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Setup SONs and join GLADIATOR public TESTNET

Quick joining GLADIATOR

This is a quick document which assumes that the user has experience in setting up various Graphene blockchains before. The following link can be a good refresher:

In this document the exectables are downloaded for the Gitlab CI-CD pipeline

1. Prepare the server

The following dependencies are necessary for a clean Ubuntu 18.04 LTS

sudo apt-get install autoconf bash build-essential ca-certificates cmake \
     doxygen git graphviz libbz2-dev libcurl4-openssl-dev libncurses-dev \
     libreadline-dev libssl-dev libtool libzmq3-dev locales ntp pkg-config \

2. Download SON executable

Go to and find the job ID for the build you want to use. Build should have the following properties

  • Job: features/SONs-base
  • Stage: build
  • Name: build

Example of such a job has ID 467332251:

{% embed url="" %}

To download executables, click Download button on the right side of the Job page, or execute the following command:

wget --content-disposition --show-progress\

To unpack executables in current folder:

unzip -j build/programs/cli_wallet/cli_wallet -d ./
unzip -j build/programs/witness_node/witness_node -d ./

Execute the witness_node binary which will create the necessary files and folders under witness_node_data_dir


Stop the node (CTRL + c ) and edit config.ini to configure the node.

Connecting to PBSA's Gladiator Testnet

Inside config.ini, set the seed-nodes to:

seed-nodes=["", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""]

{% hint style="danger" %} In order to sync with PBSA's Gladiator Testnet, the genesis file must be exactly the same as used by the witness nodes. This file can be downloaded here:

wget --no-check-certificate '' -O SONs_genesis.json

Move the genesis.json file to the root of the project directory alongside the witness_node binary. {% endhint %}

Inside config.ini, specify the genesis.json

genesis-json = genesis.json

Start the witness_node and the blocks should start syncing.

./witness_node --gensis-file SONs_genesis.json

{% hint style="warning" %} If blocks have already been seeded during the initial startup, it may be necessary to reset the blockchain and p2p directories. Removing them is fine for this case.

rm -rf witness_node_data_dir/blockchain
rm -rf witness_node_data_dir/p2p

{% endhint %}

At this point you will be able download a copy of the blockchain. Additional steps are required to run the cli_wallet and also become a SON.

SON configuration


  • Your node is up and running and synced with the network.
  • You have access to a bitcoin node, with RPC and ZMQ notifications enabled
  • You have access to shared wallet used by all SONs (prerelease requirement only)

Configuration files

SON plugin is controlled by following parameters

peerplays_sidechain plugin. <no description>
  --son-id arg                          ID of SON controlled by this node (e.g.
                                        "1.27.5", quotes are required)
  --son-ids arg                         IDs of multiple SONs controlled by this
                                        node (e.g. ["1.27.5", "1.27.6"], quotes
                                        are required)
  --peerplays-private-key arg (=["TEST6MRyAjQq8ud7hVNYcfnVPJqcVpscN5So8BhtHuGYqET5GDW5CV","5KQwrPbwdL6PhXujxW37FSSQZ1JiwsST4cqQzDeyXtP79zkvFD3"])
                                        Tuple of [PublicKey, WIF private key] 
                                        (may specify multiple times)
  --bitcoin-node-ip arg (= IP address of Bitcoin node
  --bitcoin-node-zmq-port arg (=11111)  ZMQ port of Bitcoin node
  --bitcoin-node-rpc-port arg (=22222)  RPC port of Bitcoin node
  --bitcoin-node-rpc-user arg (=1)      Bitcoin RPC user
  --bitcoin-node-rpc-password arg (=1)  Bitcoin RPC password
  --bitcoin-wallet arg                  Bitcoin wallet
  --bitcoin-wallet-password arg         Bitcoin wallet password
  --bitcoin-private-key arg (=["02d0f137e717fb3aab7aff99904001d49a0a636c5e1342f8927a4ba2eaee8e9772","cVN31uC9sTEr392DLVUEjrtMgLA8Yb3fpYmTRj7bomTm6nn2ANPr"])
                                        Tuple of [Bitcoin public key, Bitcoin 
                                        private key] (may specify multiple 

These parameters are available from both command line and config file:

Edit add the following to your config.ini file

# ==============================================================================
# peerplays_sidechain plugin options
# ==============================================================================

# ID of SON controlled by this node (e.g. "1.27.5", quotes are required)
son-id = "1.27.0"

# IDs of multiple SONs controlled by this node (e.g. ["1.27.5", "1.27.6"], quotes are required)
son-ids = []

# Tuple of [PublicKey, WIF private key]
peerplays-private-key = ["TEST6MRyAjQq8ud7hVNYcfnVPJqcVpscN5So8BhtHuGYqET5GDW5CV", "5KQwrPbwdL6PhXujxW37FSSQZ1JiwsST4cqQzDeyXtP79zkvFD3"]

# IP address of Bitcoin node
bitcoin-node-ip =

# ZMQ port of Bitcoin node
bitcoin-node-zmq-port = 11111

# RPC port of Bitcoin node
bitcoin-node-rpc-port = 22222

# Bitcoin RPC user
bitcoin-node-rpc-user = 1

# Bitcoin RPC password
bitcoin-node-rpc-password = 1

# Bitcoin wallet
bitcoin-wallet = son-wallet

# Bitcoin wallet password
bitcoin-wallet-password = 9da115c9fa6fe7fd09390841ac91aee4

# Tuple of [Bitcoin public key, Bitcoin private key] (may specify multiple times)
bitcoin-private-key = ["02d0f137e717fb3aab7aff99904001d49a0a636c5e1342f8927a4ba2eaee8e9772","cVN31uC9sTEr392DLVUEjrtMgLA8Yb3fpYmTRj7bomTm6nn2ANPr"]

Edit the config file and add the RPC port

# Endpoint for websocket RPC to listen on
rpc-endpoint =

Becoming a SON

Becoming a SON is very similar to becoming a witness. You will need:

  • Active user account, upgraded to lifetime member, which will be the owner of SON account
  • Create two vesting balances (types son and normal) of 50 core assets, and get its IDs
  • Create Bitcoin address for SON account in shared SON wallet
  • Create SON account, and get its ID
  • Set the signing key for a son account (usually, its a signing key of owner account)
  • Set the bitcoin address as a sidechain address for a SON account
  • Update your config file with values obtained in previous steps, and restart the witness with peerplays_sidechain plugin enabled


# ================================================================================
# Active user account, upgraded to lifetime member, which will be the owner of SON account
unlocked >>> get_account account07
get_account account07
  "id": "1.2.58",
  "membership_expiration_date": "2106-02-07T06:28:15",
  "registrar": "1.2.58",
  "referrer": "1.2.58",
  "lifetime_referrer": "1.2.58",
  "network_fee_percentage": 2000,
  "lifetime_referrer_fee_percentage": 8000,
  "referrer_rewards_percentage": 0,
  "name": "account07",
  "owner": {
    "weight_threshold": 1,
    "account_auths": [],
    "key_auths": [[
    "address_auths": []
  "active": {
    "weight_threshold": 1,
    "account_auths": [],
    "key_auths": [[
    "address_auths": []
# ================================================================================

# ================================================================================
# Create two vesting balances (types son and normal) of 50 core assets, and get its IDs
unlocked >>> create_vesting_balance account07 50 TEST son true
create_vesting_balance account07 50 TEST son true
  "ref_block_num": 3977,
  "ref_block_prefix": 145563165,
  "expiration": "2020-03-13T17:08:45",
  "operations": [[

unlocked >>> create_vesting_balance account07 50 TEST normal true
create_vesting_balance account07 50 TEST normal true
  "ref_block_num": 3979,
  "ref_block_prefix": 1838302122,
  "expiration": "2020-03-13T17:08:51",
  "operations": [[

unlocked >>> get_vesting_balances account07
get_vesting_balances account07
    "id": "1.13.79",
    "owner": "1.2.58",
    "id": "1.13.80",
    "owner": "1.2.58",
# ================================================================================

# ================================================================================
# Create Bitcoin address for SON account in shared SON wallet
bitcoin-core.cli -rpcconnect= -rpcport=22222 -rpcuser=1 -rpcpassword=1 -rpcwallet="son-wallet" getnewaddress

bitcoin-core.cli -rpcconnect= -rpcport=22222 -rpcuser=1 -rpcpassword=1 -rpcwallet="son-wallet" walletpassphrase 9da115c9fa6fe7fd09390841ac91aee4 60

bitcoin-core.cli -rpcconnect= -rpcport=22222 -rpcuser=1 -rpcpassword=1 -rpcwallet="son-wallet" dumpprivkey 2NCGVYMNjSSwYrxGAFv53WQP6i7xu8XHEVn

bitcoin-core.cli -rpcconnect= -rpcport=22222 -rpcuser=1 -rpcpassword=1 -rpcwallet="son-wallet" getaddressinfo 2NCGVYMNjSSwYrxGAFv53WQP6i7xu8XHEVn
  "address": "2NCGVYMNjSSwYrxGAFv53WQP6i7xu8XHEVn",
  "scriptPubKey": "a914d0a7c9ec2c89c67df9c1d8dce8d786ec9a0afcac87",
  "ismine": true,
  "solvable": true,
  "desc": "sh(wpkh([c9cc7580/0'/0'/3']03eac07563aa5280a6c1db50724ffc51edca1458d3ed9a61c7455fb16f35ddccd2))#4g9d62sg",
  "iswatchonly": false,
  "isscript": true,
  "iswitness": false,
  "script": "witness_v0_keyhash",
  "hex": "0014d244cd683056c918a4d8f5cb1adce7a86558e253",
  "pubkey": "03eac07563aa5280a6c1db50724ffc51edca1458d3ed9a61c7455fb16f35ddccd2",
# ================================================================================

# ================================================================================
# Create SON account, and get its ID
unlocked >>> create_son account07 "" 1.13.79 1.13.80 [[bitcoin, 03eac07563aa5280a6c1db50724ffc51edca1458d3ed9a61c7455fb16f35ddccd2]] true
create_son account07 "" 1.13.79 1.13.80 [[bitcoin, 03eac07563aa5280a6c1db50724ffc51edca1458d3ed9a61c7455fb16f35ddccd2]] true
  "ref_block_num": 4171,
  "ref_block_prefix": 2156837961,
  "expiration": "2020-03-13T17:20:06",
  "operations": [[
        "fee": {
          "amount": 0,
          "asset_id": "1.3.0"
        "owner_account": "1.2.58",
        "url": "",
        "deposit": "1.13.79",
        "signing_key": "TEST71FaAsTFbKyoGM7USqzS9uG78jjRv7wJnTytxyXr7CTnrHeAHJ",
        "sidechain_public_keys": [[
        "pay_vb": "1.13.80"
  "extensions": [],
  "signatures": [

unlocked >>> get_son account07
get_son account07
  "id": "1.27.16",
  "son_account": "1.2.58",
  "vote_id": "3:54",
  "total_votes": 0,
  "url": "",
  "deposit": "1.13.79",
  "signing_key": "TEST71FaAsTFbKyoGM7USqzS9uG78jjRv7wJnTytxyXr7CTnrHeAHJ",
  "pay_vb": "1.13.80",
  "statistics": "2.24.16",
  "status": "inactive",
  "sidechain_public_keys": [[
# ================================================================================

# ================================================================================
# Set the signing key for a son account (usually, its a signing key of owner account)
# Set the bitcoin address as a sidechain address for a SON account

unlocked >>> get_private_key TEST7SUmjftH3jL5L1YCTdMo1hk5qpZrhbo4MW6N2wWyQpjXkT7ByB
get_private_key TEST7SUmjftH3jL5L1YCTdMo1hk5qpZrhbo4MW6N2wWyQpjXkT7ByB

unlocked >>> update_son account07 "" "TEST7SUmjftH3jL5L1YCTdMo1hk5qpZrhbo4MW6N2wWyQpjXkT7ByB" [[bitcoin, 03eac07563aa5280a6c1db50724ffc51edca1458d3ed9a61c7455fb16f35ddccd2]] true
update_son account07 "" "TEST7SUmjftH3jL5L1YCTdMo1hk5qpZrhbo4MW6N2wWyQpjXkT7ByB" [[bitcoin, 03eac07563aa5280a6c1db50724ffc51edca1458d3ed9a61c7455fb16f35ddccd2]] true
  "ref_block_num": 4210,
  "ref_block_prefix": 4294628244,
  "expiration": "2020-03-13T17:22:21",
  "operations": [[
        "fee": {
          "amount": 0,
          "asset_id": "1.3.0"
        "son_id": "1.27.16",
        "owner_account": "1.2.58",
        "new_signing_key": "TEST7SUmjftH3jL5L1YCTdMo1hk5qpZrhbo4MW6N2wWyQpjXkT7ByB",
        "new_sidechain_public_keys": [[
  "extensions": [],
  "signatures": [
# ================================================================================

# ================================================================================
# Update your config file with values obtained in previous steps, and restart the witness with peerplays_sidechain plugin enabled
# ================================================================================

# Open your config file, and find options plugins

# Space-separated list of plugins to activate
plugins = witness account_history market_history accounts_list affiliate_stats bookie

# Update the line, and add peerplays_sidechain to the list of enabled plugins

# Space-separated list of plugins to activate
plugins = witness account_history market_history accounts_list affiliate_stats bookie peerplays_sidechain

# Set son-id parameter to the ID of your SON
son-id = "1.27.16"

# Set son-ids parameter to empty array
son-ids = []

# Set peerplays-private-key to the key pair belonging to the SON owner account
peerplays-private-key = ["TEST6MRyAjQq8ud7hVNYcfnVPJqcVpscN5So8BhtHuGYqET5GDW5CV", "5KQwrPbwdL6PhXujxW37FSSQZ1JiwsST4cqQzDeyXtP79zkvFD3"]

# Leave default value
bitcoin-node-ip =

# Leave default value
bitcoin-node-zmq-port = 11111

# Leave default value
bitcoin-node-rpc-port = 22222

# Leave default value
bitcoin-node-rpc-user = 1

# Leave default value
bitcoin-node-rpc-password = 1

# Leave default value
bitcoin-wallet = son-wallet

# Leave default value
bitcoin-wallet-password = 9da115c9fa6fe7fd09390841ac91aee4

# Set bitcoin-private-key to the keypair of the bitcoin address you created for a SON in shared wallet
bitcoin-private-key = ["03eac07563aa5280a6c1db50724ffc51edca1458d3ed9a61c7455fb16f35ddccd2","cSmQ517iJaAT94SMAsLhtyicZcFggY54gg5aLCUDuwUA3ECftP24"]

# Restat the node with new configuration

Starting the node

# If you need the logs, the following can be helpful
# witness_node 2>&1 peerplays.log

Using the CLI wallet

In the terminal execute the CLI wallet:

# In the local terminal

{% hint style="warning" %} If an exception is thrown and contains Remote server gave us an unexpected chain_id, then copy the remote_chain_id that is provided by it.

Pass the chain ID to the CLI wallet:

# In the local terminal
./cli_wallet --chain-id=<CHAIN-ID>

{% endhint %}

{% hint style="info" %} There is optionally a flag that can be passed in to connect to a remote rpc endpoint.

./cli_wallet --server-rpc-endpoint ws:// -u '' -p ''

{% endhint %}

Enter a password for the CLI wallet:

# In the CLI wallet

Unlock the CLI wallet by providing the password set earlier:

# In the CLI wallet

{% hint style="info" %} The CLI wallet will show unlocked >>> when successfully unlocked {% endhint %}

The CLI wallet is now ready to be used.

Creating a Peerplays account

Use the CLI wallet to suggest a brain key:

# In the CLI wallet

{% hint style="warning" %} Make sure to backup the information that is output {% endhint %}

Create an account using the brain key generated:

# In the CLI wallet
create_account_with_brain_key <BRAIN-KEY> <YOUR-ACCOUNT-NAME> nathan nathan true