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File metadata and controls

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App caching ----------

There are many situations in which a program may be re-executed over time. Often, large fragments of the program will not have changed and therefore, re-execution of apps will waste valuable time and computation resources. Parsl's app caching solves this problem by storing results from apps that have successfully completed so that they can be re-used.

App caching is enabled by setting the cache argument in the or decorator to True (by default it is False).

def hello (msg, stdout=None):
    return 'echo {}'.format(msg)

App caching can be globally disabled by setting app_cache=False in the ~parsl.config.Config.

App caching can be particularly useful when developing interactive programs such as when using a Jupyter notebook. In this case, cells containing apps are often re-executed during development. Using app caching will ensure that only modified apps are re-executed.

App equivalence

Parsl determines app equivalence by storing the a hash of the app function. Thus, any changes to the app code (e.g., its signature, its body, or even the docstring within the body) will invalidate cached values. Further, Parsl does not traverse imported modules, and thus changes to modules used by an app will not invalidate cached values.

Invocation equivalence

Two app invocations are determined to be equivalent if their input arguments are identical. This equivalence is determined by hashing the input arguments, and comparing hashes.

Of course, this approach can only be applied to data types for which a deterministic hash can be computed.

By default Parsl can compute sensible hashes for basic data types: str, int, float, None, as well as more some complex types: functions, and dictionaries and lists containing hashable types.

Attempting to cache apps invoked with other, non-hashable, data types will lead to an exception at invocation.

Mechanisms to hash new types can be registered by a program by using the parsl.dataflow.memoization.id_for_memo single dispatch function.

Ignoring arguments

On occasion one may wish to ignore particular arguments when determining app invocation equivalence. For example, when generating log file names automatically based on time or run information. Parsl allows developers to list the arguments to be ignored in the ignore_for_cache app decorator parameter:

@bash_app(cache=True, ignore_for_cache=['stdout'])
def hello (msg, stdout=None):
    return 'echo {}'.format(msg)


It is important to consider several important issues when using app caching:

  • Determinism: App caching is generally useful only when the apps are deterministic. If the outputs may be different for identical inputs, app caching will obscure this non-deterministic behavior. For instance, caching an app that returns a random number will result in every invocation returning the same result.
  • Timing: If several identical calls to an app are made concurrently having not yet cached a result, many instances of the app will be launched. Once one invocation completes and the result is cached all subsequent calls will return immediately with the cached result.
  • Performance: If app caching is enabled, there may be some performance overhead especially if a large number of short duration tasks are launched rapidly.


The performance penalty has not yet been quantified.