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Solving Dynamic Optimization Problems with Schur-Complement Decomposition

In order to solve a dynamic optimization problem with schur-complement decomposition, you must create a class which inherits from :py:class:`~parapint.interfaces.schur_complement.mpi_sc_ip_interface.MPIDynamicSchurComplementInteriorPointInterface`. This class must implement the method :py:meth:`~parapint.interfaces.schur_complement.mpi_sc_ip_interface.MPIDynamicSchurComplementInteriorPointInterface.build_model_for_time_block`:

import parapint

class Problem(parapint.interfaces.MPIDynamicSchurComplementInteriorPointInterface):
    def __init__(self, your_arguments):
        # do anything you need to here
        super(Problem, self).__init__(start_t, end_t, num_time_blocks, mpi_comm)

    def build_model_for_time_block(self, ndx, start_t, end_t, add_init_conditions):
        # build the dynamic optimization problem with Pyomo over the time horizon
        # [start_t, end_t] and return the model along with two lists. The first
        # list should be a list of pyomo variables corresponding to the states at
        # start_t. The second list should be a list of pyomo variables
        # corresponding to the states at end_t. Continuity will be enforced
        # between the states at end_t for one time block
        # and the states at start_t for the next time block. It is very important for
        # the ordering of the state variables to be the same for every time block.

        return model, start_states, end_states

problem = Problem(some_arguments)

The :py:meth:`~parapint.interfaces.schur_complement.mpi_sc_ip_interface.MPIDynamicSchurComplementInteriorPointInterface.build_model_for_time_block` method will be called once for every time block. It will be called within the call to :py:meth:`~parapint.interfaces.schur_complement.mpi_sc_ip_interface.MPIDynamicSchurComplementInteriorPointInterface.__init__` of the super class (:py:class:`~parapint.interfaces.schur_complement.mpi_sc_ip_interface.MPIDynamicSchurComplementInteriorPointInterface`). Therefore, if you override the __init__ method, it is very important to still call the __init__ method of the base class as shown above. There is an example class in in the examples directory within Parapint.

In addition to the implementation of the class described above, you must create an instance of :py:class:`~parapint.linalg.schur_complement.mpi_explicit_schur_complement.MPISchurComplementLinearSolver`. This linear solver requires a sub-solver for every time block:

cntl_options = {1: 1e-6}  # the pivot tolerance
sub_solvers = {ndx: parapint.linalg.InteriorPointMA27Interface(cntl_options=cntl_options) for ndx in range(num_time_blocks)}
schur_complement_solver = parapint.linalg.InteriorPointMA27Interface(cntl_options=cntl_options)
linear_solver = parapint.linalg.MPISchurComplementLinearSolver(subproblem_solvers=sub_solvers,

The linear solver and interface instances can then be used with the interior point algorithm:

options = parapint.algorithms.IPOptions()
options.linalg.solver = linear_solver
status = parapint.algorithms.ip_solve(interface, options)
assert status == parapint.interior_point.InteriorPointStatus.optimal
for ndx in problem.local_block_indices:
    model = problem.pyomo_model(ndx)