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Guidelines for CUDA Fortran

In this document, we are going to cover the very basic CUDA Fortran concepts in comparison with C. We ask you to follow the CUDA Laboratory 1 description in C and to use this document to understand what would be your changes in Fortran.

Compiling a CUDA Fortran Program

The compilation is very similar to CUDA C, but with slight variations. First, you need to load not only the CUDA module, but also the PGI compiler:

module load cuda/7.0 pgi

To compile a CUDA Fortran program, use pgfortran and include the architecture (i.e., cc3x):

pgfortran -Mcuda=cc3x your_cuda_file.cuf -o your_cuda_file.out

You can run a program as in the CUDA C version, allocating a node first with salloc and then running the code with srun:

srun -n 1 ./your_cuda_file.out

Kernel Management

The concept of grid and block is the same as in CUDA C. In this case, you need to declare both variables as type(dim3). This is an example with a grid of 1 block of 32 threads in X:

type(dim3) :: grid
type(dim3) :: block
grid  = dim3(1, 1, 1)
block = dim3(32, 1, 1)

To launch CUDA Fortran kernel, use the same syntax as in CUDA C with the triple-brackets:

call your_kernel<<<grid, block>>>( ... )

Memory Management

To allocate memory on the GPU and release it afterwards, use the cudaMalloc() and the cudaFree() functions. You need to declare the variable with the device attribute:

real, allocatable, device :: d_x(:)
hr = cudaMalloc(d_x, 256)

Here, we declare an array d_x of type real, allocatable to be used on the GPU. Then, we use cudaMalloc() to define the size with 256 elements. We have captured the status result of the operation in an integer hr, in case we would like to check if there were any errors.

To copy memory from the host to the GPU (or viceversa), use the cudaMemcpy() function:

hr = cudaMemcpy(d_x, x, ARRAY_SIZE) ! Copy the content from x to d_x

Compared to the CUDA C version, the main difference is that we no longer have to specify the direction of the copy. In this case, we are copying from x (on the CPU) to d_x (on the GPU). But we could revert the direction by simply swapping the variables:

hr = cudaMemcpy(x, d_x, ARRAY_SIZE) ! Copy the content from d_x to x

Kernel Implementation

The CUDA Fortran kernels are once again very similar to their CUDA C counterpart. In this case, you need to declare a new subroutine with the global attribute, such as:

attributes(global) subroutine your_kernel(n, d_x)
end subroutine your_kernel

The type definition of the constant arguments, such as "n" in the previous example, must contain the attribute value:

integer, value :: n

We also recommend you to specify the intent of the input parameter. In the case of d_x, we could declare it as (note that, inside the kernel, we do not specify the device attribute):

real, intent(inout) :: d_x(:)

Finally, the predefined constants gridDim, blockDim, blockIdx and threadIdx, are all available inside the CUDA Fortran kernel:

integer :: tid
tid = (blockIdx%x - 1) * blockDim%x + threadIdx%x