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Changes in release 2.7.0 on 2019-12-13

This is an enhancement and bug-fix release.

  • Improve versioning process for use with pip installation.

  • New notification and documentation about when data extrapolation are not conducted by Tax-Calculator on startup.

  • Fix a bug with the CPI_offset parameter.

  • Fix the incorrect application of inflation indexing to the ceiling on SALT deductions.

Changes in release 2.6.0 on 2019-10-31

This is an enhancement release.

  • Add an additional version of recipe04 from the Tax-Calculator cookbook that shows how to use the Python Data Analysis Library (pandas) in applying different response elasticities to different earnings groups.

Changes in release 2.5.0 on 2019-08-06

This is an enhancement and bug-fix release.

  • Add to the income tax a refundable payroll tax credit (RPTC) that can be used to emulate a payroll tax exemption

  • Allow reforms that specify a CPI_offset change in the same year as a tax policy parameter's indexing status is changed

Changes in release 2.4.2 on 2019-06-28

This is a bug-fix release.

  • Add farm income to qualified business income

Changes in release 2.4.1 on 2019-06-26

This is a bug-fix release.

  • Add taxable-income cap to qualified business income deduction logic

Changes in release 2.4.0 on 2019-06-25

This is an enhancement release.

  • Improve calculation of qualified business income deduction

Changes in release 2.3.0 on 2019-06-08

This is an enhancement release.

  • Redo validation tests using newest version of TAXSIM-27

  • Simplify Records class internal logic by adding generic Data class

Changes in release 2.2.0 on 2019-05-20

This is an enhancement and bug-fix release.

  • Add "Analyzing a Non-Parametric Reform" cookbook recipe that shows how analyze reforms that cannot be represented using existing policy parameters

  • Add option to specify table and graph quantiles that have equal numbers of people rather than equal numbers of filing units

  • Add "Redefining Expanded Income" cookbook recipe

  • Correct treatment of tuition and fees deduction in 2018 and subsequent years

Changes in release 2.1.0 on 2019-05-09

This is an enhancement release.

  • Provide option to specify simpler JSON reform files

  • Reorganize Tax-Calculator documentation

Changes in release 2.0.1 on 2019-04-17

This is a bug-fix release.

  • Fix minor flaw in definition of EITC investment income

Changes in release 2.0.0 on 2019-04-15

This is a major release with changes that make Tax-Calculator incompatible with earlier releases.

Read this document to understand what you need to do before using Tax-Calculator 2.0.

  • Simplify and standardize the way that policy reforms (and assumption changes) are specified in both JSON files and Python dictionaies

Changes in release 1.2.0 on 2019-03-24

This is an enhancement and bug-fix release.

  • Add JSON reform file for tax provisions in Sanders-DeFazio "Social Security Expansion Act"

  • Fix minor bugs related to the new _SS_Earnings_thd policy parameter used in several payroll tax reforms

Changes in release 1.1.0 on 2019-03-17

This is an enhancement release.

  • Provide more flexibility in specifying structural EITC reforms that make the credit more individualized

  • Use new data input files that are based on the January 2019 CBO economic projection and that extend budget years through 2029

Changes in release 1.0.1 on 2019-02-26

This is a bug-fix release.

  • Fix logic so that the six components of total itemized deductions add up to pre-limitation total itemized deductions

Changes in release 1.0.0 on 2019-02-22

This is a major release with changes that make Tax-Calculator incompatible with earlier releases.

  • Redefine the meaning of the _CTC_c policy parameter and remove five old reform parameters that are incompatible with current law

  • Remove the Behavior class from Tax-Calculator and rely instead on the response function in the Behavioral-Responses behresp package

  • Move the quantity_response function to the Behavioral-Responses behresp package

  • Add new economic-variable growth factors and sample weights based on using the August-2018 CBO ten-year projection

  • Fix logic of computing nonrefundable tax credits for children under 17 and for other dependents in years starting with 2018

  • Add actual 2018 values for all tax policy parameters

  • Add a reform file that characterizes the payroll and income tax aspects of the Larson Social Security 2100 Act

Changes in release 0.24.0 on 2018-12-14

  • Make taxcalc packages available for Python 3.7 as well as for Python 3.6.

Changes in release 0.23.4 on 2018-12-13

  • Fix obscure bug regarding rules for determining eligibility for the child AMT exemption that was discovered during recent validation work.

Changes in release 0.23.3 on 2018-12-05

  • Fix minor error in calculation of AMT for those in the 18 to 23 age range. This changes estimated aggregate income tax liability in 2018 by only 0.06 of one percent.

Changes in release 0.23.2 on 2018-11-22

  • Make create_diagnostic_table utility function work better when using the Behavioral-Responses behresp package. This is illustrated in cookbook recipe 2.

Changes in release 0.23.1 on 2018-11-20

  • Add ability to pass pandas DataFrame as the adjust_ratios argument to Records class constructor. This makes the adjust_ratios argument like the data and weights arguments in this respect.

Changes in release 0.23.0 on 2018-11-13

  • Remove confusing filer variable from list of usable input variables. This will generate a message that Tax-Calculator is ignoring the filer variable as long as input data contain a variable with that name.

  • Remove useless start_year and num_years arguments of constructor for the Policy, Consumption, and GrowDiff classes.

  • Add deprecated warning to Behavior class constructor and documentation because Behavior class will be removed from Tax-Calculator in the near future.

  • Revise cookbook recipe 2 to show use of new Behavioral-Responses behresp package as alternative to deprecated Behavior class.

Changes in release 0.22.2 on 2018-10-26

  • Add _EITC_basic_frac policy parameter so that an Earned and Basic Income Tax Credit (EBITC) reform can be analyzed.

Changes in release 0.22.1 on 2018-10-25

  • Add Records class read_cps_data static method to make it easier to test other models in the Policy Simulation Library collection of USA tax models.

Changes in release 0.22.0 on 2018-10-24

  • Refactor tbi functions so that other models in the Policy Simulation Library (PSL) collection of USA tax models can easily produce the tables expected by TaxBrain.

  • Add ability to read online JSON reform/assumption files located at URLs beginning with 'http'. This is illustrated in cookbook recipe 1.

  • Fix bug in create_difference_table utility function that affected accuracy of the ubi variable and benefit-total variables in the difference table.

Changes in release 0.21.0 on 2018-09-11

  • Require Python 3.6 to run Tax-Calculator source code or conda package. This change is being made because pandas is dropping development for Python 2.7 beginning in 2019.

Changes in release 0.20.3 on 2018-09-06

  • Incorporate new PUF input data that include imputed values of itemizeable expenses for non-itemizers. This enables simulation of reforms that lower the standard deduction below where is was before TCJA when using PUF.

  • Incorporate new PUF input data that include imputed values of pension contributions. This increases payroll tax revenue because (unlike the income tax) it taxes pension contributions when using PUF.

  • Fix other-benefits values in CPS input data. This is relevant primarily for users simulating the repeal of other benefits as part a UBI reform, but it also affects expanded income in the distribution tables when using CPS.


Changes in releases before 0.20.3

See more technical descriptions of changes in releases before 0.20.3 here.