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Releases: Paciente8159/uCNC

µCNC v1.4.7

29 Jul 16:07
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Version 1.4.7 has the following changes:


  • added Marlin M913 command to TMC driver module (#226)


  • modified TMC driver to include shadow registers of write only (#226)
  • modified/unified UART port definitions for all architectures (#230)
  • minor optimization with auto-report enabled (#230)
  • split platformio files for each board family (#231)
  • updated virtual HAL for Windows (#232)


  • fixed compilation error on STM32F1 if probe pin is not defined (#225)
  • fixed TMC M914 extension command initialization (#226)
  • fixed UART Arduino library conflict compilation error on PIO

µCNC v1.4.6

28 Jun 19:21
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Version 1.4.6 adds the followin changes:


  • added software I2C (bit-banging) (#215)
  • removed encoders dependency of modules. Stepper encoders and regular encoders reset is now independent (#216)
  • encoders counting pulse and direction can be inverted via setting $8 and $9 (#216)
  • modified settings initialization code. Added option to hase settings on RAM only (volatile) (#217)
  • added option to store G92 offset in non volatile memory to prevent undesired wear (#221)


  • module system complete restructure. Core complementary modules kept in the core code. Remaining modules pulled to a different repository (#215)
  • encoders initial state aquired at startup to prevent initial noise counts (#216)
  • fixed dir mask detection for ENC0 and ENC1 (#216)
  • moved the mod_cnc_dotasks_hook callback to allow it to work even if hold is active (#218)

µCNC v1.4.5

17 May 18:56
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µCNC version 1.4.5 changes are listed below.
Next release will will have some extensive changes in µCNC modules to make it more easy to add an use modules in a need only basis.



  • option to enable self-squaring and dual-drive axis is now independent (#208)
  • option to disable homing on each individual axis (#209)
  • modified encoder to make it and independent module. This work a bit like a core functionality and not a module. (#213)
  • stepper encoders now report directly the position via the interpolator (#213)
  • added example of mirror RAMPS board (with encoders) (#213)
  • redesigned limit/control/inputs switch logic. All logic is now performed inside the respective mcu callbacks (#212)


  • EIMSK not being set on AVR MCU making external Interrupt pins not to trigger (#213)
  • fixed ISR mask evaluation that prevented the correct ISR to catch the call leading to fault reset (introduced with #213) (#214)

µCNC v1.4.4

11 May 08:47
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Again a huge shout-out to @jimsynz with all the testing and helping on µCNC.
µCNC version 1.4.4 changes are:


@jimsynz (#184)


  • added support for stall detection in TMC2209 drivers. Added equivalent Marlin M914 to modify sensitivity (#185)
  • added support for G10 L20 (change coordinate system relative to current position) (#189)
  • added example for BESC spindle (#191)


  • overridable F_STEP_MAX and F_STEP_MIN (#190)
  • removed kinematic transformations filter from JOG motions to prevent unpredictable motions after forced motion systems sync (#195)
  • modified Grbl compatible startup message (#196)
  • updated M42 to reflect current HAL IO convention (#197)
  • added servo pins configurations to RAMPS boardmap (pins D4, D5, D6 and D11) (#197)
  • updated $P report to reflect current HAL IO convention (#198)
  • improved BESC spindle control with added default values for throttle down, neutral and full positions (#200)
  • improved BESC value range calculation (#202)
  • modified tool speed feedback. Each tool reports speed directly and can customize the way the speed is reported (#203)
  • simplified Encoder module. Can be enabled without extra modules
  • added BESC RPM counter based on Encoder module


  • fixed typo in error constant name (#184)
  • fixed G49 was not reseting TLO (#188)
  • fixed motion systems unsync after recovering from emergency stop (#193)
  • emergency stop press was not stopping tool as expected (#192)
  • position read from motion control was not reversing user geometry transformations (#195)
  • AVR DIN0-7 pins ISR was not enabled (#201)
  • fixed error were coordinates would be forgotten/override if applying multiple G10 commands for different axis (ex. G10L20X0 and G10L20Y0) (#204)
  • fixed logic error when both limits switches are active for an axis (not dual-drive) and are inverted, trigger would only happen if both were pressed (#205)
  • fixed logic ORING of signals when homing leading to incorrect trigger when self-squaring cause by #205 (#207)
  • fixed G28-G30 not updating parser position leading to intermediate travel on next command (#211)

µCNC v1.4.3

02 May 21:28
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µCNC version 1.4.3 fixes some bugs and added improvements to dual axis motion systems.


@jimsynz - relay controlled relay spindle tool (#176) (#177) (#181)


  • MKS GEN L V1 boardmap based on ramps 1.4 (#175)
  • auto status report option to send periodic status info without ? required (#179)
  • added relay controlled spindle tool to tools (#176)
  • added filter to control pins invert setting to prevent inverting undefined pins and activate it (#183)


  • dual axis is now more easy to configure and more flexible. Shadow register can be wired to unused steppers (#175)
  • it's now possible to send some system commands (information commands) without being in the idle state (#178)
  • partially reverted #163 to allow ESTOP invert via $7 also (#182)


  • fixed missing stepper 6 and 7 DIR and EN pins from HAL (#175)
  • redesigned axis dual endstop trigger with limits inverted (#175)
  • wrong limit switch trigger during home with dual axis enabled was not being detected (#175)
  • redesigned axis dual limit switch detection. Non dual drive axis limits are combined to detect colisions in min and max (#180)

µCNC v1.4.2

19 Apr 01:06
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µCNC version 1.4.2 makes some changes to improve compatibility with Grbl software and patches some issues from the previous versions.


  • added option to accept G0 and G1 without explicit axis words to target (#169)
  • implemented Grbl report status mask (#170)
  • full Grbl welcome message emulation to fix recognition by PC softwares (#170)
  • modified startup blocks execution to match Grbl behavior (#170)


  • fixed parser wrong coordinates after coordinate offset command changes axis followed by a motion command with implicit target coordinates modified by the previous command, resulting in unexpected motion path (#170)
  • forces run state flag during dwell (reported idle state) (#170)

µCNC v1.4.1

17 Apr 09:33
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µCNC version 1.4.1 has an important bug fix regarding laser mode and M3 tool mode


  • fixed laser not turning on with laser mode enabled and after new feed motion command is issued without S word update and M3 active and the machine starts the next motion from an Idle state (#168)

µCNC v1.4.0

16 Apr 04:30
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µCNC version 1.4.0 packs lots of new features as well as the initial support for SMT32F4 core MCU's, Trinamic drivers, canned cycles, Linear delta robot kinematics and more.

A special thank you note to Alexandros Angelidis for all the time and effort spent on the testing of the delta kinematics HAL.


  • added Inventables X-Controller board (#163)
  • added emergency stop logic invert option on main config file (#163)
  • added build info command $I (optional via config file) ($164)
  • added option to make homing has the machine origin (#162)


  • moved pin pullup configuration to HAL config file (#163)
  • modified DSS for 32bit bresenham to allow bigger division factors (allowing lower end speeds) (#165)


  • fixed TMC soft uart input pins (#163)
  • fixed missing feedback message after settings reset command $RST ($164)
  • invalid eeprom reset and $RST=* now also clears N0 and N1 blocks as expected ($164)
  • forced control pin checking to prevent undesired motion unlock while control pin state still active ($164)
  • fixed tool length offset setting index
  • fixed rounding error when printing float numbers close to the next integer value (#166)
  • fixed homing when soft limits are enabled (#162)
  • fixed sticking jog command (#167)

µCNC v1.4.0-rc

09 Apr 20:21
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µCNC version 1.4.0 packs lots of new features as well as the initial support for SMT32F4 core MCU's, Trinamic drivers, canned cycles and more.
Release candidate has a few important fixes from version beta2. Also it's possible to compile the project with PlatformIO.


  • added platformIO.ini file the µCNC project (#161)


  • improved subsegment planner computations by skipping junction speed calculations after initial calculation for first subsegment (#160)
  • optimized the MKS DLC boardmap file to reuse UNO boardmap


  • fixed random angle error calculation between planner line segments that cause random speed drops (#158)
  • fixed compilation errors for main config file options (#159)
  • fixed unit vector calculation in motion control line function (#160)

µCNC v1.4.0-beta2

31 Mar 21:37
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µCNC version 1.4.0 packs lots of new features as well as the initial support for SMT32F4 core MCU's.
Beta2 adds a subset of canned cycles G codes to µCNC.
It also adds Trinamic driver support as well as RAMBO board hardware improvements.


  • added canned cycles G81, G82, G83, G85, G86 and G89 to parser (enabled via config file) (#151)
  • added softuart (bit-banging) module (#152)
  • added TMC drivers integration. UART drivers are supported. SPI drivers are not tested. Optional M350, M906 and M920 commands available. (#155)
  • added digital MSTEP pin support (RAMBO board and similar). Optional M351 command available. (#156)
  • added digital potentiometer for stepper current regulationvia SPI driver support (RAMBO board and similar). Optional M907 command available. (#156)
  • added softspi (bit-banging) module (#156)


  • modified homing (each kinematic has a fully custom homing motion and coordinate set) (#154)
  • motion control modification to remove forward kinematic calculations from main motion pipeline (#154)
  • parser detects duplicated words in command (#156)
  • updated RAMPS and RAMBO boards pinout definitions with new features (#156)


  • fixed dirmask bug introduced with #148 (#153)
  • fixed stepper enable bitmask and motor locking/unlocking
  • segmented motions for delta kinematics to improve non linearity of the towers motions (#154)
  • fixed delta errors cause by stepping optimizations for linear motion systems (#154)
  • fixed module ADDLISTENER macro. When adding multiple listeners to the same event only the last one was being called. (#155)
  • added missing pins control for new pins (16 to 31) code to io_control core (#156)