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Genetic Alforithm for Job Shop Scheduling Problem



Job Shop Scheduling Problem

After we got the basic concepts of the Genetic Algorithm (GA), we might desire to solve different applications using GA.

✿ If we want to review the Genetic Algorithm, please check HERE!

In this article, we will introduce how to implement the genetic algorithm on the scheduling problem. We use a job shop problem (JSP) as an example. In the job shop problem, multiple jobs are processed on several machines. Each job consists of several operations (tasks) with predefined sequence, that is, operations (tasks) must be performed in a given order and on a specific machine. The problem solution indicates the ideal jobs which are assigned to machines at particular times. Common scheduling objective is to minimize the maximum length of the schedule which is also called makespan. Of course, we can consider other objectives such as minimize tardy jobs, minimize total weighted earliness and tardiness (TWET), and so on.

Below is the simple example of JSP. There are four jobs (J1-J4) and four machines (M1-M4). There exist a certain fixed route (sequence of machines) which may not be the same for each job, as Figure 1 shows. Then, we can reorganize the routes and get the Table 1 which shows the machines sequence. And we may also know the processing time dataset, as shown in the Table 2. At last, we can follow the rules of JSP and find out feasible solutions. In Figure 2, the Gantt Chart is used to show our result.


So now let's learn and try to implement the GA on the 10×10 Job Shop Scheduling Problem!

Example: 10×10 Job Shop Scheduling Problem

This example is a job shop scheduling problem from Lawrence (1984).
This test is also known as LA19 in the literature, and its optimal makespan is known to be 842 (Applegate and Cook, 1991).

There are 10 jobs (J1-J10) and 10 machines (M1-M10).
Each job must be processed on each of the 10 machines in a predefined sequence (O1-O10).
Our objective is to minimize the completion time of the last job to be processed, known as the makespan.

The dataset is given as follows:

▸ Processing Time

Time O1 O2 O3 O4 O5 O6 O7 O8 O9 O10
J1   44 5 47 97 9 84 77 96 58 89
 J2   15 31 87 57 77 85  81  39 73 21
 J3    82 22 10  70  49   40  34   48 80 71 
 J4   91 17 62 75  47  11 72 35 55
 J5   71 90 75 64 94 15 12 67 20 50
 J6   70 93 77 29 58 93 68 57 7 52
J7   87 63 26 6 82 27 56 48 36 95
J8   36 15 41 78 76 84 30 76 36 8
J9   88 81 13 82 54 13 29 40 78 75
J10  88 54 64 32 52 6 54 82 6 26

▸ Machines Sequence

Machine O1 O2 O3 O4 O5 O6 O7 O8 O9 O10
J1   3 4 6 5 1 8 9 10 2 7
 J2     5 8   2 9 1   4 3 6  10 7
 J3    10 7 5 4 2 1 9 3 8 6
 J4   2 3 8 6 9 5 4 7 10 1
 J5   7 2 4 1 3 9 5 8 10 6
 J6   8 6 9 3 5 7 4 2 10 1
J7   7 2 5 6 3 4 8 9 10 1
J8   1 6 9 10 4 7 5 8 3 2
J9   6 3 4 7 5 8 9 10 2 1
J10  10 5 7 8 1 3 9 6 4 2

Encoding and Decoding

For solving the JSP, we use operation-based representation to encode a schedule. The schedule is represented as a sequence of operations and each gene stand for one operation. For a n-job and m-machine problem,a chromosome contains n×m genes. Each job appears in the chromosome exactly m times. A simple explaination is as follow:


Problem Definition and Parameters Setting

Input the information according to problem definition.
Here, we will read Microsoft Excel spreadsheet file (download) instead of directly giving a value in the code.

% xlsread(filename,sheet,xlRange): use Excel range syntax in "xlRange".
j_num = xlsread('JSP_dataset.xlsx','Parameters','B2'); % Job Counts
ma_num = xlsread('JSP_dataset.xlsx','Parameters','B3'); % Machine Counts
PT = xlsread('JSP_dataset.xlsx','ProcessingTime','B2:K11'); % Processing Time
Ma = xlsread('JSP_dataset.xlsx','MachineSequence','B2:K11'); % Machine Sequence

Let user decide the populationsize, crossover rate, mutation rate and iteration times.

population_size = input('Please input the size of population: ');  % Ask user to input the population size.
if isempty (population_size)  % Set the default value (it works if user doesn't input anything to population_size).
    population_size = 20;  % Default value for population_size is equal to 10

crossover_rate = input('Please input the Crossover Rate: ');
if isempty (crossover_rate) 
    crossover_rate = 0.8;

mutation_rate = input('Please input the Mutation Rate: '); 
if isempty (mutation_rate) 
    mutation_rate = 0.1;

Num_Iteration = input('Please input the Iteration Times: '); 
if isempty (Num_Iteration) 
    Num_Iteration = 50000;

Executive Time

Calculate executive time.

tic  % Start stopwatch timertoc  % Read elapsed time from stopwatch

Initialize the Solution

Generate initial population (solution).

population_list = zeros(population_size, j_num*ma_num); % Record population (includes all chromosomes).

for i = 1:population_size 
    population_list(i,1:j_num*ma_num) = randperm(j_num*ma_num); % Random permutation of the integers from 1 to j_num*ma_num inclusive.
    for j = 1:j_num*ma_num % cluster each gene as one operation. For example, k*ma_num < gene value < (k+1)*ma_num, then this gene value is job (k+1).  
        for k = 0:(j_num-1)
            if population_list(i,j) > k*ma_num && population_list(i,j) <= (k+1)*ma_num
                population_list(i,j) = k+1;

Initialize the best fitness value and scheduling solution.

Makespan_best = 9999999999;  % Record the best fitness value..
Scheduling_best = zeros(1, j_num*ma_num);  % Record the scheduling with best fitness value.


Here, pairs of parent solutions are selected for two-point crossover, which calls for two points to be selected. Everything between the two points is swapped between the chormosomes, rendering two offspring chromosomes.

population_list_tmp = population_list;  % Record the parent chromosomes.

S = randperm(population_size); % Decide pairs of parent chromosomes.

for m = 1:(population_size/2)
    crossover_prob = rand(); % Generate the random probability.
    if (crossover_rate >= crossover_prob) % Crossover is happened only if crossover rate is larger than random probability.
        parent_1 = population_list(S(-1+2*m),1:j_num*ma_num); % Parent chromosome 1
        parent_2 = population_list(S(2*m),1:j_num*ma_num); % Parent chromosome 2
        child_1 = parent_1; % Record offspring chromosome 1
        child_2 = parent_2; % Record offspring chromosome 2
        cutpoint = randperm(j_num*ma_num); % Randomly choose two cut points.
        % two-point crossover
        cutpoint = sort(cutpoint(1:2)); % Sort the two cut points in ascending order.
        for k = cutpoint(1):cutpoint(2) 
            child_1(k) = parent_2(k);
            child_2(k) = parent_1(k);
        % Save the results of crossover.
        population_list(S(-1+2*m),1:j_num*ma_num) = child_1;
        population_list(S(2*m),1:j_num*ma_num) = child_2;


For mutaion, each gene in each chromosome alters if the probability is less than mutation rate. The gene which needs mutation is changed to another value. This may cause some jobs appear in the chromosome more than m times. Thus, we will have one step to repair it in the later.

for m = 1:population_size
    for j = 1:j_num*ma_num
        mutation_prob = rand();  % Generate the random probability.
        if mutation_rate >= mutation_prob  % Chromosomes mutate only if mutation rate is larger than random probability.
            ran_num = rand();  % Generate the random probability, and this probability will be clustered to one value which represents tha mutation result.
            for k = 0:(j_num-1)
                if ran_num > k*(1/j_num) && ran_num <= (k+1)*(1/j_num)
                    population_list(m,j) = k+1;


The crossover and mutation may break up the chromosome rules and give us one unfeasible solution, so repairing our chromosomes is an important step. Here, we repair the chromosomes and let them become feasible solutions.

for m = 1:population_size 
    % Calculate the job occurance counts in the chromosome.
    repair_or_not = zeros(1, j_num); % Record the occurance counts of each job.
    for j = 1:j_num*ma_num
        for k = 1:j_num
            if population_list(m,j) == k
                repair_or_not(k) = repair_or_not(k) + 1;
    % Deal with the jobs with occurance counts larger than machine counts.
    for k = 1:j_num
        if repair_or_not(k) > ma_num
            r_ran_num = randperm(repair_or_not(k));  % Randomly choose certain number of genes at certain positions to be repaired.
            r_ran_num = sort(r_ran_num(1:(repair_or_not(k)-ma_num)));
            appeartime = 0;  
            for j = 1:j_num*ma_num
                if population_list(m,j) == k
                    appeartime = appeartime + 1;
                    for n = 1:(repair_or_not(k)-ma_num)
                        if appeartime == r_ran_num(n)
                            population_list(m,j) = 0;   % The selected gene will be substitued by 0.
    % Deal with the jobs with occurance counts less than machine counts.
    for k = 1:j_num 
        if repair_or_not(k) < ma_num
            zeroappeartime = 0;
            appeartime = 0;      
            for j = 1:j_num*ma_num  % Calculate the occurance times of 0.
                if population_list(m,j) == 0
                    zeroappeartime = zeroappeartime + 1;
            r_ran_num = randperm(zeroappeartime);  % Randomly choose certain number of genes at certain positions to be repaired.
            r_ran_num = sort(r_ran_num(1:ma_num-(repair_or_not(k))));
            for j = 1:j_num*ma_num
                if population_list(m,j) == 0
                    appeartime = appeartime + 1;
                    for n = 1:(ma_num-repair_or_not(k))
                        if appeartime == r_ran_num(n)
                            population_list(m,j) = k;  % The selected gene will be substitued by the jobs value which occurance counts less than machine counts.


After we generate the offsprings, fitness values are calculated.

Initialize the setting.

population_list = [population_list_tmp; population_list]; % Include parent and offspring chromosomes.

fitness = zeros(population_size*2, 1+j_num*ma_num); % Record fitness value (objective value) and its chromosome. 
Gen = zeros(population_size*2,j_num*ma_num); % Record the job of each gene.
Gen_m = zeros(population_size*2,j_num*ma_num); % Record the machine of each gene.
Gen_t = zeros(population_size*2,j_num*ma_num); % Record the processing time of each gene.
MachineJob = zeros(population_size*2,j_num*ma_num); % Record the job sequence of each machine.
MachineTimeBegin = zeros(population_size*2,j_num*ma_num); % Record the starting time of each operation on the machine.
MachineTimeEnd = zeros(population_size*2,j_num*ma_num); % Record the completion time of each operation on the machine.


for m = 1:population_size*2 
    Gen(m,1:j_num*ma_num) = population_list(m,1:j_num*ma_num); % Record the job of each gene.
    % Record that the job "Gen" is processed on machine "Gen_m" with processing time "Gen_t".
    Ma2 = Ma;
    PT2 = PT;
    for j = 1:j_num*ma_num
       for k = 1:ma_num
            if Ma2(Gen(m,j),k) ~= 0
                Gen_m(m,j) = Ma2(Gen(m,j),k); % Record the machine of each gene.
                Gen_t(m,j) = PT2(Gen(m,j),k); % Record the processing time of each gene.
                Ma2(Gen(m,j),k) = 0; % After the operation is recorded, change the machine sequence value to 0. 
    % Record the job sequence of each machine.
    t = 1; 
    for k = 1:ma_num
        for j = 1:j_num*ma_num
            if Gen_m(m,j) == k
                MachineJob(m,t) = Gen(m,j); 
                t = t + 1;

Calculate the fitness value.
Here, we have to check whether there exists idle time between two operations on the machine or not.
If there exists idle, we arragne the job to be processed earlier.

for m = 1:population_size*2 
    j_count = zeros(1,j_num); % Record the completion time of the job.
    m_count = zeros(1,ma_num); % Record the completion time of the machine.
    t_count = zeros(1,ma_num); % Record the process counts of the machine.
    for j = 1:j_num*ma_num
        revise = 0; % Used to check whether there exists idle time or not.
        t_count(Gen_m(m,j)) = t_count(Gen_m(m,j)) + 1;
        if t_count(Gen_m(m,j)) <= 2 % If operations on the machine are less than or equal to 2, we don't need to check whether there exists idle time or not.
            j_count(Gen(m,j)) = j_count(Gen(m,j)) + Gen_t(m,j);
            m_count(Gen_m(m,j)) = m_count(Gen_m(m,j)) + Gen_t(m,j);
            if m_count(Gen_m(m,j)) < j_count(Gen(m,j))
                m_count(Gen_m(m,j)) = j_count(Gen(m,j));
            elseif m_count(Gen_m(m,j)) > j_count(Gen(m,j))
                j_count(Gen(m,j)) = m_count(Gen_m(m,j));
            MachineTimeBegin(m,Gen_m(m,j)*j_num-j_num+t_count(Gen_m(m,j))) = m_count(Gen_m(m,j)) - Gen_t(m,j);
            MachineTimeEnd(m,Gen_m(m,j)*j_num-j_num+t_count(Gen_m(m,j))) = m_count(Gen_m(m,j));
        elseif t_count(Gen_m(m,j)) >= 3 % If operations on the machine are more than or equal to 3, we need to consider the existense of idle time. 
            temBeginEnd = zeros(2,t_count(Gen_m(m,j)));
            for k = 1:(t_count(Gen_m(m,j))-1)
                temBeginEnd(1,1:t_count(Gen_m(m,j))-1) = MachineTimeBegin(m,Gen_m(m,j)*j_num-j_num+1:Gen_m(m,j)*j_num-j_num+t_count(Gen_m(m,j))-1);
                temBeginEnd(2,1:t_count(Gen_m(m,j))-1) = MachineTimeEnd(m,Gen_m(m,j)*j_num-j_num+1:Gen_m(m,j)*j_num-j_num+t_count(Gen_m(m,j))-1);
                temBeginEnd = sortrows(temBeginEnd');
                temBeginEnd = temBeginEnd';
                if j_count(Gen(m,j)) <= temBeginEnd(1,k+1)
                    if j_count(Gen(m,j)) >= temBeginEnd(2,k)
                        if temBeginEnd(1,k+1) - j_count(Gen(m,j)) >= Gen_t(m,j)
                            MachineTimeBegin(m,Gen_m(m,j)*j_num-j_num+t_count(Gen_m(m,j))) = j_count(Gen(m,j));
                            MachineTimeEnd(m,Gen_m(m,j)*j_num-j_num+t_count(Gen_m(m,j))) = j_count(Gen(m,j)) + Gen_t(m,j);
                    elseif j_count(Gen(m,j)) < temBeginEnd(2,k)
                        if temBeginEnd(1,k+1) - temBeginEnd(2,k) >= Gen_t(m,j)
                            revise = 1;
                            MachineTimeBegin(m,Gen_m(m,j)*j_num-j_num+t_count(Gen_m(m,j))) = MachineTimeEnd(m,Gen_m(m,j)*j_num-j_num+k);
                            MachineTimeEnd(m,Gen_m(m,j)*j_num-j_num+t_count(Gen_m(m,j))) = MachineTimeEnd(m,Gen_m(m,j)*j_num-j_num+k) + Gen_t(m,j);
            if revise == 0
                j_count(Gen(m,j)) = j_count(Gen(m,j)) + Gen_t(m,j);
                m_count(Gen_m(m,j)) = m_count(Gen_m(m,j)) + Gen_t(m,j);
                if m_count(Gen_m(m,j)) < j_count(Gen(m,j))
                    m_count(Gen_m(m,j)) = j_count(Gen(m,j));
                elseif m_count(Gen_m(m,j)) > j_count(Gen(m,j))
                    j_count(Gen(m,j)) = m_count(Gen_m(m,j));
                MachineTimeBegin(m,Gen_m(m,j)*j_num-j_num+t_count(Gen_m(m,j))) = m_count(Gen_m(m,j)) - Gen_t(m,j);
                MachineTimeEnd(m,Gen_m(m,j)*j_num-j_num+t_count(Gen_m(m,j))) = m_count(Gen_m(m,j));                
            elseif revise == 1
                j_count(Gen(m,j)) = MachineTimeEnd(m,Gen_m(m,j)*j_num-j_num+t_count(Gen_m(m,j)));
    fitness(m,1) = max(j_count); % Record the fitness value.
    fitness(m,2:1+j_num*ma_num) = Gen(m,1:j_num*ma_num); % Record the chromosome.

Check the result, and record it if the result in this iteration is better than previous iterations.

fitness_now = min(fitness(:,1));  % Find out the best fitness value from offsprings population in this iteration.
if (fitness_now < Makespan_best)  % If the fitness value is better than best fitness value, update the Makespan_best and Scheduling_best.
    Makespan_best = fitness_now;
    Scheduling_best = fitness((find(fitness == Makespan_best)),2:1+j_num*ma_num);


In this example, we only consider the chromosomes with better performances from both parents and offsprings.

fitness = sortrows(fitness,1); % Sort the chromosomes by theirs fitness values.
population_list = fitness(1:population_size,2:1+j_num*ma_num); % Remain the chromosomes with better performaces.

Calculate the total fitness for the both parents and offsprings. Because our objective is to minimize the makespan, we should consider reciprocal of the fitness.

Totalfitness = 0;
for m = 1:population_size
    Totalfitness = Totalfitness + 1/fitness(m,1)

Calculate the selection probability for each chromosome.

pk = zeros(population_size,1);
for m = 1:population_size
    pk(m) = (1/fitness(m,1)) / Totalfitness;

Calculate the cumulative probability for each chromosome.

qk = zeros(population_size,1); % Record cumulative probability of offspring population.
for m = 1:population_size
    cumulative = 0;
    for j = 1:m
        cumulative = cumulative + pk(j);
    qk(m) = cumulative;

Memorize the population, and prepare to generate new population.

last_population_list = population_list;  % Memorize the population.
population_list = zeros(population_size, j_num*ma_num);  % Used to record new population.

Generate a random number from the range [0,1].

selection_rand = zeros(1,population_size);  % Record the random number.

for m = 1:population_size
    selection_rand(m) = rand();

Use the roulette wheel and select the chromosome to be included in new population.

for m = 1:population_size
    if (selection_rand(m) <= qk(1))
	population_list(m, 1:j_num*ma_num) = last_population_list(m, 1:j_num*ma_num);
    	for j = 1:(population_size-1)
	    if (selection_rand(m) > qk(j) && selection_rand(m) <= qk(j+1))
		population_list(m, 1:j_num*ma_num) = last_population_list((j+1), 1:j_num*ma_num);

Report the Results

At last, we can give report to show our final solution.

disp('--- Final Report ---');
fprintf('Optimal_Value : %d\n',Makespan_best);

So far, the JSP using genetic algorithm is introduced.
Noticed that implement the above code still needs to add something (E.g., considering iterations) and make it complete.

Sample code is HERE.