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(or sbnoti because Azure has problems with large path names -__-)

Notifications Reader for Azure Service Bus


SbnotiBuilder = require("sbnoti")

reader = new SbnotiBuilder()
.withServiceBus #required
  connectionString: "the azure connection string"
  topic: "the topic name"
  subscription: "the subscription name"
#All settigns below are optional. The values are the defaults.
.withConcurrency 25
# new health notifiying option:
    host: "host"
    port: 6739
    auth: "cadenaDeAuth"
    db: 2
  app: "la-aplicacion-que-esta-usando-sbnoti"

To read from the dead letter subscription

reader = new SbnotiBuilder()
.withServiceBus #required
  connectionString: "the azure connection string"
  topic: "the topic name"
  subscription: "the subscription name"

Also read from regular and dead letter at the same time!

reader = new SbnotiBuilder()
.withServiceBus #required
  connectionString: "the azure connection string"
  topic: "the topic name"
  subscription: "the subscription name"
  pending: true #Read from regular subscription
  failed: true  #Read from dead letter

TIP: Use the booleans for pending and failed to control which readers are active

A nice function to transform strings 'true' and 'false' to actual the boolean value or a default:

stringToBoolean: (value,_default) ->
  (value?.toLowerCase?() ? _default?.toString()) == 'true'

To start the reader with a given process

Promise = require("bluebird") (message) =>
  # do something with message
  Promise.resolve "message processed ok"
  # or...
  Promise.reject "error processing the message"

To make an http request for each message

messageToOptions = (message) =>
  uri: ""
    authorization: "access token"

reader.runAndPost messageToOptions, ignoredStatusCodes: [409,503]
reader.runAndGet messageToOptions
reader.runAndPut messageToOptions
reader.runAndDelete messageToOptions
#or also
method = 'post',  #'get','delete','update'
reader.runAndRequest messageToOptions, method, ignoredStatusCodes: [409]


4.x -> 5.x

Removed methods