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92 lines (91 loc) · 8.87 KB

Data Dictionary

  1. General Information
    • StepCountVersion: Version number of the stepcount program used to run the analysis. This information is useful to ensure reproducibility.
    • StepCountArgs: Arguments passed to the stepcount program to run the analysis. This information is useful to ensure reproducibility.
    • Filename: The name of the data file.
    • Filesize(MB): The size of the file in megabytes.
    • Device: The brand or model of the device that recorded the data, or the file extension.
    • DeviceID: A unique identifier for the specific device used.
    • ReadErrors: Number of errors encountered while reading data from the device.
    • SampleRate: The frequency at which data points are sampled per second, measured in Hz.
    • ReadOK: A binary indicator (1 for success, 0 for failure) showing whether the data was read successfully.
    • NumTicks: Total number of data points recorded.
    • StartTime: Timestamp marking the beginning of the data recording.
    • EndTime: Timestamp marking the end of the data recording.
    • WearTime(days): Total time the device was worn, expressed in days.
    • NumInterrupts: Number of interruptions in the data recording.
    • CalibErrorBefore(mg): Calibration error before any correction was applied, measured in milli-g.
    • CalibOK: A binary indicator (1 for successful calibration, 0 for unsuccessful) showing the calibration status.
    • CalibErrorAfter(mg): Calibration error after attempting correction, measured in milli-g.
    • NonwearTime(days): Total time the device was not worn, expressed in days.
    • NumNonwearEpisodes: Number of separate episodes when the device was not worn.
    • ResampleRate: The new sampling rate after data has been resampled.
    • NumTicksAfterResample: Number of data points after resampling.
    • Covers24hOK: Indicates whether data is available for each hour bin of the 24h across any day. For example, if data is absent from 14:00-15:00 on Day 1 (and all other hours are covered), and then it is available during 14:00-15:00 on Day 2, then Covers24hOK=1. If data is fully absent from 14:00-15:00 across all days, then Covers24hOK=0.
  2. ENMO
    • ENMO(mg): Euclidean norm minus one and zero-truncated, measured in milli-g.
    • ENMO(mg)_Hour{XX}: ENMO for each hour bin, where {XX} is a placeholder for the hour in 24-hour format. For example, ENMO(mg)_Hour12 is the ENMO during 12:00 - 13:00, averaged across all days.
    • ENMO(mg)_Weekend: Euclidean norm minus one and zero-truncated, measured in milli-g. Weekends only.
    • ENMO(mg)_Hour{XX}_Weekend: ENMO for each hour bin, where {XX} is a placeholder for the hour in 24-hour format. For example, ENMO(mg)_Hour12_Weekend is the ENMO during 12:00 - 13:00, averaged across all days. Weekends only.
    • ENMO(mg)_Weekday: Euclidean norm minus one and zero-truncated, measured in milli-g. Weekdays only.
    • ENMO(mg)_Hour{XX}_Weekday: ENMO for each hour bin, where {XX} is a placeholder for the hour in 24-hour format. For example, ENMO(mg)_Hour12_Weekend is the ENMO during 12:00 - 13:00, averaged across all days. Weekdays only.
  3. Steps
    • TotalSteps: Total number of steps.
    • StepsDayAvg: Average number of steps per day.
    • StepsDayMed: Median number of steps per day.
    • StepsDayMin: Minimum number of steps per day.
    • StepsDayMax: Maximum number of steps per day.
    • Steps_Hour{XX}: Average number of steps taken during each hour bin, where {XX} is a placeholder for the hour in 24-hour format. For example, Steps_Hour12 is the average number of steps taken during 12:00 - 13:00, averaged across all days.
    • TotalSteps_Weekend: Total number of steps. Weekends only.
    • StepsDayAvg_Weekend: Average number of steps per day. Weekends only.
    • StepsDayMed_Weekend: Median number of steps per day. Weekends only.
    • StepsDayMin_Weekend: Minimum number of steps per day. Weekends only.
    • StepsDayMax_Weekend: Maximum number of steps per day. Weekends only.
    • Steps_Hour{XX}_Weekend: Average number of steps taken during each hour bin, where {XX} is a placeholder for the hour in 24-hour format. For example, Steps_Hour12_Weekend is the average number of steps taken during 12:00 - 13:00, averaged across all days. Weekends only.
    • TotalSteps_Weekday: Total number of steps. Weekdays only.
    • StepsDayAvg_Weekday: Average number of steps per day. Weekdays only.
    • StepsDayMed_Weekday: Median number of steps per day. Weekdays only.
    • StepsDayMin_Weekday: Minimum number of steps per day. Weekdays only.
    • StepsDayMax_Weekday: Maximum number of steps per day. Weekdays only.
    • Steps_Hour{XX}_Weekday: Average number of steps taken during each hour bin, where {XX} is a placeholder for the hour in 24-hour format. For example, Steps_Hour12_Weekday is the average number of steps taken during 12:00 - 13:00, averaged across all days. Weekdays only.
  4. Walking
    • TotalWalking(mins): Total minutes spent walking, in minutes.
    • WalkingDayAvg(mins): Average time spent walking per day, in minutes.
    • WalkingDayMed(mins): Median time spent walking per day, in minutes.
    • WalkingDayMin(mins): Minimum time spent walking per day, in minutes.
    • WalkingDayMax(mins): Maximum time spent walking per day, in minutes.
    • Walking(mins)_Hour{XX}: Average time spent walking during each hour bin, where {XX} is a placeholder for the hour in 24-hour format. For example, Walking(mins)_Hour12 is the average time spent walking during 12:00 - 13:00, averaged across all days.
    • TotalWalking(mins)_Weekend: Total time spent walking, in minutes. Weekends only.
    • WalkingDayAvg(mins)_Weekend: Average time spent walking per day, in minutes. Weekends only.
    • WalkingDayMed(mins)_Weekend: Median time spent walking per day, in minutes. Weekends only.
    • WalkingDayMin(mins)_Weekend: Minimum time spent walking per day, in minutes. Weekends only.
    • WalkingDayMax(mins)_Weekend: Maximum time spent walking per day, in minutes. Weekends only.
    • Walking(mins)_Hour{XX}_Weekend: Average time spent walking during each hour bin, where {XX} is a placeholder for the hour in 24-hour format. For example, Walking(mins)_Hour12_Weekend is the average time spent walking during 12:00 - 13:00, averaged across all days. Weekends only.
    • TotalWalking(mins)_Weekday: Total time spent walking, in minutes. Weekdays only.
    • WalkingDayAvg(mins)_Weekday: Average time spent walking per day, in minutes. Weekdays only.
    • WalkingDayMed(mins)_Weekday: Median time spent walking per day, in minutes. Weekdays only.
    • WalkingDayMin(mins)_Weekday: Minimum time spent walking per day, in minutes. Weekdays only.
    • WalkingDayMax(mins)_Weekday: Maximum time spent walking per day, in minutes. Weekdays only.
    • Walking(mins)_Hour{XX}_Weekday: Average time spent walking during each hour bin, where {XX} is a placeholder for the hour in 24-hour format. For example, Walking(mins)_Hour12_Weekday is the average time spent walking during 12:00 - 13:00, averaged across all days. Weekdays only.
  5. Cadence
    • CadencePeak1(steps/min): Highest cadence recorded in one minute of the day, averaged across all days.
    • CadencePeak30(steps/min): Mean of the 30 highest minutes of the day (not necessarily continuous), averaged across all days.
    • Cadence95th(steps/min): 95th percentile of cadence of the day, averaged across all days.
    • CadencePeak1(steps/min)_Weekend: Highest cadence recorded in one minute of the day, averaged across all days. Weekends only.
    • CadencePeak30(steps/min)_Weekend: Mean of the 30 highest minutes of the day (not necessarily continuous), averaged across all days. Weekends only.
    • Cadence95th(steps/min)_Weekend: 95th percentile of cadence of the day, averaged across all days. Weekends only.
    • CadencePeak1(steps/min)_Weekday: Highest cadence recorded in one minute of the day, averaged across all days. Weekdays only.
    • CadencePeak30(steps/min)_Weekday: Mean of the 30 highest minutes of the day (not necessarily continuous), averaged across all days. Weekdays only.
    • Cadence95th(steps/min)_Weekday: 95th percentile of cadence of the day, averaged across all days. Weekdays only.
  6. Steps Distribution
    • Steps5thAt: Average time of day when 5% of steps was accumulated.
    • Steps25thAt: Average time of day when 25% of steps was accumulated.
    • Steps50thAt: Average time of day when 50% of steps was accumulated.
    • Steps75thAt: Average time of day when 75% of steps was accumulated.
    • Steps95thAt: Average time of day when 95% of steps was accumulated.