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File metadata and controls

166 lines (123 loc) · 3.95 KB

Using the layout

In order to use the layout, your views should extend from the provided base-layout

	{% extends 'AvanzuAdminThemeBundle:layout:base-layout.html.twig' %}

layout blocks

located in the title tag
located in the head. Please don't forget to use {{parent()}} when adding stylesheets in your view(s).
Also located in the head. Used to integrate modernizr.js
H1 Tag to give the current page a headline.
small tag inside the Headline to give extra information.
This is the main content area
load your js files in this block.
Instead of spreading inline scripts all over the page, you could use this block to group them.

packaged assets

the bundle comes with a set of pre packaged assets located under Resources/public/static/[dev|prod]. These are basically the assetic groups (see below) uglified and ready to use with the regular {{ asset() }} helper in combination with the application's environment.


<link rel="stylesheet" href="{{ asset('bundles/avanzuadmintheme/static/'~ app.environment ~'/styles/admin-lte-all.css') }}" />

File names

The packaged file names reflect the asset group name as follows:

  • underscores are replaced with dashes
  • _js and _css suffixes are removed
  • javascripts will be placed under scripts
  • stylesheets will be placed under styles


@admin_lte_js will be uglified into scripts/admin-lte.js

@admin_lte_all_css will be uglified into styles/admin-lte-all.css

In order to find the file you need, please refer to the following group setup.

predefined asset groups

the bundle integrates several asset groups to be used with assetic:


use the assetic provided {% javascripts %} tag to integrate one or several asset groups into your view.


	{% javascripts
	<script src="{{ asset_url }}"></script>
	{% endjavascripts %}

common_js (scripts/common.js)

  1. jquery
  2. jquery-ui
  3. undersocre
  4. backbone
  5. marionette
  6. bootstrapjs

tools_js (scripts/tools.js)

  1. momentjs
  2. holderjs
  3. spinjs

admin_lte_js (scripts/admin-lte.js)

  1. bootstrap-slider
  2. jquery.dataTables
  3. dataTables.bootstrap
  4. jquery.slimscroll
  5. adminLTE

admin_lte_forms_js (scripts/admin-lte-forms.js)

  1. bootstrap-colorpicker
  2. daterangepicker
  3. bootstrap-timepicker
  4. jquery.inputmask

admin_lte_wysiwyg (scripts/admin-lte-wysiwyg.js)

  1. bootstrap3-wysihtml

admin_lte_morris (scripts/admin-lte-morris.js)

  1. morrisjs

admin_lte_calendar (scripts/admin-lte-calendar.js)

  1. fullcalendar

admin_lte_all (scripts/admin-lte-all.js)

  1. tools_js
  2. admin_lte_forms_js
  3. admin_lte_wysiwyg
  4. admin_lte_morris
  5. admin_lte_calendar
  6. admin_lte_js


Same as with the javascript asset groups, there are predefined css groups accordingly. Please make sure to use filter="cssrewrite"


	{% stylesheets
        <link rel="stylesheet" href="{{ asset_url }}" />
    {% endstylesheets %}

admin_lte_css (styles/admin-lte.css)

  1. jquery-ui-1.10.3.custom.css
  2. bootstrap.css
  3. slider.css
  4. dataTables.bootstrap.css
  5. font-awesome.css
  6. ionicons.css
  7. AdminLTE.css

admin_lte_forms_css (styles/admin-lte-forms.css)

  1. bootstrap-colorpicker.css
  2. daterangepicker-bs3.css
  3. bootstrap-timepicker.css

admin_lte_wysiswyg_css (styles/admin-lte-wysiwyg.css)

  1. bootstrap3-wysihtml5.css

admin_lte_morris_css (styles/admin-lte-morris.css)

  1. morris.css

admin_lte_calendar_css (styles/admin-lte-calendar.css)

  1. fullcalendar.css

admin_lte_all_css (styles/admin-lte-all.css)

  1. admin_lte_calendar_css
  2. admin_lte_morris_css
  3. admin_lte_wysiwyg_css
  4. admin_lte_forms_css
  5. admin_lte_css