

Content utilities

insertIcons(svgString) takes a string of SVG, parses it and inserts it into the body of the DOM. It is useful for adding dynamically and/or statically imported icon sheets (i.e. collections of <symbol> tags) to the site, as Webpack will provide the string content of imported SVG files. If the imported SVG is malformed, no SVG will be injected. If the SVG contains non-<symbol> SVG, behavior is undefined but likely shows the SVG in a non-useful way.

Utilities for styled-components

getThemeProp(path, defaultValue) will return a prop function (suitable for use in a styled-components template string) that finds the value indicated by path (an array of strings), or returns defaultValue if that fails. Both defaultValue and elements of path may be prop functions themselves.

ifFlag(flag, thenVal, elseVal) returns a prop function that checks if a prop of name flag is true, and returns thenVal if it is, elseVal if it is not. Both of the value parameters may be prop functions.

switchEnum(propName, cases) returns a prop function that will fetch a value (including functions) based on a property. propName defines the name of the property to select by, cases should be a key/value object. The 'default' key is used if no key is matched.

API utilities

loadConfig() loads in the config.json file (by fetching it at runtime, not as an imported module) in order to gain access to the API location, version number etc. It returns a promise, which when resolved signals the availability the API. This is required to be called first and allowed to complete before dispatching API actions using the buildUrl() helper function.

buildUrl(pathParts, queryObject) constructs an absolute URL for an Orckestra API end point. The pathParts parameter is an array of strings defining the path, for example ['my', 'application'] will target the /api/my/application endpoint. queryObject should be an object of key/value pairs that will become search query parameters, for example { IncludeChildren: true, IncludeCurrency: true } turns into ?IncludeChildren=true&IncludeCurrency=true. It is best used together with makeOrcApiAction(), q.v.

Data utilities

safeGet(obj, path1, path2, ...) fetches the value found in the object at the end of all path steps given, or undefined if a step fails, and does not throw errors. Ex. safeGet({ foo: { bar: 'hat' } }, "foo", "bar") returns "hat".

unwrapImmutable(maybeImmutable) takes a value, and if it is immutable (as in Immutable.JS), returns the JS value of it, otherwise it returns the value itself.

flatten(array) will flatten nested arrays, resulting in a single-level array, for example, flatten([1,[2,3],4]) returns [1,2,3,4]. Order of elements is maintained.

flattenObj(object, separator = ".", prefix = "") will flatten nested objects, prefixing keys to identify them, i.e. flattenObj({ a: { b: true } }) returns { "a.b": true }. Optional parameters: separator is a string that will be used instead of "." to separate prefix levels; prefix is a string that will be concatenated onto the start of all keys in the resulting object.

normalizeForSearch(searchStr) lowercases the search string and strips accents from it to ease comparisons between strings. Note: on IE11, accent stripping does not work.

setTranslation(locale, immutableMap, path1, path2, ...) will look in immutableMap at the path location (see safeGet above), and if found will replace a translation message structure (ex.: { 'en-US': 'A hat', 'fr-FR': 'Un chapeau' }) with the string indicated by locale. If no match is found, the first given message string will be used as a default.

stripKey(key, obj) will return a new object containing everything in obj except the entry named by key. Example: stripKey("foo", { foo: 1, bar: 3, beep: 5 }) returns a new object { bar: 3, beep: 5 }

Function utilities

curry(func, ...parameters) will 'preload' a function with the given parameters. For instance, if we have a function update(id, fieldName, value), and we want a function updateField(value) that has a id of 45 and a field name of "Springfield", we define this by const updateField = curry(update, 45, "Springfield"). Calling updateField("Bart") is then equivalent to calling update(45, "Springfield", "Bart").

debounce(func, wait, immediate) handles many rapid calls in succession by waiting until calls have ceased for wait milliseconds before calling func. If immediate is true, it will call func immediately, and then debounce further calls as per the above.

logPass(x) takes any value, logs it to console and returns it. This is useful for inserting log calls in e.g. blockless arrow functions.

memoize(func) wraps func such that if it is called again with the same arguments, the result from the first call with those arguments is returned. This is useful for example for tying handler functions to properties in React components. However, a memoized function must be pure - i.e. it returns the same result given the same arguments, with no side effects - as it will only be executed once for a given set of arguments.

Test utilities

These should generally never be used for live code, but are highly useful tools for testing.

spyOnConsole() can be called in a describe() block, and will set up (and tear down) console.log(), console.warn() and console.error() as sinon spies. This intercepts their normal function (i.e. no messages are output), but alloows asserting on whether they have been called and with what. Highly useful for testing e.g. error display. (This was universally applied prior to orc-scripts v0.7.0.)

getElmClasses(element, parentType) creates an array containing all class names attached to the element given. The parentType parameter can be used to suppress nesting validation output for e.g. <td> elements and others which cannot legitimally reside under a <div>.

getClassName(element, index, parentType) will extract the indexed class name of an element, and is most useful for querying for styled components in a DOM tree. It does not include the class selector prefix (i.e. it outputs "myClass", not ".myClass"), so if used as a selector, the class name should be prefixed with a period. index is zero-based, and defaults to 0. In most cases you will not need this parameter.

getClassSelector(element, index, parentType) will generate a string containing a CSS selector that targets the given element's class. If index is -1, all classes on the element will be used together, otherwise it works as on getClassName above.

getStyledClassSelector(StyledComponent) discovers the most-specific class targeting elements of the StyledComponent type. Either the component itself or an element rendered from it (i.e. <StyledComponent />) will work. If the passed element is not a rendered styled component, it will throw an error.

<PropStruct /> is a React component that renders an ordered format of the properties given to it. This is extremely useful for testing hooks, higher order components and other cases where the properties passed to a component are important.