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2 Advanced Quantum programming ===============

2.1 Quantum logic gate

In classical computing, bit is the most basic unit and logic gate is the most basic control mode. We can control the circuit through combination of logic gates. Similarly, qubit is processed by the quantum logic gate. We consciously evolve quantum states by using quantum logic gates. Therefore, the quantum logic gate is the basis of the quantum algorithm.

The quantum logic gate is denoted with unitary matrix. The most common quantum logic gates operate on one or two qubits, just as the common classical logic gates operate on one or two bits.

2.1.1 Matrix form of common quantum logic gates Single-qubit quantum logic gate

$\begin{bmatrix} 1 & 0 \\ 0 & 1 \end{bmatrix}\quad$
$\begin{bmatrix} 1/\sqrt {2} & 1/\sqrt {2} \\ 1/\sqrt {2} & -1/\sqrt {2} \end{bmatrix}\quad$
$\begin{bmatrix} 1 & 0 \\ 0 & \exp(i\pi / 4) \end{bmatrix}\quad$
$\begin{bmatrix} 1 & 0 \\ 0 & 1i \end{bmatrix}\quad$
$\begin{bmatrix} 0 & 1 \\ 1 & 0 \end{bmatrix}\quad$
$\begin{bmatrix} 0 & -1i \\ 1i & 0 \end{bmatrix}\quad$
$\begin{bmatrix} 1 & 0 \\ 0 & -1 \end{bmatrix}\quad$
$\begin{bmatrix} 1/\sqrt {2} & -1i/\sqrt {2} \\ -1i/\sqrt {2} & 1/\sqrt {2} \end{bmatrix}\quad$
$\begin{bmatrix} 1/\sqrt {2} & -1/\sqrt {2} \\ 1/\sqrt {2} & 1/\sqrt {2} \end{bmatrix}\quad$
$\begin{bmatrix} \exp(-i\pi/4) & 0 \\ 0 & \exp(i\pi/4) \end{bmatrix}\quad$
$\begin{bmatrix} \cos(\theta/2) & -1i×\sin(\theta/2) \\ -1i×\sin(\theta/2) & \cos(\theta/2) \end{bmatrix}\quad$
$\begin{bmatrix} \cos(\theta/2) & -\sin(\theta/2) \\ \sin(\theta/2) & \cos(\theta/2) \end{bmatrix}\quad$
$\begin{bmatrix} \exp(-i\theta/2) & 0 \\ 0 & \exp(i\theta/2) \end{bmatrix}\quad$
$\begin{bmatrix} 1 & 0 \\ 0 & \exp(i\theta) \end{bmatrix}\quad$
$\begin{bmatrix} 1/\sqrt {2} & -\exp(i\lambda)/\sqrt {2} \\ \exp(i\phi)/\sqrt {2} & \exp(i\lambda+i\phi)/\sqrt {2} \end{bmatrix}\quad$
$\begin{bmatrix} \cos(\theta/2) & -\exp(i\lambda)×\sin(\theta/2) \\ \exp(i\phi)×\sin(\theta/2) & \exp(i\lambda+i\phi)×\cos(\theta/2) \end{bmatrix}\quad$
$\begin{bmatrix} u0 & u1 \\ u2 & u3 \end{bmatrix}\quad$ Multi-qubit quantum logic gates

$\begin{bmatrix} 1 & 0 & 0 & 0 \\ 0 & 1 & 0 & 0 \\ 0 & 0 & 0 & 1 \\ 0 & 0 & 1 & 0 \end{bmatrix}\quad$
$\begin{bmatrix} 1 & 0 & 0 & 0 \\ 0 & 1 & 0 & 0 \\ 0 & 0 & 1 & 0 \\ 0 & 0 & 0 & \exp(i\theta) \end{bmatrix}\quad$
$\begin{bmatrix} 1 & 0 & 0 & 0 \\ 0 & \cos(\theta) & -i×\sin(\theta) & 0 \\ 0 & -i×\sin(\theta) & \cos(\theta) & 0 \\ 0 & 0 & 0 & 1 \end{bmatrix}\quad$
$\begin{bmatrix} 1 & 0 & 0 & 0 \\ 0 & 0 & 1 & 0 \\ 0 & 1 & 0 & 0 \\ 0 & 0 & 0 & 1 \end{bmatrix}\quad$
$\begin{bmatrix} 1 & 0 & 0 & 0 \\ 0 & 1 & 0 & 0 \\ 0 & 0 & 1 & 0 \\ 0 & 0 & 0 & -1 \end{bmatrix}\quad$
$\begin{bmatrix} 1 & 0 & 0 & 0 \\ 0 & 1 & 0 & 0 \\ 0 & 0 & u0 & u1 \\ 0 & 0 & u2 & u3 \end{bmatrix}\quad$
$\begin{bmatrix} 1 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 \\ 0 & 1 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 \\ 0 & 0 & 1 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 \\ 0 & 0 & 0 & 1 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 \\ 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 1 & 0 & 0 & 0 \\ 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 1 & 0 & 0 \\ 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 1 \\ 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 1 & 0 \\ \end{bmatrix}\quad$

PyQPanda encapsulates all quantum logic gates as API for the use by users, and can obtain the return value of QGate type. For example, if using Hadamard gate, you can obtain it by the following ways:

from pyqpanda import *
import numpy as np
qubits = qAlloc_many(4)
h = H(qubits[0])

The parameter is the target qubit and the return value is the quantum logic gate.

Single-gate without any angle, supported by pyqpanda includes: I, H, T, S, X, Y, Z, X1, Y1, and Z1 .

The application for qubit will be introduced in the part of Quantum simulator.

Single-gate includes logic gate with a rotation angle, and RX gate is taken as an example:

rx = RX(qubits[0],np.pi/3)

The first parameter is target qubit and the second parameter is rotation angle.

Single-gate supported by pyqpanda includes logic gate with a rotation angle: RX, RY, RZ, U1 and P .

U2, U3 and U4 gates are supported by pyqpanda and used as follows:

# U2(qubit, phi, lambda)  There are two angles
u2 = U2(qubits[0],np.pi, np.pi/2)

# U3(qubit, theta, phi, lambda) There are three angles
u3 = U3(qubits[0],np.pi, np.pi/2, np.pi/4)

# U4(qubit, alpha, beta, gamma, delta) There are four angles
u4 = U4(qubits[0],np.pi, np.pi/2, np.pi/4, np.pi/2)

Except that input parameters are different, two-qubits quantum logic gate and single-qubit quantum logic gate are used by the same measure, and CNOT gate is taken as an example:

cnot = CNOT(qubits[0],qubits[1])

The first parameter is control qubit and the second parameter is target qubit.


two qubits are different.

The double logic gate not provided with angle and supported by pyqpanda includes CNOT, CZ, SWAP, iSWAP, and SqiSWAP.

Except that input parameters are different, two-qubits quantum logic gate and single-qubit quantum logic gate are used by the same measure, and CNOT gate is taken as an example:

cnot = CNOT(control_qubit, target_qubit)

CNOT gate receives two parameters, in which the first parameter is control qubit and the second parameter is target qubit.

Double logic gate supported by pyqpanda and provided with rotation angle includes CR, CU and CP.

Double-gate with rotation angle, for example, CR gate:

cr = CR(qubits[0],qubits[1],np.pi)

The first parameter is control qubit, the second parameter is target qubit, and the third parameter is the rotation angle.

The CU gate is supported and used by the following measure:

# CU(control, target, alpha, beta, gamma, delta) There are four angles
cu = CU(qubits[0],qubits[1],np.pi,np.pi/2,np.pi/3,np.pi/4)

Three-qubit quantum logic gate Toffoli is obtained by the measure:

toffoli = Toffoli(qubits[0], qubits[1], qubits[2]) 

In practice, three-qubit quantum logic gate Toffoli is CCNOT gate, and the first two parameters are control qubits and the final parameter is target qubit.

Pyqpanda also supports to add the qubit array into the quantum logic gate, that is, all qubits in the array are computed by endowing the same logic gate, and single-gate H is taken as an example:

# Returns a quantum circuit
circuit = H(Qvec);

Here, Qvec is the array to store qubits. When multiple gates are added with arrays, multiple corresponding arrays are correspondingly imported and the logic gates are computed according to the subscript sequence of the arrays.

2.1.2 Interface introduction

As mentioned at the beginning of this chapter, all quantum logic gates are of the unitary matrix, so you can also perform transposed conjugate on quantum logic gates and obtain a quantum logic gate following the quantum logic gate dagger by using the following measure:

rx_dagger = RX(qubits[0], np.pi).dagger()


rx_dagger = RX(qubits[0], np.pi)

The quantum logic gate can be added with control qubit, where the quantum logic gate controlled by a quantum logic gate may be added by the following measures:

qvec = [qubits[0], qubits[1]]
rx_control = RX(qubits[2], np.pi).control(qvec)


qvec = [qubits[0], qubits[1]]
rx_control = RX(qubits[2], np.pi)

pyqpanda also encapsulates some convenient interfaces to simply the operations of some quantum logic gates.

cir = apply_QGate(qubits, H)

All qubits are added with H gate

2.1.3 Example

The following example mainly demonstrates how to use QGate interface

from pyqpanda import *

if __name__ == "__main__":
   qubits = qAlloc_many(3)
   control_qubits = [qubits[0], qubits[1]]
   prog = create_empty_qprog()

   # Building quantum programs
   prog  << H(qubits) \
         << H(qubits[0]).dagger() \
         << X(qubits[2]).control(control_qubits)

   # Perform probability measurements on quantum programs
   result = prob_run_dict(prog, qubits, -1)

   # Print measurement results

The computing results are as follows:

{'000': 0.24999999999999295, '001': 0.0, '010': 0.24999999999999295, '011': 0.0, '100': 0.24999999999999295, '101': 0.0, '110': 0.24999999999999295, '111': 0.0}

2.2 Quantum circuit

Quantum circuit, also called as quantum logic circuit, is the most common quantum computing model, which represents a circuit to operate qubits in an abstract concept. The quantum circuit is composed of qubits, circuits (timelines), and logic gates. Quantum measurement results often require to be read out.

Distinguished from a traditional circuit that is connected by metal wires to transmit voltage or current signals, the quantum circuit is connected by timeline, that is, the natural evolution in qubit state occurs along with time, and follows the instructions of Hamiltonian operators until they are operated by logic gates.

Each quantum logic gate to constitute a quantum circuit is a unitary operator, and therefore the entire quantum circuit is also a large unitary operator.

2.2.1 Quantum algorithm circuit diagram

In the current theoretical study of quantum computing, the quantum algorithms are commonly indicated by quantum circuits, such as the quantum circuit diagram of HHL algorithm listed below.

2.2.2 Interface introduction

In pyQPanda, QCircuit is a container type and only carries quantum logic gates. Besides, it is also a type of QNode. One QCircuit object can be initialized by the following two measures:

cir = QCircuit()


cir = create_empty_circuit()

You can populate nodes into the end of QCircuit with the following ways, in which pyqpanda reloads << operators as a way to insert the quantum circuit.

cir << node

Node may be either QGate or QCircuit.

We can also obtion the quantum circuit after the transposed conjugate of QCircuit by the following way:

cir_dagger = cir.dagger()

If you want to replicate the current quantum circuit and add control qubits to the replicated quantum circuit, the following ways can be adopted:

qvec = [qubits[0], qubits[1]]
cir_control = cir.control(qvec)


● No error is reported when QPorg, QIf and Measure are inserted into QCircuit, but unexpected errors may occur during the operation.

● One constituted QCircuit cannot directly conduct quantum computing and simulation, which requires to be further constituted into QProg.

2.2.3 Example

from pyqpanda import *

if __name__ == "__main__":

    qubits = qAlloc_many(4)
    cbits = cAlloc_many(4)

    # Building quantum programs
    prog = QProg()
    circuit = create_empty_circuit()

    circuit << H(qubits[0]) \
            << CNOT(qubits[0], qubits[1]) \
            << CNOT(qubits[1], qubits[2]) \
            << CNOT(qubits[2], qubits[3])

    prog << circuit << Measure(qubits[0], cbits[0])

    # The quantum program runs 1000 times and returns the measurement
    result = run_with_configuration(prog, cbits, 1000)

    # The number of times the printed quantum state appears in the result 
# of multiple runs of the quantum program

Running results:

{'0000': 486, '0001': 514}

2.3 QWhile

The operations are controlled circularly by the quantum program; the input parameters are considered as the conditional judgment expression, with the function to execute the while loop operation.

2.3.1 Interface introduction

In pyQPanda, QWhileProg is used to execute the while loop operation of the quantum program, and also regarded as a type of QNode; one QWhileProg object can be initialized by the following two measures:

qwile = QWhileProg(ClassicalCondition, QNode)


qwile = create_while_prog(ClassicalCondition, QNode)

The abovementioned functions need to have two types of parameters, namely quantum expression of ClassicalCondition and QNode, where passable QNode includes QProg, QCircuit, QGate, QWhileProg, QIfProg, and QMeasure.

2.3.2 Example

from pyqpanda import *

if __name__ == "__main__":

    qubits = qAlloc_many(3)
    cbits = cAlloc_many(3)

    prog = QProg()
    prog_while = QProg()

    # Build the loop branch of QWhile
    prog_while << H(qubits[0]) << H(qubits[1])<< H(qubits[2])\
            << assign(cbits[0], cbits[0] + 1)\
<< Measure(qubits[1], cbits[1])

    # Build a QWhile
    qwhile = create_while_prog(cbits[1], prog_while)

    # QWhile is inserted into the quantum program
    prog << qwhile

    # Run and print the measurement results
    result = directly_run(prog)

Running results:

{'c1': False}

2.4 QIf

QIf refers to the conditional judgment of quantum program; the input parameters are considered as the conditional judgment expression, with the function to execute the conditional judgment.

2.4.1 Interface introduction

In pyQPanda, QIfProg is used to execute the conditional judgment of quantum program, and also regarded as a type of QNode; one QIfProg object can be initialized by the following two measures:

qif = QIfProg(ClassicalCondition, QNode)
qif = QIfProg(ClassicalCondition, QNode, QNode)


qif = create_if_prog(ClassicalCondition, QNode)
qif = create_if_prog(ClassicalCondition, QNode, QNode)

The mentioned function needs to have two types of parameters, namely quantum expression of ClassicalCondition and QNode. When one QNode parameter passes, QNode is correct branch node. When two QNode parameters pass, the first parameter is a correct branch node and the second parameter is a wrong branch node. Passable QNode includes QProg, QCircuit, QGate, QWhileProg, QIfProg and QMeasure.

2.4.2 Example

from pyqpanda import *

if __name__ == "__main__":

    qubits = qAlloc_many(3)
    cbits = cAlloc_many(3)

    prog = QProg()
    branch_true = QProg()
    branch_false = QProg()

    # Build the right and wrong branches of QIf
    branch_true << H(qubits[0])<< H(qubits[1]) << H(qubits[2])
branch_false << H(qubits[0]) << CNOT(qubits[0], qubits[1])\
 << CNOT(qubits[1], qubits[2])

    # Build QIf
    qif = create_if_prog(cbits[0] > cbits[1], branch_true, branch_false)

    # QIf is inserted into the quantum program
    prog << qif

# Probability measurement, and returns the probability measurement
# result of the target qubit, subscript decimal
    result = prob_run_tuple_list(prog, qubits, -1)

    # Print the probability measurement results

Running results:

[(0, 0.4999999999999999), (7, 0.4999999999999999), (1, 0.0), (2, 0.0), (3, 0.0), (4, 0.0), (5, 0.0), (6, 0.0)]

2.5 Quantum program

For the compilation and construction of the quantum program, the quantum program is designed. Generally, it can be understood as an operation sequence. As the quantum algorithm also includes classical computing, so the industrial assumption is that the quantum computer in the immediate future is a hybrid structure and composed of two parts: one is the classical computer for classical computing and control; and the other is the quantum equipment for quantum computing. pyQPanda considers the programming procedure of quantum program as a part of classical program running, and the entire peripheral host program must contain the part of quantum program creation.

2.5.1 Interface introduction

In pyQPanda, QProg is a container type of quantum programming and the highest unit of one quantum program. It is also a type of QNode; and one QProg object is initialized by the following measures:

prog = QProg()


prog = create_empty_qprog()

Quantum programs can also be constructed through the existing QNode, for example:

qubit = qAlloc()
gate = H(qubit)
prog = QProg(gate)  

The quantum programs of QCircuit, QGate, QWhileProg, QIfProg, ClassicalCondition, and QMeasure may be constructed by the similar measure.

You can populate nodes into the end of QProg with the following ways, in which pyqpanda reloads << operators as a way to insert the quantum circuit.

prog << node

QNode includes QGate, QPorg, QIf, Measure and the like; and QProg supports insertion of all types of QNode.

2.5.2 Example

from pyqpanda import *

if __name__ == "__main__":

    qubits = qAlloc_many(4)
    cbits = cAlloc_many(4)
    prog = QProg()

    # Building quantum programs
    prog << H(qubits[0]) \
         << X(qubits[1]) \
         << iSWAP(qubits[0], qubits[1]) \
         << CNOT(qubits[1], qubits[2]) \
         << H(qubits[3]) \
         << measure_all(qubits, cbits)

    # The quantum program runs 1000 times and returns the measurement
    result = run_with_configuration(prog, cbits, 1000)

    # The number of times the printed quantum state appears in the result 
# of multiple runs of the quantum program

Running results:

{'0001': 255, '0111': 253, '1001': 258, '1111': 247}

2.6 Quantum simulator

Before an actual quantum computer is not constituted, the quantum simulators are used to undertake the verification of quantum algorithms and quantum applications. pyQPanda supports full-amplitude quantum simulator, single-amplitude quantum simulator, partial-amplitude quantum simulator and noise inclusive quantum simulator.

2.6.1 Full-amplitude quantum simulator

The full-amplitude quantum simulator can simulate all amplitudes of the quantum state at one time, supports the computing ways such as CPU, single-circuit computing and GPU, and performs configurations during the initialization by the same way, but has different computing efficiency. Interface introduction

Type of full-amplitude quantum simulator:

class QMachineType(__pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object):





In pyQPanda, the quantum simulator is constructed by the following ways:

# With init, qvm is not returned and a global qvm is generated in the code
auto qvm = init_quantum_machine(QMachineType.CPU) 
# Get the quantum machine object through the interface
qvm = CPUQVM() 
# Create a new Quantum Machine object


The functions of init and init_quantum_machine functions are not thread-safe and not suitable for multi-threaded programming, and the maximum number of qubits and the number of classical registers are both 25 by default.

The quantum simulator needs to be initialized after configuration:



No initialization is required when init and init_quantum_machineinterfaces are invoked.

Now, we need to apply for qubits and classical registers.

Setting of the maximum number of qubits

# Set the maximum number of qubits and the maximum number of classical
# registers
qvm.set_configure(30, 30)


If this parameter not set, the maximum number of qubits is 29 by default.

For example, we apply for 4 qubits:

qubits = qvm.qAlloc_many(4)

This interface can be used when a qubit is applied:

qubit = qvm.qAlloc()

The classical register is also applied by the interface similar to that to apply for the qubit; and the application method is identical to the qubit application method, for example, the method of applying four classical registers:

cbits = qvm.cAlloc_many(4)

Such interface may be used when one classical register is applied:

cbit = qvm.cAlloc()

In a quantum simulator, qubits or classical registers are applied several times, and therefore we want to know how many qubits or classical registers are applied by the following methods:

num_qubit = qvm.get_allocate_qubit_num() # Number of qubits applied
num_cbit = qvm.get_allocate_cmem_num() # Number of classical registers 
# applied

How should we use simulator to execute quantum programs? The following methods can be adopted:

prog = QProg()
prog << H(qubits[0]) << CNOT(qubits[0], qubits[1])\ 
<< Measure(qubits[0], cbits[0])
result = qvm.directly_run(prog) # Execution of quantum program

If you want to run a quantum program and obtain the results of each quantum program, we also provide an interface run_with_configuration , in addition to the recursive call of directly_run ; such interface has two reloading methods as follows:

result = qvm.run_with_configuration(prog, cbits, shots)

In a method, prog is a quantum program; cbits is ClassicalCondition list; shots as reshaped data are the running frequency of the quantum program.

result = qvm.run_with_configuration(prog, cbits, config)

In another method, prog is a quantum program; cbits is ClassicalCondition list; config is dictionary date as follows:

config = {'shots': 1000}

If you want to obtain the amplitudes of various quantum states after the quantum program runs, get_qstate function can be invoked:

stat = qvm.get_qstate()

The measurement and probability usage of the quantum simulator is the same as those introduced in quantum measurement and probability measurement, which will not be described here. Example 1

from pyqpanda import *

if __name__ == "__main__":
    qvm = CPUQVM()

    qvm.set_configure(29, 29)
    qubits = qvm.qAlloc_many(4)
    cbits = qvm.cAlloc_many(4)

    # Building a quantum program
    prog = QProg()
prog << H(qubits[0]) << CNOT(qubits[0], qubits[1])\
<< Measure(qubits[0], cbits[0])

    # The quantum program runs 1000 times and returns the measurement
    result = qvm.run_with_configuration(prog, cbits, 1000)

# Print the number of times the quantum state appears in the results of
# multiple runs of the quantum program

Running results:

{'0000': 481, '0001': 519}


The computational results of the quantum program are indefinite, but the corresponding values of 0000 and 0001 should both be approximately 500.

For the ease of use, pyqpanda also encapsulates some process-oriented interfaces, which have basically the same names and using methods as those described above. We modify the above example into a process-oriented interface as follows: Example 2

from pyqpanda import *

if __name__ == "__main__":
    qubits = qAlloc_many(4)
    cbits = cAlloc_many(4)

    # Building a quantum program
    prog = QProg()
prog << H(qubits[0]) << CNOT(qubits[0], qubits[1])\
 << Measure(qubits[0], cbits[0])

    # The quantum program runs 1000 times and returns the measurement
    result = run_with_configuration(prog, cbits, 1000)

# Print the number of times the quantum state appears in the results of
# multiple runs of the quantum program


Running results:

{'0000': 484, '0001': 516}

2.6.2 Noise inclusive quantum simulator

Restricted by the physical characteristics of the qubits, the actual quantum computer usually has the inevitable computing error. To better simulate such error in the quantum simulator, pyQPanda provides a noise inclusive quantum simulator on the basis of the quantum simulator. The noise inclusive quantum simulator is closer to the actual quantum computer in terms of simulation. We can customize the types of logic gates supported and the noise model supported by logic gates. Through the custom forms, the quantum programs developed by pyQPanda will be widely applied in practice. Introduction to noise models


DAMPING_KRAUS_OPERATOR is the relaxation process noise model of qubit. Its kraus operator and representation are as shown below:

$$\begin{aligned} K_{1}=\left[\begin{array}{cc} 1 & 0 \\\ 0 & \sqrt{1-p} \end{array}\right], K_{2}=\left[\begin{array}{cc} 0 & \sqrt{p} \\\ 0 & 0 \end{array}\right] \end{aligned}$$

A noise parameter is required.


DEPHASING_KRAUS_OPERATOR is the dephasing process noise model of qubit. Its kraus operator and representation are as shown below:

$$\begin{aligned} K_{1}=\left[\begin{array}{cc} \sqrt{1-p} & 0 \\\ 0 & \sqrt{1-p} \end{array}\right], K_{2}=\left[\begin{array}{cc} \sqrt{p} & 0 \\\ 0 & -\sqrt{p} \end{array}\right] \end{aligned}$$

A noise parameter is required.


DECOHERENCE_KRAUS_OPERATOR is the decoherence noise model and a combination of the above two noise models, and their relation is as shown below:

$P_{\text {damping }}=1-e^{-\frac{t_{\text {gate }}}{T_{1}}}, P_{\text {dephasing }}=0.5 \times\left(1-e^{-\left(\frac{t_{\text {gate }}}{T_{2}}-\frac{\text { tgate }}{2 T_{1}}\right)}\right)$ K1 = K1 damping K1 dephasing K2 = K1 damping K2 dephasing K3 = K2 dampin K1 dephasing K4 = K2 dampin K2 dephasing

Three noise parameters are required.


DEPOLARIZING_KRAUS_OPERATOR depolarization noise model means that single qubit is replaced by a completely mixed state I/2 under specific probability. Its kraus operator and representation are as shown below:

$$\begin{aligned} \begin{gathered} K_{1}=\sqrt{1-3 p / 4} \times \mathrm{I}, K_{2}=\sqrt{p} / 2 \times \mathrm{X} \\\ K_{3}=\sqrt{p} / 2 \times \mathrm{Y}, K_{4}=\sqrt{p} / 2 \times \mathrm{Z} \end{gathered} \end{aligned}$$

I, X, Y and Z respectively indicate that the matrix corresponding to their quantum logic gates

A noise parameter is required.


BITFLIP_KRAUS_OPERATOR is the qubit inversion noise model. Its kraus operator and representation are as shown below:

$$\begin{aligned} K_{1}=\left[\begin{array}{cc} \sqrt{1-p} & 0 \\\ 0 & \sqrt{1-p} \end{array}\right], K_{2}=\left[\begin{array}{cc} 0 & \sqrt{p} \\\ \sqrt{p} & 0 \end{array}\right] \end{aligned}$$

A noise parameter is required.


BIT_PHASE_FLIP_OPRATOR is the qubit-phase inversion noise model. Its kraus operator and representation are as shown below:

$$\begin{aligned} K_{1}=\left[\begin{array}{cc} \sqrt{1-p} & 0 \\\ 0 & \sqrt{1-p} \end{array}\right], K_{2}=\left[\begin{array}{cc} 0 & -i \times \sqrt{p} \\\ i \times \sqrt{p} & 0 \end{array}\right] \end{aligned}$$


PHASE_DAMPING_OPRATOR is the phase damping noise model. Its kraus operator and representation are as shown below:

$$\begin{aligned} K_{1}=\left[\begin{array}{cc} 1 & 0 \\\ 0 & \sqrt{1-p} \end{array}\right], K_{2}=\left[\begin{array}{cc} 0 & 0 \\\ 0 & \sqrt{p} \end{array}\right] \end{aligned}$$

A noise parameter is required.


Similarly, the double-gate noise model is also divided into the above-mentioned types: DAMPING_KRAUS_OPERATOR,







They have the same input parameters as the single-gate noise model; their kraus operator and representation correspond to those of the single-gate noise model: if the single-gate noise model is {K1, K2}, the corresponding double-gate noise model is {K1⊗K1, K1⊗K2, K2⊗K1, K2⊗K2}. Interface introduction

Noise model supported currently by pyqpanda

class NoiseModel(__pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object):










A noise parameter is set by the following method:

from pyqpanda import *
import numpy as np

qvm = NoiseQVM()
q = qvm.qAlloc_many(4)
c = qvm.cAlloc_many(4)

# If no function qubit is specified, all qubits are valid
qvm.set_noise_model(NoiseModel.BITFLIP_KRAUS_OPERATOR, GateType.PAULI_X_GATE, 0.1)
# When specifying a qubit, only the specified qubit takes effect
qvm.set_noise_model(NoiseModel.BITFLIP_KRAUS_OPERATOR, GateType.RY_GATE, 0.1,\ [q[0], q[1]])
# When you specify a qubit for a double gate, you need to specify two qubits at
# the same time and are sensitive to the sequence of the qubits
qvm.set_noise_model(NoiseModel.DAMPING_KRAUS_OPERATOR, GateType.CNOT_GATE, 0.1,\ [[q[0], q[1]],[q[1], q[2]]])
# Noise can be added to all types in the circuit
qvm.set_noise_model(NoiseModel.BITFLIP_KRAUS_OPERATOR, types, 0.1)
qvm.set_noise_model(NoiseModel.DECOHERENCE_KRAUS_OPERATOR, types, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3)
qvm.set_noise_model(NoiseModel.DAMPING_KRAUS_OPERATOR, GateType.CNOT_GATE, 0.1, q)

The first paramenter is the type of the noise modle; the second parameter is the type of the quantum logic gate; and the third parameter is required for the noise modle.

Three noise parameters are set by the following method:

# If no function qubit is specified, all qubits are valid
qvm.set_noise_model(NoiseModel.DECOHERENCE_KRAUS_OPERATOR, GateType.PAULI_Y_GATE,\
5, 2, 0.01)
# When specifying a qubit, only the specified qubit takes effect
qvm.set_noise_model(NoiseModel.DECOHERENCE_KRAUS_OPERATOR, GateType.Y_HALF_PI,\
5, 2, 0.01, [q[0], q[1]])
# When you specify a qubit for a double gate, you need to specify two qubits at the same
# time and are sensitive to the sequence of the qubits
qvm.set_noise_model(NoiseModel.DECOHERENCE_KRAUS_OPERATOR, GateType.CZ_GATE,\
5, 2, 0.01, [[q[0], q[1]], [q[1], q[0]]])
# Noise can be added to all Gatetype in the circuit
qvm.set_noise_model(NoiseModel.BITFLIP_KRAUS_OPERATOR, types, 0.1)
qvm.set_noise_model(NoiseModel.DECOHERENCE_KRAUS_OPERATOR, types, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3)
qvm.set_noise_model(NoiseModel.DAMPING_KRAUS_OPERATOR, GateType.CNOT_GATE, 0.1, q)

The noise inclusive simulator also supports the error of the rotation angle of the quantum logic gate with an angle, and its interface usage is as shown below:


Namely, the error of the rotation angle is set to 0.05.

The measurement error is set by the method similar to the above setting method, except that the type of the quantum logic gate is not designated.

qvm.set_measure_error(NoiseModel.DEPOLARIZING_KRAUS_OPERATOR, 0.1)

Setting of reset noise:

p0 = 0.9
p1 = 0.05
qvm.set_reset_error(p0, p1)

p0 is the probability to reset noise to |0⟩; p1 is the probability to reset noise to |1⟩; and the probability not to reset noise is 1-p0-p1.

Setting of read error:

f0 = 0.9
f1 = 0.85
qvm.set_readout_error([[f0, 1 - f0], [1 - f1, f1]])

When reading q0, the probability to read 0 as 0 is 0.9, the probability to read 0 as 1 is 1 - f0, the probability to read 1 as 1 is 0.85, and the probability to read 0 as 1 is 1 - f1. Example

from pyqpanda import *
import numpy as np

if __name__ == "__main__":
    qvm = NoiseQVM()
    q = qvm.qAlloc_many(4)
    c = qvm.cAlloc_many(4)

    qvm.set_noise_model(NoiseModel.BITFLIP_KRAUS_OPERATOR,\ GateType.PAULI_X_GATE, 0.1)
    qv0 = [q[0], q[1]]
GateType.HADAMARD_GATE, 0.1, qv0)
    qves = [[q[0], q[1]], [q[1], q[2]]]
    qvm.set_noise_model(NoiseModel.DAMPING_KRAUS_OPERATOR,\ GateType.CNOT_GATE, 0.1, qves)

    f0 = 0.9
    f1 = 0.85
    qvm.set_readout_error([[f0, 1 - f0], [1 - f1, f1]])

    prog = QProg()
    prog << X(q[0]) << H(q[0]) \
         << CNOT(q[0], q[1]) \
         << CNOT(q[1], q[2]) \
         << CNOT(q[2], q[3]) \
         << measure_all(q, c)

    result = qvm.run_with_configuration(prog, c, 1000)

Running results:

{'0000': 347, '0001': 55, '0010': 50, '0011': 43, '0100': 41, '0101': 18, '0110': 16, '0111': 34, '1000': 50, '1001': 18, '1010': 18, '1011': 37, '1100': 15, '1101': 49, '1110': 42, '1111': 167}

2.6.3 Single-amplitude quantum simulator

At present, we can use the classical computer to simulate quantum simulator based on relevant quantum computing theories. In terms of simulation, the quantum simulator is mainly divided into full amplitude and single amplitude. Their difference mainly lies in that: all amplitudes of the quantum state can be worked out through one-time full-amplitude simulation computing, and one of 2namplitudes only can be worked out through one single-amplitude simulation computing.

However, the full-amplitude simulation quantum computing requires relatively long time, and therefore the computing quantity increases along the number of qubits; under the existing hardware, when the number of qubits is beyond 49, no simulation is allowed. When the number of qubits is beyond 49, the simulation can be achieved by the single-amplitude quantum simulator; the simulation speed is greatly improved, and the computing quantity of the algorithm does not increase along with the number of qubits. Instructions

Its usage is very similar to the usage of the quantum simulator module described above. The main interfaces are as follows:

run: input parameters include executed quantum programs, applied qubits, maximum RANK, and maximum running time to optimize quickBB

pmeasure_bin_index: input parameters are binary index strings, and output parameters are the quantum state under the index. Before use, run interface requires to be invoked, such as pmeasure_bin_index("0000000000"); meanwhile, it is ensured that the string length is the same as the number of qubits measured.

pmeasure_dec_index: input parameters are decimal index strings, and output parameters are the quantum state under the index. Before use, run interface requires to be invoked, such as pmeasure_dec_index("1"); meanwhile, it is ensured that the index is not beyond 2 to the power of n (n is the number of qubits).

get_prob_dict: input parameters include quantum program to be executed and qubits to be measured. Output parameters are all state results of the corresponding qubits. Before use, run interface requires to be invoked, It should be noted that the interface can be used when the number of qubits is within 30.

prob_run_dict: input parameters include quantum program to be executed and qubits to be measured. Output parameters are all state results of the corresponding qubits. It should be noted that the interface can be used when the number of qubits is within 30.

Firstly, initialize a single-amplitude quantum simulator object through SingleAmpQVM in order to manage a series of subsequent behaviors.

from pyqpanda import *
from numpy import pi

qvm = SingleAmpQVM()

Secondly, initialize, construct and carry the quantum programs:


qv = qvm.qAlloc_many(10)
cv = qvm.cAlloc_many(10)

prog = QProg()

# Building quantum programs
prog << CZ(qv[1], qv[5])\
    << CZ(qv[3], qv[5])\
    << CZ(qv[2], qv[4])\
    << CZ(qv[3], qv[7])\
    << CZ(qv[0], qv[4])\
    << RY(qv[7], pi / 2)\
    << RX(qv[8], pi / 2)\
    << RX(qv[9], pi / 2)\
    << CR(qv[0], qv[1], pi)\
    << CR(qv[2], qv[3], pi)\
    << RY(qv[4], pi / 2)\
    << RZ(qv[5], pi / 4)\
    << RX(qv[6], pi / 2)\
    << RZ(qv[7], pi / 4)\
    << CR(qv[8], qv[9], pi)\
    << CR(qv[1], qv[2], pi)\
    << RY(qv[3], pi / 2)\
    << RX(qv[4], pi / 2)\
    << RX(qv[5], pi / 2)\
    << CR(qv[9], qv[1], pi)\
    << RY(qv[1], pi / 2)\
    << RY(qv[2], pi / 2)\
    << RZ(qv[3], pi / 4)\
    << CR(qv[7], qv[8], pi)

The interface is used as follows:

pmeasure_bin_index is combined with run method in use. Example:, qv)
dec_result = qvm.pmeasure_bin_index("0001000000")
print("0001000000 : ",dec_result)

Output results are as follows:

0001000000 :  0.001953123603016138

pmeasure_dec_index is combined with run method in use. Example:, qv)
dec_result = qvm.pmeasure_dec_index("2")
print("2 : ",dec_result)

Output results are as follows:

2 :  0.001953123603016138

get_prob_dict is combined with run method in use. Example:, qv)
res = qvm.get_prob_dict(qv)

prob_run_dict interface is the encapsulation of get_prob_dict and run, with the example as follows:

res_1 = qvm.prob_run_dict(prog, qv)

2.6.4 Partial-amplitude quantum simulator

At present, the classical computer simulates the quantum simulator mainly by full amplitude and single amplitude. Besides, the partial-amplitude quantum simulator can realize higher simulation efficiency under the lower hardware conditions. Instructions

The usage of the partial-amplitude quantum simulator is very similar to that of the quantum simulator module described above. Firstly, initialize a partial-amplitude quantum simulator object through PartialAmpQVM in order to manage a series of subsequent behaviors.

from pyqpanda import *
from numpy import pi
machine = PartialAmpQVM()

Secondly, initialize, construct and carry the quantum programs, where the quantum programs are demonstrated in the partial-amplitude example program of ref: of pyQPanda.


q = machine.qAlloc_many(10)
c = machine.cAlloc_many(10)

# Building quantum programs
prog = QProg()
prog << hadamard_circuit(q)\
     << CZ(q[1], q[5])\
     << CZ(q[3], q[7])\
     << CZ(q[0], q[4])\
     << RZ(q[7], pi / 4)\
     << RX(q[5], pi / 4)\
     << RX(q[4], pi / 4)\
     << RY(q[3], pi / 4)\
     << CZ(q[2], q[6])\
     << RZ(q[3], pi / 4)\
     << RZ(q[8], pi / 4)\
     << CZ(q[9], q[5])\
     << RY(q[2], pi / 4)\
     << RZ(q[9], pi / 4)\
     << CZ(q[2], q[3])

Partial interfaces are used as follows:

pmeasure_bin_index(string), example

result = machine.pmeasure_bin_index("0000000000")

Output results are as follows:


pmeasure_dec_index(string), example

result = machine.pmeasure_dec_index("1")

Output results are as follows:


pmeasure_subset(state_index), example

state_index = ["0", "1", "2"]
result = machine.pmeasure_subset(state_index)

Output results are as follows:

{'0': (-0.00647208746522665-0.006472080945968628j),
 '1': (-6.068964220062867e-10-0.009152906015515327j),
 '2': (-6.984919309616089e-10-0.009152908809483051j)}


Partial old interfaces, including get_qstate(), pmeasure(string), pmeasure(string) and get_prob_dict(qvec,string), have been obsoleted.

2.6.5 Tensor network quantum simulator

For a spin system with N qubits, its dimension of Hilbert space is 2N With respect to the state evolution of the complex system, the traditional full-amplitude simulator considers it as a one-dimensional vector with 2Nelements.

Viewed from the tensor network, the coefficient of the entire system quantum state corresponds to 2Ndimension tensor (namely, N-order tensor with N indicators respectively taking 2 as dimension); the coefficient of the quantum operator is 22Ndimension tensor (namely, 2N-order tensor with 2N indicators respectively taking 2 as dimension); the quantum state can be denoted by the following graphs:

As the number of spins of the quantum system increases, the number of quantum state coefficients increases exponentially, which is considered as the exponential wall. The exponential wall limits the maximum number of simulation spins and performance of the traditional full-amplitude simulator.

However, the exponential wall can be addressed by the tensor network, so as to avoid its influence. In the tensor network, our simulation of quantum system, including operation and measurement of quantum logic gate, can be realized through the contraction and decomposition of tensors. The matrix product state is the most common representation in the tensor network and taken as TT (tensor-train) in the multi-linear algebra, as illustrated below.

The quantum state is decomposed as the representation form (namely, the right side of the equation); for some quantum logic gates in the quantum circuit, the global problems can be transformed into a local tensor problem, thereby effectively reducing the time complexity and space complexity. Applications

In the simulation method of quantum circuit, it is very important to select the appropriate simulation backend. Different quantum circuit simulators have the application places as follows:

Full-amplitude quantum simulator: the full-amplitude quantum simulator can simultaneously simulate and store all the amplitudes of the quantum state. However, due to the restrictions of the machine memory, the limit of qubit is 50 bits and suitable for quantum circuits with low qubits and high depth, such as Google random quantum circuits with low bits and scenarios required for the acquisition of all simulation results.

Partial-amplitude quantum simulator: the partial-amplitude quantum simulator can simulate a higher number of qubits depending upon the low-bit quantum circuit amplitude simulation results provided by other simulators, but its simulation depth is reduced. Therefore, such simulator is usually used to obtain partial subset simulation results of quantum state amplitude.

Single-amplitude quantum simulator: the single-amplitude quantum simulator can simulate a higher qubit circuit diagram, have higher simulation performance, but will not increase exponentially as the number of qubits. With the increasing circuit depth, simulation performance decreases sharply; at the same time, the difficulty in simulation of more control gates also becomes its drawback, such simulator is suitable for the simulation of the high-bit low-depth quantum circuit, and usually suitable for the quick simulation to obtain single quantum state amplitude.

Tensor network quantum simulator: The tensor network simulator is similar to the single-amplitude quantum simulator; compared with the single-amplitude quantum simulator, it can simulate more control gates and have the performance advantage in higher-depth circuit simulation.

Quantum cloud simulator: the quantum cloud simulator can submit tasks to remote high-performance computing clusters for running, thereby breaking through the restrictions of the local hardware performance and supporting the quantum algorithm on the real quantum chip. Instructions

In pyqpanda,the quantum circuit can be simulated through the tensor network through MPSQVM. Like the application methods of many other simulators, the tensor network simulator is provided with the same quantum simulator interface, for example, the simple example code is given below:

from numpy import pi
from pyqpanda import *

# Build a quantum virtual machine
qvm = MPSQVM()

# Initialization operation
qvm.set_configure(64, 64)

q = qvm.qAlloc_many(10)
c = qvm.cAlloc_many(10)

# Building quantum programs
prog = QProg()
prog << hadamard_circuit(q)\
    << CZ(q[2], q[4])\
    << CZ(q[3], q[7])\
    << CNOT(q[0], q[1])\
    << Measure(q[0], c[0])\
    << Measure(q[1], c[1])\
    << Measure(q[2], c[2])\
    << Measure(q[3], c[3])

# The quantum program runs 100 times and returns the measurement
result = qvm.run_with_configuration(prog, c, 100)

# The number of times the printed quantum state appears in the result of
# multiple runs of the quantum program

qvm.finalize() Complete example code

The following example shows how to use the computing interfaces of the tensor network simulator.

from numpy import pi
from pyqpanda import *

qvm = MPSQVM()
qvm.set_configure(64, 64)

q = qvm.qAlloc_many(10)
c = qvm.cAlloc_many(10)

prog = QProg()
prog << hadamard_circuit(q)\
    << CZ(q[2], q[4])\
    << CZ(q[3], q[7])\
    << CNOT(q[0], q[1])\
    << CZ(q[3], q[7])\
    << CZ(q[0], q[4])\
    << RY(q[7], pi / 2)\
    << RX(q[8], pi / 2)\
    << RX(q[9], pi / 2)\
    << CR(q[0], q[1], pi)\
    << CR(q[2], q[3], pi)\
    << RY(q[4], pi / 2)\
    << RZ(q[5], pi / 4)\
    << Measure(q[0], c[0])\
    << Measure(q[1], c[1])\
    << Measure(q[2], c[2])

# Monte Carlo sampling simulation interface
result0 = qvm.run_with_configuration(prog, c, 100)

# Probability measurement interface
result1 = qvm.prob_run_dict(prog, [q[0], q[1], q[2]], -1)



In the above code, “run_with_configuration” and prob_run_dict interfaces are respectively used for the sampling simulation and probability measurement of Monte Carlo, and output the simulation sampling results and the probability corresponding to amplitude, and the above program has the following computing results:

# Monte Carlo sampling simulation results
{'0000000000': 7,
 '0000000001': 12,
 '0000000010': 13,
 '0000000011': 10,
 '0000000100': 16,
 '0000000101': 14,
 '0000000110': 12,
 '0000000111': 16}

# Probability measurement results
{'000': 0.12499999999999194,
 '001': 0.12499999999999185,
 '010': 0.12499999999999194,
 '011': 0.124999999999992,
 '100': 0.12499999999999198,
 '101': 0.12499999999999194,
 '110': 0.12499999999999198,
 '111': 0.12499999999999208}

2.7 Qubit pool

2.7.1 Introduction

In previous QPanda, the application, management and control of qubits and classical registers are done by the simulator. A method independent to the simulator is provided, that is, qubits and classical registers are not managed by the simulator, and can be directly applied and released by the qubit pool provided. In order to better use qubits and classical registers, we further support physical addresses in substitution of the corresponding qubits.

2.7.2 Interface description

Qubit pool:

OriginQubitPool is to get single qubit pool, and the qubits are released by applying the pool object

get_capacity is to get the maximum capacity

set_capacity sets the capacity

get_qubit_by_addr is to get the qubits through the physical address

Classical register pool:

OriginCMem is to get single classical register and the classical register is released by applying the pool object

get_capacity is to get the maximum capacity

set_capacity sets the capacity

get_cbit_by_addr is to get the qubit through the physical address

The qubit pool has the same application and release methods as the simulator. A detailed description is given in quantum simulator. Meanwhile, in use of the qubits and the classical registers, the parameters can be directly transmitted through the address corresponding to qubit.

For example: H(1) can be understood that H gate performs its function on the qubit taking 1 as the physical address. Measure(1, 1) can be understood that measurement is exerted to the qubit taking 1 as the physical address, and the results are stored into the classical register taking 1 as the address.

2.7.3 Example

from pyqpanda import *
from numpy import pi
if __name__=="__main__":
# The qubit can be separated from the virtual machine and obtain the singleton of the
# corresponding pool. Different from QPanda, the object constructed here is the singleton
# pool
    qpool = OriginQubitPool()
    qpool_1 = OriginQubitPool()
    cmem = OriginCMem()
    # Get the qubit pool capacity
    print("get_capacity : ", qpool.get_capacity())
    # Set the qubit pool capacity
    print("qpool get_capacity : ", qpool.get_capacity())
#Since the qubit pool is a singleton object, set the capacity to 20 above, where qooL_1 
# will also get the capacity to 20
    print("qpool_1 get_capacity : ", qpool_1.get_capacity())
# Apply for qubits from a qubit pool. In the singleton mode, ensure that the number of 
# applied qubits does not exceed the maximum capacity
    qv = qpool.qAlloc_many(6)
    cv = cmem.cAlloc_many(6)
    # Creating a simulator
    qvm = CPUQVM()
    prog = QProg()
    # Use the physical address directly as the qubit information input parameter
    prog << H(0)\
        << H(1)\
        << H(2)\
        << H(4)\
        << X(5)\
        << X1(2)\
        << CZ(2, 3)\
        << RX(3, pi / 4)\
        << CR(4, 5, pi / 2)\
        << SWAP(3, 5)\
        << CU(1, 3, pi / 2, pi / 3, pi / 4, pi / 5)\
        << U4(4, 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4)\
        << BARRIER([0, 1,2,3,4,5])\
        << BARRIER(0)
    # Measurement methods can also use bit physical addresses
    res_0 = qvm.prob_run_dict(prog, [ 0,1,2,3,4,5 ])
    #res_1 = qvm.prob_run_dict(prog, qv)  #同等上述方法
    # The same classical bit address can also be used as a classical bit information input
    prog << Measure(0, 0)\
        << Measure(1, 1)\
        << Measure(2, 2)\
        << Measure(3, 3)\
        << Measure(4, 4)\
        << Measure(5, 5)
    # Use the classical bit address to enter the parameter
    res_2 = qvm.run_with_configuration(prog, [ 0,1,2,3,4,5 ], 5000)
    # res_3 = qvm.run_with_configuration(prog, cv, 5000) # Same as above
# At the same time, we can also use the QV applied here again to avoid the problem of 
# applying bits for multiple times using virtual machines
qvm_noise = NoiseQVM()
    res_4 = qvm_noise.run_with_configuration(prog, [ 0,1,2,3,4,5 ], 5000)

Output results are as follows:

get_capacity :  29
qpool get_capacity :  20
qpool_1 get_capacity :  20

2.8 Quantum measurement

Quantum measurement is to obtain necessary information by externally interfering with the quantum system, and the measurement gate is measured by the Monte Carlo method. It is represented by the following icons in the quantum circuit:

2.8.1 Interface introduction

The Chapter mainly introduces obtained quantum measurement objects, quantum programs containing quantum measurement according to run configuration, as well as quick measure.

In the quantum program, we need to measure a specific qubit and store the measurement results in the classical register. Besides, a measurement object can be obtained by the following way:

measure = Measure(qubit, cbit);

It can be seen that two parameters access to Measure, where the first parameter is the measurement qubit and the second parameter is the classical register.

If you want to measure all the qubits and store them in the corresponding classical register, the following operations can be conducted:

measureprog = measure_all(qubits, cbits);

qubits is classified as QVec; and cbits is classified as ClassicalCondition list.


The measure_all returned values are classified as QProg.

After getting the program containing quantum measurement, we can invoke directly_run or run_with_configuration to get the measurement results of the quantum program.

directly_run function is to run the quantum programs and return the run results, and its usage is as follows:

prog = QProg()
prog << H(qubits[0])\
     << CNOT(qubits[0], qubits[1])\
     << CNOT(qubits[1], qubits[2])\
     << CNOT(qubits[2], qubits[3])\
     << Measure(qubits[0], cbits[0])

result = directly_run(prog)

run_with_configuration function is to count the multi-run measurement results of the quantum program, and its usage is as follows:

prog = QProg()
prog << H(qubits[0])\
     << H(qubits[0])\
     << H(qubits[1])\
     << H(qubits[2])\
     << measure_all(qubits, cbits)

result = run_with_configuration(prog, cbits, 1000)

The first parameter is the quantum program, the second parameter is ClassicalCondition list, and the third parameter is the running frequency.

2.8.2 Example

from pyqpanda import *

if __name__ == "__main__":
    qubits = qAlloc_many(4)
    cbits = cAlloc_many(4)

    # Building quantum programs
    prog = QProg()
    prog << H(qubits[0])\
         << H(qubits[1])\
         << H(qubits[2])\
         << H(qubits[3])\
         << measure_all(qubits, cbits)

    # The quantum program runs 1000 times and returns the measurement
    result = run_with_configuration(prog, cbits, 1000)

    # Print measurement results

Output results are as follows:

{'0000': 59, '0001': 69, '0010': 52, '0011': 62,
'0100': 63, '0101': 67, '0110': 79, '0111': 47,
'1000': 73, '1001': 59, '1010': 72, '1011': 60,
'1100': 61, '1101': 71, '1110': 50, '1111': 56}

2.9 Probability measurement

Probability measurement is to obtain the amplitude of target qubit, where the target qubit can be single qubit or a set of qubits. In pyQPanda, probability measurement is also named as PMeasure. Probability measurement and quantum measurement are completely different; Measure is to perform a measurement, return a definite 0/1 result, and change the quantum state.

2.9.1 Interface introduction

PyQPanda provides three ways to obtain PMeasure results, including prob_run_list, prob_run_tuple_list, and prob_run_dict.

prob_run_list is to get the list of probability measurement results of the target qubits.

prob_run_tuple_list is to get the probability measurement results of the target qubit and belongs to a dictionary; its corresponding index is of the decimal system.

prob_run_dict is to get the probability measurement results of the target qubit and belongs to a dictionary; its corresponding index is of the binary system.

The above-mentioned three functions have the same usage; and the following describes prob_run_dict as an example, and its usage is given below:

prog = QProg()
prog << H(qubits[0])\
     << CNOT(qubits[0], qubits[1])\
     << CNOT(qubits[1], qubits[2])\
     << CNOT(qubits[2], qubits[3])

result = prob_run_dict(prog, qubits, 3)

The first parameter is the quantum program; and the second parameter is QVec and defines the qubits concerned by us. When the third parameter is -1, all probability measurement results are obtained; when it is more than zero, the largest top several numbers are obtained.

2.9.2 Example

from pyqpanda import *

if __name__ == "__main__":
    qubits = qAlloc_many(2)
    cbits = cAlloc_many(2)

    prog = QProg()
    prog << H(qubits[0])\
        << CNOT(qubits[0], qubits[1])

    print("prob_run_dict: ")
    result1 = prob_run_dict(prog, qubits, -1)

    print("prob_run_tuple_list: ")
    result2 = prob_run_tuple_list(prog, qubits, -1)

    print("prob_run_list: ")
    result3 = prob_run_list(prog, qubits, -1)


Output results are as follows:

{'00': 0.4999999999999999, '01': 0.0, '10': 0.0, '11': 0.4999999999999999}
[(0, 0.4999999999999999), (3, 0.4999999999999999), (1, 0.0), (2, 0.0)]
[0.4999999999999999, 0.0, 0.0, 0.4999999999999999]


Probability measurement is not applicable to the noise simulator.

2.10 OriginQ Cloud service

In complex quantum circuit simulation, there is a need to use the high-performance computer cluster or the real quantum computer to replace local computing with cloud computing, which will result in reducing the user's computing cost to a certain extent and obtaining the better computing experience.

Origin quantum cloud platform submits tasks to the remote quantum computer or computing cluster through the scheduling server and receives returned results, as shown in Figure below.

As pyqpanda encapsulates the quantum cloud simulator, it can send computing instructions to the computing server cluster of the origin quantum or the real quantum chip, and obtain computing results. Before using the simulators described below, you need to ensure that the corresponding simulators have been launched.

2.10.1 Real chip computing service Origin Wuyuan superconducting chip

Origin Wuyuan is the superconducting quantum computer developed independently by Origin Quantum on September 12, 2020 (which carries 6-qubit superconducting quantum processor KF C6-130). Benefited from the Origin superconducting quantum computing cloud platform, the quantum computer can escape from the laboratory, provide many potential industries with basic conditions to explore quantum computing, and promote the implementation and engineering development of quantum computing industry, thereby truly serving the human society.

As a bridge to link the user with the quantum computing system, the superconducting quantum computing cloud platform plays a crucial coordination and transfer role in the process in which the user initiates computing tasks to the quantum system and the quantum system completes the tasks and returns the computing results.

The chip topology structure of Origin Wuyuan is shown below:

The corresponding chip parameters are shown in the figure below:

The interface is described as follows:

● 1.Monte Carlo measurement interface: real_chip_measure, with the example as follows:

from pyqpanda import *
PI = 3.1416
# Create a quantum cloud simulator machine through QCloud()
QCM = QCloud()
# Initialization by passing in the current user's token
QCM.init_qvm("E02BB115D5294012AA88D4BE82603984", True)
q = QCM.qAlloc_many(6)
c = QCM.cAlloc_many(6)
# Building quantum programs
prog = QProg()
prog << hadamard_circuit(q)\
    << RX(q[1], PI / 4)\
    << RX(q[2], PI / 4)\
    << RX(q[1], PI / 4)\
    << CZ(q[0], q[1])\
    << CZ(q[1], q[2])\
    << Measure(q[0], c[0])\
    << Measure(q[1], c[1])
# To invoke the real chip computing interface, at least two parameters, 
# quantum program and measurement times, are required. The next three 
# default parameters are chip type and whether line mapping and line 
# optimization functions are enabled.
result = QCM.real_chip_measure(prog, 1000, real_chip_type.origin_wuyuan_d4)

It should be noted in the above process that init requires a subscriber to import the subscriber validation token of the quantum cloud platform, and obtains it from the personal information of the OriginQ Cloud platform, and its details are shown in the following screenshot.

The output results are given below: the binary representation of the quantum state on the left and the corresponding probability of the number of measurements on the right:

● 2. Get quantum state (qst) tomography result interface: get_state_tomography_density,with the example shown below:

from pyqpanda import *

PI = 3.1416

# Create a quantum cloud simulator machine through QCloud()
QCM = QCloud()

# Initialization by passing in the current user's token
QCM.init_qvm("E02BB115D5294012AA88D4BE82603984", True)

q = QCM.qAlloc_many(6)
c = QCM.cAlloc_many(6)

# Building quantum programs
prog = QProg()
prog << hadamard_circuit(q)\
    << RX(q[1], PI / 4)\
    << RX(q[2], PI / 4)\
    << RX(q[1], PI / 4)\
    << CZ(q[0], q[1])\
    << CZ(q[1], q[2])\
    << Measure(q[0], c[0])\
    << Measure(q[1], c[1])

# To invoke the real chip computing interface, at least two parameters, 
# quantum program and measurement times, are required. The next three
# default parameters are chip type and whether line mapping and line 
# optimization functions are enabled.
result = QCM.get_state_tomography_density( prog, 1000, real_chip_type.origin_wuyuan_d4)


Output results are as follows:

[[(0.26001013684744045+0j), (0.23492143943233657+0.000760263558033436j), (0.01267105930055755+0.002280790674100364j), (-0.003547896604156095-0.003294475418144968j)],
[(0.23492143943233657-0.000760263558033436j), (0.250886974151039+0j), (0.00937658388241254+0.003547896604156081j), (0.009883426254434847-0.0025342118601114905j)],
[(0.01267105930055755-0.002280790674100364j), (0.00937658388241254-0.003547896604156081j), (0.2412569690826153+0j), (-0.2240243284338571-0.009123162696401413j)],
[(-0.003547896604156095+0.003294475418144968j), (0.009883426254434847+0.0025342118601114905j), (-0.2240243284338571+0.009123162696401413j), (0.24784591991890528+0j)]]

● 3. Get quantum state fidelity interface: ``get\_state\_fidelity``,with the example shown below:
from pyqpanda import *

PI = 3.1416

# Create a quantum cloud simulator machine through QCloud()
QCM = QCloud()

# Initialization by passing in the current user's token
QCM.init_qvm("E02BB115D5294012AA88D4BE82603984", True)

q = QCM.qAlloc_many(6)
c = QCM.cAlloc_many(6)

# Building quantum programs
prog = QProg()
prog << hadamard_circuit(q)\
    << RX(q[1], PI / 4)\
    << RX(q[2], PI / 4)\
    << RX(q[1], PI / 4)\
    << CZ(q[0], q[1])\
    << CZ(q[1], q[2])\
    << Measure(q[0], c[0])\
    << Measure(q[1], c[1])

# To invoke the real chip computing interface, at least two parameters, quantum
# program and measurement times, are required. The next three default 
# parameters are chip type and whether line mapping and line optimization 
# functions are enabled.
result = QCM.get_state_fidelity(prog, 1000, real_chip_type.origin_wuyuan_d4)


Output results are as follows:


When applying the Origin Wuyuan real chip for measurement, you often encounter various errors; the following introduces some error information, you can find out them according to given error exception information.

server connection failed refers to server downtime or server

connection failed

api key error indicates that the API-Key parameter of the subscriber

is abnormal, please confirm the personnel information on the official website.

un-activate products or lack of computing power indicates that the

subscriber does not activate products or is lack of computing power.

build system error refers to the run error of the compiling system

exceeding maximum timing sequence refers to the relatively long quantum program timing

unknown task status refers to the abnormalities of other task states


● Before using the corresponding computing interface, there is a need to ensure that the current subscriber has enabled the product.Otherwise, it is possible not to successfully submit computing tasks.

● In the noise simulation, there are respective three single-gate and double-gate parameters of decoherence, which are different from other noise.

● The measurement frequency supported by Origin Wuyuan measurement is between 1000 and 10000, and currently only supports the simulation of the quantum circuit of 6 or below qubits. Other quantum chips will be added in the future, please look forward to it.

● If you experience any problems in use, please give user feedback to us. We will solve your problems as soon as possible.

2.10.2 Origin high-performance computing cluster cloud service

The high-performance computing cluster of Origin Quantum provides various simulator computing backends with powerful functions, and is applicable to the simulation requirements for quantum circuits in different conditions, and the following introduces the complete example program:

from pyqpanda import *
import numpy as np

# Create a quantum cloud simulator machine through QCloud()
QCM = QCloud()

# Initialization by passing in the current user's token

qlist = QCM.qAlloc_many(6)
clist = QCM.cAlloc_many(6)

# Building quantum program. It can be entered manually, from OriginIR or QASM syntax
# files, etc.
measure_prog = QProg()
measure_prog << hadamard_circuit(qlist)\
             << CZ(qlist[1], qlist[5])\
             << Measure(qlist[0], clist[0])\
             << Measure(qlist[1], clist[1])

pmeasure_prog = QProg()
pmeasure_prog << hadamard_circuit(qlist)\
              << CZ(qlist[1], qlist[5])\
              << RX(qlist[2], np.pi / 4)\
              << RX(qlist[1], np.pi / 4)\

# To call the calculation interface of full-amplitude Monte Carlo measurement 
# operation, two parameters are required: quantum program and measurement times
result = QCM.full_amplitude_measure(measure_prog, 1000)
print(result) Full-amplitude simulation cloud computing

The interface is described as follows:

full_amplitude_measure (full-amplitude Monte Carlo measurement):

result0 = QCM.full_amplitude_measure(measure_prog, 100)

The second parameter required for input is the number of measurements,

and the output results are given below: the binary representation of the quantum state on the left and the corresponding probability of the number of measurements on the right:

{'00': 0.25,
 '01': 0.28,
 '10': 0.22,
 '11': 0.25}

full_amplitude_pmeasure (full-amplitude probability measurement):

result1 = QCM.full_amplitude_pmeasure(pmeasure_prog, [0, 1, 2])

The second parameter required for input is the measurement qubit, and the output results are given below: the binary representation of the quantum state on the left and the corresponding probability of the number of measurements on the right:

{'000': 0.125,
 '001': 0.125,
 '010': 0.125,
 '011': 0.125,
 '100': 0.125,
 '110': 0.125,
 '111': 0.125} Partial-amplitude simulation cloud computing

partial_amplitude_pmeasure (partial-amplitude probability measurement) :

result2 = QCM.partial_amplitude_pmeasure(pmeasure_prog, ["0", "1", "2"])

The second parameter required for input is the decimal representation of the measured quantum state amplitude, and the output results are given below: the decimal representation of the quantum state on the left and the plural amplitudes on the right:

{'0': (0.08838832192122936-0.08838833495974541j),
 '1': (0.08838832192122936-0.08838833495974541j),
 '2': (0.08838832192122936-0.08838833495974541j } Single-amplitude cloud computing

single_amplitude_pmeasure (single-amplitude probability measurement):

result3 = QCM.single_amplitude_pmeasure(pmeasure_prog, "0")

The second parameter required for input is the measured amplitude (decimal representation), and the output results are given below: only the plural amplitude corresponding to one quantum state is output:

(0.08838833056846361-0.08838833850593952j) Noise simulation cloud computing

noise_measure (noise simulator measurement):

QCM.set_noise_model(NoiseModel.BIT_PHASE_FLIP_OPRATOR, [0.01], [0.02])
result4 = QCM.noise_measure(measure_prog, 100)

The noise parameters are set through set_noise_model; the first parameter is the noise model, and the subsequent parameters are respectively the single-gate noise parameter and the double-gate noise parameter, where the noise model is defined as follows:


It can be obtained through pyqpanda enumerated NoiseModel; the interface output results are given below: the binary representation of the quantum state on the left and the corresponding probability of the number of measurements on the right:

{'00': 0.26,
 '01': 0.21,
 '10': 0.29,
 '11': 0.24} Get the quantum state tomography results

from pyqpanda import *

qm = QCloud()


qlist = qm.qAlloc_many(6)
clist = qm.cAlloc_many(6)

prog = QProg()
prog << hadamard_circuit(qlist)\
    << CZ(qlist[1], qlist[5])\
    << Measure(qlist[0], clist[0])\
    << Measure(qlist[1], clist[1])

result = qm.get_state_tomography_density(prog, 1000)

Apply the way similar to Monte Carlo measurement, with the output results as follows:

[[(0.2587544156749868-8.004934191929294e-19j), (0.251211804846972+0.001414451655940455j), (-0.008943457002333129+0.0014876032160007612j), (-0.0040247742512866495+0.007632530135083866j)],
[(0.2512118048469719-0.001414451655940456j), (0.25003193002089275-6.776263578034404e-19j), (0.0026098957997104447-0.0145657172180014j), (0.001739623577306608+0.003430686695967179j)],
[(-0.008943457002333132-0.001487603216000763j), (0.002609895799710438+0.0145657172180014j), (0.24548904782784528+2.1684043449710093e-19j), (0.2290859282493824+0.000791060320984212j)],
[(-0.0040247742512866495-0.007632530135083866j), (0.001739623577306601-0.0034306866959671776j), (0.2290859282493824-0.0007910603209842113j), (0.2457246064762752-2.710505431213761e-20j)]]


● Before using the corresponding computing interface, there is a need to ensure that the current subscriber has enabled the product. Otherwise, it is possible not to successfully submit computing tasks.

● In the noise simulation, there are respective three single-gate and double-gate parameters of decoherence, which are different from other noise.

● The measurement frequency supported by Origin Wuyuan measurement is between 1000 and 10000, and currently only supports the simulation of the quantum circuit of 6 or below qubits. Other quantum chips will be added in the future, please look forward to it.

● If you experience any problems in use, please give user feedback to us. We will solve your problems as soon as possible.