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Create helper app in Azure Active Directory

  1. Sign in to Azure Portal
  2. Switch to the tenant that you want to register the application
  3. Select Azure Active Directory
  4. On the left sidebar, select App registrations
  5. Click + New registration
  6. Enter a name that you find it easily, ex. "Webviewer helper" and click register
  7. After the registration, click the API permissions on the left sidebar and add the following permissions: openid, Directory.AccessAsUser.All, User.Read.
  8. Consent the permissions that you've just added.
  9. Click Authentication on the left side bar, and click + Add a platform on the top.
  10. Select Mobile and desktop applications and select (MSAL Only) option in the list of redirect Uris.
  11. In the Advanced Settings -> Allow public client flows, set it to "Yes". (This is to treat app as public client)
  12. Click Save to save the configurations.

Project Setup

To set up the project, download the code in this repository.

  1. Run npm install to install the required packages in the root folder

  2. Run npm run setup:dev to start setting up app registration for the webviewer demo.

  3. In the console when prompted, enter the client id and tenant id.

  4. The console should provide a link for you to enter verification code for Microsoft. Open the link in the browser and enter the given code.

  5. A .env file will be created in the root folder when the app registration is done.

  6. Run npm run start:dev to start the local server

Resetting cache in development for file handler in Sharepoint

It usually takes about 24 - 48 hours for the new file handler to be effective in Sharepoint. However, microsoft provides a API to refresh the cache. (Resetting the file hanlder cache)

In order to get the access token for resetting Sharepoint cache, we can start from getting the code.

Before using the API, we need to enable it in the API permissions under the application we registered (In this case, it's "Webviewer Demo").

  1. Go to Azure Active Directory and select the application we registered.
  2. Select API permissions on the left sidebar and click + Add a permission.
  3. In Request API permissions, select Sharepoint -> Application permissions -> Sites.ReadWrite.All, and add the permission.
  4. If necessary, grand admin consent for the permissions.
  5. Paste the following url in the browser to retreive the code for getting accessToken:
http method: GET<TENANT-ID-IN_ENV>/oauth2/v2.0/authorize?
Query Param Description
client_id *This is the client id for your application. You can get it in the Overview section.
response_type "code"
redirect_uri * The redirect uri under the Authentication section
response_mode "query"
scope "https://{your-sharepoint-tenant}"
* Note: This sharepoint tenant id is not the same with your application tenant id.
state *You could put whatever here

This step is to ask your consent of accessing sharepoint. The code we get here doesn't have the scope for resetting Sharepoint cache though. Therefore, we need to make a similar request with scope=https://{your-sharepoint-tenant-id}

The example would be

http method: GET

Again, paste the url in the browser and you would be redirect with a url that contains the code with the right scope.

With the code, you could use Postman or other similar service, use the following url to get the accessToken.

You are expected to receive the response in json with access_token.

The last step would be making a request to the following url to reset the cache.

http method: GET


with headers: {
    Authorization: Bearer <access-token>

The response should be your file handler configurations.

Deployment in production

After the development, you may want to deploy your server and redirect the filehandler to the hosted server.

You can achieve this by change the Manifest in your application.

Change the logoutUrl with your new domain but with the same path. Change the url in the object of the array replyUrlsWithType.


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