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552 lines (394 loc) · 30.6 KB

(note: this is a temporary file, to be added-to by anybody, and moved to release-notes at release time)

PIVX Core version version is now available from:

This is a new major version release, including various bug fixes and performance improvements, as well as updated translations.

Please report bugs using the issue tracker at github:

How to Upgrade

If you are running an older version, shut it down. Wait until it has completely shut down (which might take a few minutes for older versions), then run the installer (on Windows) or just copy over /Applications/PIVX-Qt (on Mac) or pivxd/pivx-qt (on Linux).

Sapling Parameters

In order to run, PIVX Core now requires two files, sapling-output.params and sapling-spend.params (with total size ~50 MB), to be saved in a specific location.

For the following packages, no action is required by the user:

  • macOS release dmg binaries will use the params that are bundled into the .app bundle.
  • Windows installer .exe will automatically copy the files in the proper location.
  • Linux PPA/Snap installs will automatically copy the files in the proper location.

For the other packages, the user must save the param files in the proper location, before being able to run PIVX v5.0.0:

  • macOS/Linux tar.gz tarballs include a bash script ( to copy the parameters in the appropriate location.
  • Windows .zip users need to manually copy the files from the share/pivx folder to the %APPDATA%\PIVXParams directory.
  • self compilers can run the script from the repository sources (params/, or copy the files directly from the params subdirectory.


PIVX Core is extensively tested on multiple operating systems using the Linux kernel, macOS 10.12+, and Windows 7 and later.

Microsoft ended support for Windows XP on April 8th, 2014, No attempt is made to prevent installing or running the software on Windows XP, you can still do so at your own risk but be aware that there are known instabilities and issues. Please do not report issues about Windows XP to the issue tracker.

From PIVX Core 6.0 onwards, macOS versions earlier than 10.12 are no longer supported.

PIVX Core should also work on most other Unix-like systems but is not frequently tested on them.

Notable Changes

(Developers: add your notes here as part of your pull requests whenever possible)

Deterministic Masternode Lists

PIVX v6.0.0 introduces on-chain consensus for masternode lists, which allow for deterministic quorum derivation, implementing Dash's DIP-0003.

In the previous masternode system, each node needed to maintain their own individual masternode list with P2P messages, thus discrepancies might occur, for example, due to a different order of message reception. Deterministic Masternode lists are lists of masternodes, built at every block, relying only on on-chain data (previous list, and transactions included in the current block). All nodes derive (and verify) their masternode lists independently, from the same on-chain transactions, thus they immediately reach consensus on the tier-two state (number of masternodes, properties and status of each one).

Masternodes are "registered" by special transactions called ProTx, and removed only by spending the collateral. A ProTx either creates a 10000-PIV collateral as tx output, or includes a reference to an unspent 10000-PIV utxo on chain (and a proof of ownership). See PR #2267 for more information.

Upgrade instructions: !TODO

New RPC commands

  • protx_list

    protx_list (detailed wallet_only valid_only height)
    Lists all ProTxs.
    1. detailed       (bool, optional, default=true) Return detailed information about each protx.
                          If set to false, return only the list of txids.
    2. wallet_only    (bool, optional, default=false) If set to true, return only protx which involves
                          keys from this wallet (collateral, owner, operator, voting, or payout addresses).
    3. valid_only     (bool, optional, default=false) If set to true, return only ProTx which are active/valid
                          at the height specified.
    4. height         (numeric, optional) If height is not specified, it defaults to the current chain-tip.
    [...]                         (list) List of protx txids or, if detailed=true, list of json objects.
  • protx_register

    protx_register "collateralHash" collateralIndex "ipAndPort" "ownerAddress" "operatorPubKey" "votingAddress" "payoutAddress" (operatorReward "operatorPayoutAddress")
    Creates and sends a ProTx to the network. The collateral is specified through "collateralHash" and collateralIndex, and must be an unspent
    transaction output spendable by this wallet. It must also not be used by any other masternode.
    1. "collateralHash"        (string, required) The collateral transaction hash.
    2. collateralIndex         (numeric, required) The collateral transaction output index.
    3. "ipAndPort"             (string, required) IP and port in the form "IP:PORT".
                                  Must be unique on the network. Can be set to 0, which will require a ProUpServTx afterwards.
    4. "ownerAddress"          (string, required) The PIVX address to use for payee updates and proposal voting.
                                  The private key belonging to this address must be known in your wallet, in order to send updates.
                                  The address must not be already registered, and must differ from the collateralAddress
    5. "operatorPubKey"        (string, required) The operator BLS public key. The private BLS key does not have to be known.
                                  It has to match the BLS private key which is later used when operating the masternode.
    6. "votingAddress"         (string, required) The voting key address. The private key does not have to be known by your wallet.
                                  It has to match the private key which is later used when voting on proposals.
                                  If set to an empty string, ownerAddress will be used.
    7. "payoutAddress"         (string, required) The PIVX address to use for masternode reward payments.
    8. "operatorReward"        (numeric, optional) The fraction in % to share with the operator. The value must be
                                  between 0.00 and 100.00. If not set, it takes the default value of 0.0
    9. "operatorPayoutAddress" (string, optional) The address used for operator reward payments.
                                  Only allowed when the ProRegTx had a non-zero operatorReward value.
                                  If set to an empty string, the operatorAddress is used.
    "txid"                 (string) The transaction id.
  • protx_register_fund

    protx_register_fund "collateralAddress" "ipAndPort" "ownerAddress" "operatorPubKey" "votingAddress" "payoutAddress" (operatorReward "operatorPayoutAddress")
    Creates, funds and sends a ProTx to the network. The resulting transaction will move 10000 PIV
    to the address specified by collateralAddress and will then function as masternode collateral.
    1. "collateralAddress"     (string, required) The PIVX address to send the collateral to.
    2. "ipAndPort"             (string, required) IP and port in the form "IP:PORT".
                                  Must be unique on the network. Can be set to 0, which will require a ProUpServTx afterwards.
    3. "ownerAddress"          (string, required) The PIVX address to use for payee updates and proposal voting.
                                  The private key belonging to this address must be known in your wallet, in order to send updates.
                                  The address must not be already registered, and must differ from the collateralAddress
    4. "operatorPubKey"        (string, required) The operator BLS public key. The private BLS key does not have to be known.
                                  It has to match the BLS private key which is later used when operating the masternode.
    5. "votingAddress"         (string, required) The voting key address. The private key does not have to be known by your wallet.
                                  It has to match the private key which is later used when voting on proposals.
                                  If set to an empty string, ownerAddress will be used.
    6. "payoutAddress"         (string, required) The PIVX address to use for masternode reward payments.
    7. "operatorReward"        (numeric, optional) The fraction in % to share with the operator. The value must be
                                  between 0.00 and 100.00. If not set, it takes the default value of 0.0
    8. "operatorPayoutAddress" (string, optional) The address used for operator reward payments.
                                  Only allowed when the ProRegTx had a non-zero operatorReward value.
                                  If set to an empty string, the operatorAddress is used.
    "txid"                        (string) The transaction id.
  • protx_register_prepare

    protx_register_prepare "collateralHash" collateralIndex "ipAndPort" "ownerAddress" "operatorPubKey" "votingAddress" "payoutAddress" (operatorReward "operatorPayoutAddress")
    Creates an unsigned ProTx and returns it. The ProTx must be signed externally with the collateral
    key and then passed to "protx_register_submit".
    The collateral is specified through "collateralHash" and "collateralIndex" and must be an unspent transaction output.
    1. "collateralHash"         (string, required) The collateral transaction hash.
    2. collateralIndex          (numeric, required) The collateral transaction output index.
    3. "ipAndPort"              (string, required) IP and port in the form "IP:PORT".
                                  Must be unique on the network. Can be set to 0, which will require a ProUpServTx afterwards.
    4. "ownerAddress"           (string, required) The PIVX address to use for payee updates and proposal voting.
                                  The private key belonging to this address must be known in your wallet, in order to send updates.
                                  The address must not be already registered, and must differ from the collateralAddress
    5. "operatorPubKey"         (string, required) The operator BLS public key. The private BLS key does not have to be known.
                                  It has to match the BLS private key which is later used when operating the masternode.
    6. "votingAddress"          (string, required) The voting key address. The private key does not have to be known by your wallet.
                                  It has to match the private key which is later used when voting on proposals.
                                  If set to an empty string, ownerAddress will be used.
    7. "payoutAddress"          (string, required) The PIVX address to use for masternode reward payments.
    8. "operatorReward"         (numeric, optional) The fraction in % to share with the operator. The value must be
                                  between 0.00 and 100.00. If not set, it takes the default value of 0.0
    9. "operatorPayoutAddress"  (string, optional) The address used for operator reward payments.
                                  Only allowed when the ProRegTx had a non-zero operatorReward value.
                                  If set to an empty string, the operatorAddress is used.
    {                        (json object)
      "tx" :                 (string) The serialized ProTx in hex format.
      "collateralAddress" :  (string) The collateral address.
      "signMessage" :        (string) The string message that needs to be signed with the collateral key
  • protx_register_submit

    protx_register_submit "tx" "sig"
    Submits the specified ProTx to the network. This command will also sign the inputs of the transaction
    which were previously added by "protx_register_prepare" to cover transaction fees
    1. "tx"                 (string, required) The serialized transaction previously returned by "protx_register_prepare"
    2. "sig"                (string, required) The signature signed with the collateral key. Must be in base64 format.
    "txid"                  (string) The transaction id.
  • protx_revoke

    protx_revoke \"proTxHash\" (\"operatorKey\" reason)\n"
    Creates and sends a ProUpRevTx to the network. This will revoke the operator key of the masternode and
    put it into the PoSe-banned state. It will also set the service field of the masternode
    to zero. Use this in case your operator key got compromised or you want to stop providing your service
    to the masternode owner.
    1. "proTxHash"    (string, required) The hash of the initial ProRegTx.
    2. "operatorKey"  (string, optional) The operator BLS private key associated with the registered operator public key.
                         If not specified, or set to an empty string, then this command must be performed on the active
                         masternode with the corresponding operator key.
    3 reason          (numeric, optional) The reason for masternode service revocation. Default: 0.
                         0=not_specified, 1=service_termination, 2=compromised_keys, 3=keys_change.
    "txid"                  (string) The transaction id.
  • protx_update_registrar

    protx update_registrar \"proTxHash\" \"operatorPubKey\" \"votingAddress\" \"payoutAddress\" (\"ownerKey\")
    Creates and sends a ProUpRegTx to the network. This will update the operator key, voting key and payout
    address of the masternode specified by \"proTxHash\".
    The owner key of this masternode must be known to your wallet.
    Creates and sends a ProUpServTx to the network. This will update the IP address
    of a masternode, and/or the operator payout address.
    If the IP is changed for a masternode that got PoSe-banned, the ProUpServTx will also revive this masternode.
    1. "proTxHash"             (string, required) The hash of the initial ProRegTx.
    2. "operatorPubKey         (string, required) The operator BLS public key. The private BLS key does not have to be known.
                                  It has to match the BLS private key which is later used when operating the masternode.
                                  If set to an empty string, the currently active operator BLS public key is reused.
    3. "votingAddress"         (string, required) The voting key address. The private key does not have to be known by your wallet.
                                  It has to match the private key which is later used when voting on proposals.
                                  If set to an empty string, the currently active voting key address is reused.
    4. "payoutAddress"         (string, required) The PIVX address to use for masternode reward payments.
                                  If set to an empty string, the currently active payout address is reused.
    5. "ownerKey"              (string, optional) The owner key associated with the operator address of the masternode.
                                  If not specified, or set to an empty string, then the mn key must be known by your wallet,
                                  in order to sign the tx.
    "txid"                        (string) The transaction id.
  • protx_update_service

    protx_update_service "proTxHash" "ipAndPort" ("operatorPayoutAddress" "operatorKey")
    Creates and sends a ProUpServTx to the network. This will update the IP address
    of a masternode, and/or the operator payout address.
    If the IP is changed for a masternode that got PoSe-banned, the ProUpServTx will also revive this masternode.
    1. "proTxHash"             (string, required) The hash of the initial ProRegTx.
    2. "ipAndPort"             (string, required) IP and port in the form "IP:PORT".
                                 If set to an empty string, the currently active ip is reused.
    3. "operatorPayoutAddress" (string, optional) The address used for operator reward payments.
                                Only allowed when the ProRegTx had a non-zero operatorReward value.
                                 If set to an empty string, the currently active one is reused.
    4. "operatorKey"           (string, optional) The operator BLS private key associated with the registered operator public key.
                                 If not specified, or set to an empty string, then this command must be performed on the active
                                 masternode with the corresponding operator key.
    "txid"                        (string) The transaction id.

GUI changes


Protocol changes

Starting with the enforcement block, masternode rewards and budget payments are paid as outputs of the coinbase transaction, instead of the coinstake transaction. With this rule, a new opcode (0xd2) is introduced (see PR #2275). It enforces the same rules as the legacy cold-staking opcode, but without allowing a "free" script for the last output of the transaction. The new opcode takes the name of OP_CHECKCOLDSTAKEVERIFY, and the legacy opcode (0xd1) is renamed to OP_CHECKCOLDSTAKEVERIFY_LOF (last-output-free). Scripts with the old opcode are still accepted on the network (the restriction on the last-output is enforced after the script validation in this case), but the client creates new delegations with the new opcode, by default, after the upgrade enforcement.

Multi-wallet support

PIVX Core now supports loading multiple, separate wallets (See PR #2337). The wallets are completely separated, with individual balances, keys and received transactions.

Multi-wallet is enabled by using more than one -wallet argument when starting PIVX client, either on the command line or in the pivx.conf config file.

In pivx-qt, only the first wallet will be displayed and accessible for creating and signing transactions. GUI selectable multiple wallets will be supported in a future version. However, even in 6.0 other loaded wallets will remain synchronized to the node's current tip in the background.

PIVX Core 6.0.0 contains the following changes to the RPC interface and pivx-cli for multi-wallet:

  • When running PIVX Core with a single wallet, there are no changes to the RPC interface or pivx-cli. All RPC calls and pivx-cli commands continue to work as before.

  • When running PIVX Core with multi-wallet, all node-level RPC methods continue to work as before. HTTP RPC requests should be send to the normal <RPC IP address>:<RPC port> endpoint, and pivx-cli commands should be run as before. A node-level RPC method is any method which does not require access to the wallet.

  • When running PIVX Core with multi-wallet, wallet-level RPC methods must specify the wallet for which they're intended in every request. HTTP RPC requests should be send to the <RPC IP address>:<RPC port>/wallet/<wallet name> endpoint, for example pivx-cli commands should be run with a -rpcwallet option, for example pivx-cli -rpcwallet=wallet1.dat getbalance.

  • A new node-level listwallets RPC method is added to display which wallets are currently loaded. The names returned by this method are the same as those used in the HTTP endpoint and for the rpcwallet argument.

The getwalletinfo RPC method returns the name of the wallet used for the query.

Note that while multi-wallet is now fully supported, the RPC multi-wallet interface should be considered unstable for version 6.0.0, and there may backwards-incompatible changes in future versions.

Database cache memory increased

As a result of growth of the UTXO set, performance with the prior default database cache of 100 MiB has suffered. For this reason the default was changed to 300 MiB in this release. For nodes on low-memory systems, the database cache can be changed back to 100 MiB (or to another value) by either:

  • Adding dbcache=100 in pivx.conf
  • Adding -dbcache=100 startup flag
  • Changing it in the GUI under Settings → Options → Main → Size of database cache

Note that the database cache setting has the most performance impact during initial sync of a node, and when catching up after downtime.

Reindexing changes

It is now possible to only redo validation, without rebuilding the block index, using the command line option -reindex-chainstate (in addition to -reindex which does both). This new option is useful when the blocks on disk are assumed to be fine, but the chainstate is still corrupted. It is also useful for benchmarks.

GUI changes


A new checkbox has been added to the wallet settings UI to enable or disable automatic port mapping with NAT-PMP. If both UPnP and NAT-PMP are enabled, a successful allocation from UPnP prevails over one from NAT-PMP.

Note: Successful automatic port mapping requires a router that supports either UPnP or NAT-PMP.


The GUI RPC-Console now accepts "parenthesized syntax", nested commands, and simple queries (see PR #2282. A new command help-console (available only on the GUI console) documents how to use it:

This console accepts RPC commands using the standard syntax.
    example:    getblockhash 0

This console can also accept RPC commands using parenthesized syntax.
    example:    getblockhash(0)

Commands may be nested when specified with the parenthesized syntax.
    example:    getblock(getblockhash(0) true)

A space or a comma can be used to delimit arguments for either syntax.
    example:    getblockhash 0

Named results can be queried with a non-quoted key string in brackets.
    example:    getblock(getblockhash(0) true)[tx]

Results without keys can be queried using an integer in brackets.
    example:    getblock(getblockhash(0),true)[tx][0]

Support for JSON-RPC Named Arguments

Commands sent over the JSON-RPC interface and through the pivx-cli binary can now use named arguments. This follows the JSON-RPC specification for passing parameters by-name with an object. pivx-cli has been updated to support this by parsing name=value arguments when the -named option is given.

Some examples:

    src/pivx-cli -named help command="help"
    src/pivx-cli -named getblockhash height=0
    src/pivx-cli -named getblock blockhash=000000000019d6689c085ae165831e934ff763ae46a2a6c172b3f1b60a8ce26f
    src/pivx-cli -named sendtoaddress address="DMJRSsuU9zfyrvxVaAEFQqK4MxZg6vgeS6" amount="1.0" comment="donation"

The order of arguments doesn't matter in this case. Named arguments are also useful to leave out arguments that should stay at their default value. The RPC server remains fully backwards compatible with positional arguments.

Low-level RPC changes

Query options for listunspent RPC

  • The listunspent RPC now takes a query_options argument (see PR #2317), which is a JSON object containing one or more of the following members:

    • minimumAmount - a number specifying the minimum value of each UTXO
    • maximumAmount - a number specifying the maximum value of each UTXO
    • maximumCount - a number specifying the minimum number of UTXOs
    • minimumSumAmount - a number specifying the minimum sum value of all UTXOs
  • The listunspent RPC also takes an additional boolean argument include_unsafe (true by default) to optionally exclude "unsafe" utxos. An unconfirmed output from outside keys is considered unsafe (see PR #2351).

  • The listunspent output also shows whether the utxo is considered safe to spend or not.

  • the stop RPC no longer accepts the (already deprecated, ignored, and undocumented) optional boolean argument detach.

Subtract fee from recipient amount for RPC

A new argument subtract_fee_from is added to sendmany/shieldsendmany RPC functions. It can be used to provide the list of recipent addresses paying the fee.

subtract_fee_from         (array, optional) 
A json array with addresses.
The fee will be equally deducted from the amount of each selected address.
  [\"address\"          (string) Subtract fee from this address\n"

For `fundrawtransaction` a new key (`subtractFeeFromOutputs`) is added to the `options` argument.
It can be used to specify a list of output indexes.

subtractFeeFromOutputs (array, optional) A json array of integers. The fee will be equally deducted from the amount of each specified output. The outputs are specified by their zero-based index, before any change output is added. [vout_index,...]

For `sendtoaddress`, the new parameter is called `subtract_fee` and it is a simple boolean.

In all cases those recipients will receive less PIV than you enter in their corresponding amount field.
If no outputs/addresses are specified, the sender pays the fee as usual.

### Show wallet's auto-combine settings in getwalletinfo

`getwalletinfo` now has two additional return fields. `autocombine_enabled` (boolean) and `autocombine_threshold` (numeric) that will show the auto-combine threshold and whether or not it is currently enabled.

### Deprecate the autocombine RPC command

The `autocombine` RPC command has been replaced with specific set/get commands (`setautocombinethreshold` and `getautocombinethreshold`, respectively) to bring this functionality further in-line with our RPC standards. Previously, the `autocombine` command gave no user-facing feedback when the setting was changed. This is now resolved with the introduction of the two new commands as detailed below:

* `setautocombinethreshold`
    setautocombinethreshold enable ( value )
    This will set the auto-combine threshold value.
    Wallet will automatically monitor for any coins with value below the threshold amount, and combine them if they reside with the same PIVX address
    When auto-combine runs it will create a transaction, and therefore will be subject to transaction fees.
    1. enable          (boolean, required) Enable auto combine (true) or disable (false)
    2. threshold       (numeric, optional. required if enable is true) Threshold amount. Must be greater than 1.
      "enabled": true|false,     (boolean) true if auto-combine is enabled, otherwise false
      "threshold": n.nnn,        (numeric) auto-combine threshold in PIV
      "saved": true|false        (boolean) true if setting was saved to the database, otherwise false

* `getautocombinethreshold`
    Returns the current threshold for auto combining UTXOs, if any

      "enabled": true|false,    (boolean) true if auto-combine is enabled, otherwise false
      "threshold": n.nnn         (numeric) the auto-combine threshold amount in PIV

Build system changes

The minimum supported miniUPnPc API version is set to 10. This keeps compatibility with Ubuntu 16.04 LTS and Debian 8 `libminiupnpc-dev` packages. Please note, on Debian this package is still vulnerable to [CVE-2017-8798]( (in jessie only) and [CVE-2017-1000494]( (both in jessie and in stretch).

OpenSSL is no longer used by PIVX Core

P2P and network changes

- Added NAT-PMP port mapping support via [`libnatpmp`](

Configuration changes

### Configuration sections for testnet and regtest

It is now possible for a single configuration file to set different options for different networks. This is done by using sections or by prefixing the option with the network, such as:


The `addnode=`, `connect=`, `port=`, `bind=`, `rpcport=`, `rpcbind=`, and `wallet=` options will only apply to mainnet when specified in the configuration file, unless a network is specified.

### Allow to optional specify the directory for the blocks storage

A new init option flag '-blocksdir' will allow one to keep the blockfiles external from the data directory.

### Disable PoW mining RPC Commands

A new configure flag has been introduced to allow more granular control over weather or not the PoW mining RPC commands are compiled into the wallet. By default they are not. This behavior can be overridden by passing `--enable-mining-rpc` to the `configure` script.

### Enable NAT-PMP port mapping at startup

The `-natpmp` option has been added to use NAT-PMP to map the listening port. If both UPnP
and NAT-PMP are enabled, a successful allocation from UPnP prevails over one from NAT-PMP.

### Removed startup options

- `printstakemodifier`

### Logging

The log timestamp format is now ISO 8601 (e.g. "2021-02-28T12:34:56Z").

### Automatic Backup File Naming

The file extension applied to automatic backups is now in ISO 8601 basic notation (e.g. "20210228T123456Z"). The basic notation is used to prevent illegal `:` characters from appearing in the filename.

*version* Change log

Detailed release notes follow. This overview includes changes that affect behavior, not code moves, refactors and string updates. For convenience in locating the code changes and accompanying discussion, both the pull request and git merge commit are mentioned.

### GUI

### Wallet

### RPC

### Masternodes/Budget

### Core

### Build Systems

### P2P/Network

### Testing

### Cleanup/Refactoring

### Docs/Output

## Credits

Thanks to everyone who directly contributed to this release:

As well as everyone that helped translating on [Transifex](, the QA team during Testing and the Node hosts supporting our Testnet.