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Benchmarking COLO829 (structural variants) and HCC1395 (SNV/INDEL) with the workflow

In order to simulate tumor purity, we downsampled the aligned BAM file using samtools and mixed the normal and tumor datasets. For example, at 50% purity the mixture consists of 30-fold coverage tumor merged with 30-fold normal coverage.

Structural variants recall for COLO829 (Severus)

Truth sets were obtained from Valle-Inclan et. al. 2022 (Zenodo record). The benchmark was carried out using truvari with the parameter of -p 0 -s 0 -S 0 --sizemax 100000000 --dup-to-ins. The following results were obtained from the Severus' VCF file. Note that Severus produces "SVLEN=0" for some BND calls. For truvari to work in matching BND breakpoints, we removed the string "SVLEN=0;" in the VCF before running truvari. Finally, all 57 known SVs (truth) called at 60-fold coverage (100% purity) were manually checked to ensure Truvari was correctly matching the SVs.

At 30X, it is also possible to achieve maximum recall of 92% (57/62 truth SVs) by setting the severus_min_reads parameter to require just 2 supporting reads for Severus. However, this will increase the number of false-positives, so it is a trade-off that user needs to decide. By default we follow Severus' recommendation which is a minimum support of 3 reads. The table and figure below shows the accuracy performance with a minimum support of 3 reads.

Normal coverage Tumor coverage Purity Truth SV Called Total SV Called Recall (Truth / 62) Precision F1 Remark
30 30 0.25 30 39 48% 77% 59%
30 30 0.5 48 65 77% 74% 76%
30 30 1 54 92 87% 59% 70% truthset_4 called as BND
30 60 0.25 46 82 74% 56% 64%
30 60 0.5 54 94 87% 57% 69%
30 60 1 57 157 92% 36% 52% truthset_4 called as BND
60 60 0.25 46 66 74% 70% 72%
60 60 0.5 54 84 87% 64% 74%
60 60 1 57 126 92% 45% 61% truthset_4 called as BND

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There were four structural variants that Severus failed to called. truthset_13 and truthset_42 did not show any evidence based on manual inspection via IGV. truthset_32 has 2/102 reads supporting the alternative allele (2% VAF). truthset_51 did not have any coverage in the normal. Finally, truthset_52 was part of a complex structural variant chain with truthset 19, 20, 53 and 54.

Small variants recall for HCC1395 (ClairS 0.1.6 and DeepSomatic 1.6.0)

Truth sets were obtained from SEQC2 website (v1.2.1) and we compared the VCFs using Note that this is different from the benchmarking method in the ClairS preprint where truth variants that do not have any supporting reads or have very low coverage in the tumor BAM are removed. We did not remove any truth variants in this benchmark.

Figure below shows the performance of ClairS and DeepSomatic at different coverage for SNV and INDELs.

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Table of overall accuracy across all allele frequencies
Tumor Coverage Normal Coverage Purity type total.truth total.query tp fp fn recall precision F1 all_errors (fp+fn) Platform
30 30 1 indels 1602 1547 1074 473 528 0.67041 0.69425 68.21% 1001 HiFi ClairS 0.1.6
30 30 1 SNVs 39447 36984 34210 2774 5237 0.86724 0.92499 89.52% 8011 HiFi ClairS 0.1.6
30 30 1 combined 41049 38531 35284 3247 5765 0.85956 0.91573 88.68% 9012 HiFi ClairS 0.1.6
60 30 1 indels 1602 1475 1103 372 499 0.68851 0.7478 71.69% 871 HiFi ClairS 0.1.6
60 30 1 SNVs 39447 38830 36249 2581 3198 0.91893 0.93353 92.62% 5779 HiFi ClairS 0.1.6
60 30 1 records 41049 40305 37352 2953 3697 0.90994 0.92673 91.83% 6650 HiFi ClairS 0.1.6
30 30 1 indels 1602 999 953 46 649 0.59488 0.95395 73.28% 695 HiFi DeepSomatic 1.6.0
30 30 1 SNVs 39447 34940 34133 807 5314 0.86529 0.9769 91.77% 6121 HiFi DeepSomatic 1.6.0
30 30 1 records 41049 35939 35086 853 5963 0.85473 0.97627 91.15% 6816 HiFi DeepSomatic 1.6.0
60 30 1 indels 1602 1270 1180 90 422 0.73658 0.92913 82.17% 512 HiFi DeepSomatic 1.6.0
60 30 1 SNVs 39447 38291 36874 1417 2573 0.93477 0.96299 94.87% 3990 HiFi DeepSomatic 1.6.0
60 30 1 records 41049 39561 38054 1507 2995 0.92704 0.96191 94.42% 4502 HiFi DeepSomatic 1.6.0

The following figure shows performance at different AF threshold comparing ClairS and DeepSomatic. The ClairS cal_af_distribution script was used to generate the allele frequencies of the truthset based on the pileup of the BAM files used to generate the call. Only positions with at least 1 alt allele count are considered in the benchmarking. This also allows us to bin the truth allele frequencies based on the input dataset. The alternative is to directly bin the truth set using the TVAF tag, but this will not be able to capture the true allele frequencies as they were calculated based on the original short-reads dataset. Note that for DeepSomatic, we replaced the VAF of DeepSomatic using VAF calculated by cal_af_distribution script ran on the DeepSomatic's VCF, as DeepSomatic calculates VAF differently from cal_af_distribution.

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