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People in AI

Following is a non-exhaustive list in (approx.) alphabetical order of people who have contributed immensely to the development of the field and continue to do so. The purpose of listing these people here as follows:

  1. To acknowledge their valuable contributions to human knowledge.
  2. To motivate current and aspiring AI enthusiasts.
  3. To keep ourselves updated with recent development in the field by keeping an eye on their research work and ideas.

Andrew Ng

Co-Founder of Coursera, Professor at Stanford University, Former Chief Scientist at Baidu Research. (web)

Andrej Karpathy

Director of AI at Tesla, Stanford PhD, Former Research Scientist at Open AI. (academic), (blog)

Alex Krizhevsky

Famous for AlexNet, Formerly at Google. (academic)

Alex Graves

Known for work on LSTM, RNNs, Neural Turing Machine, Currently Research scientist at Google DeepMind. (academic)

Abdelrahman Mohamed

Principal researcher at Amazon Alexa ML. (academic)

David Silver

Professor at University College London, Leads Reinforcement Learning research group at DeepMind, lead researcher on AlphaGo. (academic)

Daphne Koller

Co-Founder of Coursera, Professor at Stanford University, Known for her work on Probabilistic Graphical Models and Bayesian ML. (academic)

Fei-Fei Li

Professor at Stanford University, Director of Stanford AI Lab and the Stanford Vision Lab. Advisor of Andrej Karpathy (academic)

Francios Chollet

Creator of Keras, Researcher at Google. (google), (twitter)

Geoffry Hinton

Professor at University of Toronto, Consultant for Google, Known for foundational work on Neural Nets, advisor of Alex Graves, Illya Sutskever, Yann LeCun (academic)

Ian Goodfellow

Known for Generative Adversarial Networks, Lead Author of Deep Learning Book, Research Scientist at Google, Formerly at OpenAI. (google), (twitter)

Illya Sutskever

Research Director of OpenAI, Formerly at Google Brain. (personal)

Jürgen Schmidhuber

Scientific Director of IDSIA, Professor at USI, advisor of Alex Graves. (academic)

Kaiming He

Among the creators of ResNet, Research Scientist at Facebook AI Research, Former Microsoft Research Asia. (academic), (fb)

Manuela Veloso

Head of the Machine Learning Dept at Carnegie Mellon University. (personal)

Matthew Zeiler

Founder of Clarifai. (personal)

Maxim Likhachev

Professor at Carnegie Mellon University. (personal)

Michael Neilson

Quantum Physicist and Computer Scientist, Research Fellow at Y Combinator Research. Author of Neural networks and deep learning online book. (personal), (twitter)

Nando de Freitas

Professor at University of Oxford. (personal), (oxford), (twitter)

Peter Norvig

Director of Research, Google. Co-author of the quintessential AI book - Artificial Intelligence: A Modern approach. (personal)

Richard Sutton

Considered father of modern Reinforcement Learning, Professor at University of Alberta. Author of Reinforcement Learning book. Advisor of David Silver. (academic).

Siraj Raval

Owns a youtube channel dedicated to AI tutorials.He has also contributed in Deep Learning Nanodegree Program at Udacity. His youtube channel has 300K+ subscribers.He is also very active at github with around 200+ repositories and 500+ contributions in the last year.(youtube),(github),(website).

Stuart Russell

Professor of Computer Science, UC Berkeley. Co-author of the quintessential AI book - Artificial Intelligence: A Modern approach. (berkeley)

Zhengyou Zhang

Principal Researcher and Research Manager at Microsoft Research. (microsoft)

Yann LeCun

Director of AI Research at Facebook, Founding Director of NYU Center for Data Science (personal)

Yoshua Bengio

Professor at University of Montreal, Head of the Montreal Institute for Learning Algorithms (MILA), advisor of Ian Goodfellow. (academic), (umontreal)