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File metadata and controls

105 lines (81 loc) · 4.08 KB



The concept behind formatStringExploiter is to give you a class object that abstracts a format string exploit. In general, what you will need to do as a user is to simply provide the base class of FormatString with a function that takes in a single argument of a string and returns the results of the format string on that string. As a user, you don't have to worry about the details of how the format string vulnerability works, you simply provide a function to allow the FormatString class to interact with it.

Once the FormatString class is instantiated, it will attempt to automatically discover the offset and padding required for this particular vulnerability. Once done, it returns you a class object that you can use to interact with this vulnerability.

Note that, for now, these calls are immediate. This means that once you make the call, that information is immediately being sent to the vulnerable application.

Instantiating a Class

Instantiating a class is simple. You need three things. First, create a function that will allow the FormatString class to interact with this vulnerability, such as the following:

def exec_fmt(s):
  out = p.recvuntil("myVar value is:",drop=True)
  p.recvuntil("Input: ")
  return out

Notice that we didn't define anything about this vulnerability. All this function does is take in arbitrary input, executes said input, then returns the output of the format string.

Next, determine the details of the binary. You can do this manually, however the easier way to do it if you have the binary is to use pwntools to parse out the relevant information:

from pwn import *
elf = ELF("./a.out")

Now we have a pwntools object that contains the relevant information that FormatString needs. Finally, let's instantiate a FormatString class object.

from formatStringExploiter.FormatString import FormatString
fmtStr = FormatString(exec_fmt,elf=elf)


The FormatString class provides a means for leaking (or attempting to leak) a given address. Note that this may or may not be possible given various nuances of the format string. When deciding to leak data, you need to understand what type of data you wish to leak. By default, FormatString will leak raw bytes as a string. However, the leaker is built on top of pwntools Memleak helper, and you will likely wish to use those function as they provide caching and other smart features to the leak. The following are the functions that are recommended:

fmtStr.leak.b(addr) # Leak one byte from address addr
fmtStr.leak.w(addr) # Leak one word from address addr
fmtStr.leak.d(addr) # Leak one dword from address addr
fmtStr.leak.q(addr) # Leak one qword from address addr
fmtStr.leak.s(addr) # Leak one string from address addr
fmtStr.leak.p(addr) # Leak one pointer from address addr


The FormatString class also provides you the ability to attempt to abitrarily write a value to a given address. Similar to reading, when writing you need to inform the FormatString class what the length of the write you wish to do is. Effectively, the syntax is the same as for reading, aside for replacing the "." with a "_".

fmtStr.write_b(addr,value) # Write value byte to addr
fmtStr.write_w(addr,value) # Write value word to addr
fmtStr.write_d(addr,value) # Write value dword to addr
fmtStr.write_q(addr,value) # Write value qword to addr
fmtStr.write_s(addr,value) # Write value string to addr

Remember, if you want to query the same location you just modified, you will want to dump the Memleak cache after writing. This is because the Memleak utilizes a caching sceme that assumes once it reads a place in memory that place won't change. Thus, since you have changed it, you need to tell the leaker to forget the old value so that you can get the new one.

This is done by using fmtStr.leak.clear[bwdq] method calls.