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File metadata and controls

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Using Snekmer

Snekmer has three modeling operations: cluster (unsupervised clustering), model (supervised modeling), and search (application of model to new sequences). We will call the first two modes learning modes due to their utility in learning relationships between protein family input files. Users may choose a mode to best suit their specific use case.

Snekmer also has two non-modeling operations: learn (kmer counts matrix generation), and apply (perform cosine similarity between sequences and kmer counts matrix). The Learn/Apply pipeline can (and should) be used with with large training datasets to quickly find predict annotations for new sequences.

The mode must be specified in the command line, e.g. to specify the model mode, the following should be called:

snekmer model [--options]

In the resources, an example configuration file is included:

  • config.yaml: Configuration file for snekmer execution.
snekmer {mode} --dryrun

(For instance, in supervised mode, run snekmer model --dryrun.)

The output of the dry run shows you the files that will be created by the pipeline. If no files are generated, double-check that your directory structure matches the format specified above.

When you are ready to process your files, run:

snekmer {mode}

Accessing Results

Summary Reports

Each step in the Snekmer modeling pipeline will generate a report in HTML format. Users can find these reports, entitled Snekmer_<MODE>_Report.html, in the output directory.

Snekmer Model Output Files

All operation modes will preprocess input files and kmerize sequences. The associated output files can be found in the respective directories.

The following output directories and files will always be created:

├── input/
│   ├── A.fasta
│   └── B.fasta
├── output/
│   ├── kmerize/
│   │   ├── A.kmers  # kmer labels for A
│   │   └── B.kmers  # kmer labels for B
│   ├── vector/
│   │   ├── A.npz    # sequences, sequence IDs, and kmer vectors for A
│   │   └── B.npz    # sequences, sequence IDs, and kmer vectors for B
│   ├── ...

Mode-Specific Output Files

The steps in the Snekmer pipeline generate their own associated output files.

Snekmer Cluster Output Files

Snekmer's cluster mode produces the following output files and directories in addition to the files described previously.

└── output/
    ├── ...
    └── cluster/
        ├── snekmer.csv     # Summary of clustering results
        └── figures/        # Clustering figures
            ├── pca_explained_variance_curve.png
            ├── tsne.png
            └── umap.png

Snekmer Model Output Files

Snekmer's model mode produces the following output files and directories in addition to the files described previously.

├── output/
│   ├── ...
│   ├── scoring/
│   │   ├── A.matrix    # Similarity matrix for A seqs
│   │   ├── B.matrix    # Similarity matrix for B seqs
│   │   ├── A.scorer    # Object to apply A scoring model
│   │   ├── B.scorer    # Object to apply B scoring model
│   │   └── weights/
│   │       ├── A.csv.gz    # Kmer score weights in A kmer space
│   │       └── B.csv.gz    # Kmer score weights in B kmer space
│   ├── model/
│   │   ├── A.model     # (A/not A) classification model
│   │   ├── B.model     # (B/not B) classification model
│   │   ├── results/    # Cross-validation results tables
│   │   │   ├── A.csv
│   │   │   └── B.csv
│   │   └── figures/      # Cross-validation results figures
│   │       ├── A/
│   │       └── B/

Snekmer Search Output Files

The snekmer search mode assumes that the user has pre-generated family models using the snekmer model workflow, and thus operates as an independent workflow. The location of the basis sets, scorers, and models must be specified in the configuration file (see the search params section in the provided example).

For instance, say that the above output examples have already been produced. The user would then like to search a set of unknown sequences against the above families.

In a separate directory, the user should place files in an input directory with the appropriate YAML file. The assumed input file structure is as follows:

├── search.yaml
├── input/
│   ├── unknown_1.fasta
│   ├── unknown_2.fasta
│   └── etc.
├── output/
│   ├── ...
│   └── ...

The user should then modify their configuration file to point towards the appropriate basis set, scorer, and model directories.

Executing snekmer search --configfile search.yaml produces the following output files and directories in addition to the files described previously.

└── output/
    ├── kmers/
    │   └── common.basis  # Common kmer basis set for queried families
    └── search/
        ├── A   # A probabilities and predictions for unknown sequences
        │   ├── unknown_1.csv
        │   ├── unknown_2.csv
        │   └── ...
        └── B   # B probabilities and predictions for unknown sequences
            ├── unknown_1.csv
            ├── unknown_2.csv
            └── ...

Snekmer Learn Output Files

Snekmer's learn mode produces the following output files and directories in addition to the files described previously.

├── output/
│   ├── kmerize/
│   │   ├── A.kmers  # kmer labels for A
│   │   └── B.kmers  # kmer labels for B
│   ├── vector/
│   │   ├── A.npz    # sequences, sequence IDs, and kmer vectors for A
│   │   └── B.npz    # sequences, sequence IDs, and kmer vectors for B
│   ├── vector_frag/
│   │   ├── A.npz    # Conditional output for vector when the fragmentation option is True.
│   │   └── B.npz    # Conditional output for vector when the fragmentation option is True.
│   ├── learn/
│   │   ├── kmer-counts-A.csv    # Kmer Counts matrix for A seqs
│   │   ├── kmer-counts-B.csv     # Kmer Counts matrix for B seqs
│   │   └── kmer-counts-total.csv    # Kmer Counts matrix for merged (total) database.
│   ├── eval_apply/
│   │   ├── Seq-Annotation-Scores-A.model     # Self-assessed sequence-annotation cosine similarity scores for A seqs
│   │   ├── Seq-Annotation-Scores-B.model     # Self-assessed sequence-annotation cosine similarity scores for B seqs
│   ├── eval_apply_frag/
│   │   ├── Seq-Annotation-Scores-A.model     # Conditional output for eval_apply when the fragmentation option is True.
│   │   ├── Seq-Annotation-Scores-B.model     # Conditional output for eval_apply when the fragmentation option is True.
│   ├── eval_conf/
│   │   ├── global-confidence-scores.csv     # Global confidence score distribution
│   │   └── confidence_matrix.csv   # Confidence distribution Matrix for each annotation

Snekmer Apply Output Files

Snekmer's apply mode produces the following output files and directories in addition to the files described previously.

├── output/
│   ├── ...
│   ├── apply/
│   │   ├── Seq-Annotation-Scores-C.csv  # (optional) Sequence-annotation cosine similarity scores for C seqs
│   │   ├── Seq-Annotation-Scores-D.csv  # (optional) Sequence-annotation cosine similarity scores for D seqs
│   │   ├── kmer-summary-C.csv  # Results with annotation predictions and confidence for C seqs
│   │   └── kmer-summary-D.csv  # Results with annotation predictions and confidence for D seqs