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Axios REST Plugin

for general information on what DYD is, look in the repository root.

A DYD plugin for systems that can be instructed to anonymize/delete personal data on a REST endpoint, based on the Axios HTTP client.


  // the base URL to which the endpoints are relative, required
  baseURL: '',
  // the endpoint at which accounts can be deleted, required
  accountEndpoint: 'accounts/',
  // HTTP method for the account endpoint, defaults to 'post'
  accountMethod: 'post',
  // the endpoint at which log entries can be deleted, required
  // HTTP method for the entry endpoint, defaults to 'post'

REST endpoint requirements

The account endpoint will receive data of the following shape:

  ids: [nativeId, ...],
  mode: 'DELETE' | 'ANONYMIZE',

where each nativeId is the ID of an account as it is indexed by DYD.

The entry endpoint will receive data of the following shape:

  locations: [nativeLocation, ...],
  mode: 'DELETE' | 'ANONYMIZE',

where each nativeLocation is the location of a log entry as it is indexed by DYD.


Install Yarn

Build Setup

# install dependencies
$ yarn install

# build for production
$ yarn build