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RSA Cryptosystem in Haskell

DEV/ED : Pavan Ananth Sharma

Random Number Generation

The first problem we will have to tackle is random number generation. So we decided to use Haskell's System.Random to generate the number. So we know that the generator wouldn't be cryptographically secure, but certainly sufficient for educational purposes. So we used the simple randomRIO (m, n) method to generate a random number in the range m to n .

-- Uses System.Random to get a random Integer between m and n inclusive
randomInteger :: Integer -> Integer -> IO Integer
randomInteger m n = randomRIO (m, n)

Primality Testing

The basis for the security of RSA is a number n=pq using random, large prime numbers p and q . This number n is useful since this value can be publicly transmitted without risking the identities of p and q , which are used for encryption. n can be transmitted publicly since it is extremely difficult to factor large numbers and thus difficult for a hacker to determine the values of p and q used in the encryption. Therefore, it is necessary to be able to generate random, large prime numbers effectively and efficiently. A simple strategy is to repeatedly generate random numbers and stop once we find a prime one. We already have a way to generate random numbers and now need a way to check if a number is prime. There are a variety of ways to do this. One of the most efficient ways to do this is the Miller-Rabin Primality Test. The Miller-Rabin Primality Test is performed in a series of k loops and determines if a number is prime with probability 4^(-k) . This is sufficient since the probability of error decreases exponentially. Moreover, it runs in polynomial time. The implementation that I used runs in time O(klog^3(n)). See the pseudocode on the Miller-Rabin Primality Test Wikipedia page for the pseudocode.

-- Performs "a mod b" with support for a negative first argument, that is
-- (-3 mod 4) will evaluate to 1 instead of staying at -3 as `mod` would do
fullMod :: Integer -> Integer -> Integer
fullMod a b
    | a >= 0 = a `mod` b
    | otherwise = fullMod (a + b) b

-- Starts the series of checks in the Rabin Test and performs the first check
rabinFirstCheck :: Integer -> Integer -> Integer -> IO Bool
rabinFirstCheck n d s =
        a <- randomInteger 2 (n - 1)
        if (fullMod (a^d) n == 1) || (fullMod (a^d) n == (n - 1))
            then return True
            else return (rabinSecondCheck n d s (fullMod ((a^d)^2) n))

-- Continues the Rabin Test and performs the second check
rabinSecondCheck :: Integer -> Integer -> Integer -> Integer -> Bool
rabinSecondCheck n d s x
    | s <= 1 = False
    | x == 1 = False
    | x == (n - 1) = True
    | otherwise = rabinSecondCheck n d (s - 1) (x^2)

-- Performs the Miller-Rabin Primality Test with probability 4^-k
rabinTest :: Integer -> Integer -> IO Bool
rabinTest n k = 
    rabinTestH n k True 
rabinTestH n k res
    | not res = return res
    | k <= 0 = return res
    | otherwise = 
        rabinFirstCheck n (fst ds) (snd ds)
           ds = getRabinFactors n

-- Generates a random prime using Miller-Rabin with probability 4^-k
getRandomPrime :: Integer -> Integer -> Integer -> IO Integer
getRandomPrime m n k = 
        x <- randomInteger m n
        r <- rabinTest x k
        if r 
            then return x
            else getRandomPrime m n k

Getting the Key Pairs

In the naive implementation of RSA generating the public key pair and the private key pair is simple. Here, we only calculate the public and private key exponents since it is easy to compute the modulus using the two prime numbers generated earlier. In order to do this we have to implement Euclid's GCD algorithm to calculate the public key exponent and Euclid's Extended Algorithm to calculate the private key exponent. Then created an encompassing method to generate the two key sets, commonly written as (e,n) and (d,n) where the former is the public key pair and the latter is the private key pair.

-- Computes the greatest common denominator for a and b using Euclid's algorithm
egcd :: Integer -> Integer -> Integer
egcd a b 
    | b == 0 = a
    | otherwise = gcd b (fullMod a b)

-- Gets the public exponent for RSA key pair using seed primes p,q
getPublicExponent :: Integer -> Integer -> IO Integer
getPublicExponent p q =
        e <- randomInteger 2 ((p - 1) * (q - 1) - 1)
        if gcd e ((p - 1) * (q - 1)) == 1
            then return e
            else getPublicExponent p q

-- Performs Euclids Extended Algorithm on a and b
eea :: Integer -> Integer -> (Integer, Integer)
eea a b = eeaH a b 0 1 b 1 0 a
eeaH a b s t r s' t' r' 
    | r == 0 = (s', t')
    | otherwise = eeaH a b (s' - q * s) (t' - q * t) (r' - q * r) s t r
        q = quot r' r

-- Gets the private exponent for RSA using public exponent e and seed primes p,q
getPrivateExponent :: Integer -> Integer -> Integer -> IO Integer
getPrivateExponent e p q = 
        return (fullMod (fst (eea e ((p - 1) * (q - 1)))) 
          ((p - 1) * (q - 1)))

-- Generates public key pair (e,n') and private pair (d,n') with primes in the
-- range of m to n (inclusive) with accuracy 4^-k
getRSAKeyPairs :: Integer -> Integer -> Integer -> IO ((Integer, Integer), (Integer, Integer))
getRSAKeyPairs m n k =
        p <- getRandomPrime m n k
        q <- getRandomPrime m n k
        e <- getPublicExponent p q
        d <- getPrivateExponent e p q
        return ((e, (p * q)), (d, (p * q)))

Encryption and Decryption

Our last step was to write a method for encryption and decryption. One can call getRSAKeyPairs to get the key pairs and then use the following functions.

-- Encrypts a message m using public key pair pbk=(e, n)
encrypt :: Integer -> (Integer, Integer) -> Integer
encrypt m (e, n) = (fullMod (m^e) n)

-- Decrypts a message c using private key pair prk=(d, n)
decrypt :: Integer -> (Integer, Integer) -> Integer
decrypt c (d, n) = (fullMod (c^d) n)

Lesson's Learned and Interesting Observations

All-together, our code ran fast and worked consistently. We only ran into issues when Haskell would time out when dealing with exponentiation on very large integers. Given that this code isn't meant to be used in a cryptographic setting, large numbers won't be necessary and thus this isn't much of a problem. A MUCH more intersting problem was the following idea illustrated in the code below:

import System.Random
foo _ = 
    return (p, q)
        p = randomRIO (1, 10)
        q = p

In many languages we would expect the resulting tuple (p,q) to contain two identical values because p is assigned some random value and q is then assigned the value of p. But, in Haskell this is not the case since Haskell uses lazy evaluation. In the code above when we say q = p, we actually let q = randomRIO (1, 10) instead of p because at this point in the code we are still making substitutings instead of evaluating expressions. Thus, when we go to return our tuple we actually have: (randomRIO (1, 10), randomRIO (1, 10)). Therefore, we will get two different values. This is different from languages such as Java or OCaml that use eager evaluation and thus the expression p = randomRIO (1, 10) would be evaluated before substituting in p for q.


Any comments on my Haskell code (style and method) would be very helpful!
