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🔗 Codi-Client

Say goodbye to boring memorization - Codi's flashcard-based platform makes learning to code a fun and seamless experience with progress tracking to keep you motivated.

🔗 Live Version | Live API | Codi API Repo

made-with-Node made-with-MUI made-with-Auth0 made-with-Axios made-with-React made-with-Echarts made-with-AceEditor made-with-react-calendar-heat-map made-with-Netlify

Table of Content

📷 Thumbnails


🌟 Features

  • Topics Panel:


  • Study Session:
  • Flashcard management: users can manage flashcards for a specific topic.
  • Automation & Manual Card Creation

    • Concept Cards: Users can generate flashcard automatically by pasting in a study note into the auto section of create new concept card.
    • Exercise Cards: Users can generate one exercise card automatically by checking the Auto generate exercise checkbox in either create new concept card view or edit a concept card view.
  • Analytics

    • Topic statistics: users can review statistics for a specific topic, such as the total number of flashcards, the number of flashcards in each status, and the number of flashcard reviews grouped by date. Dashboard
  • Security:

    • The API requires authentication through Auth0 to access any of its endpoints.
    • Users can only access topics and flashcards they own.

🚀 Getting Started

  1. Refer to Codi API Repo for installation or refactor files to connect to Live Codi API.

  2. Clone it
    git clone

  3. Navigate to the repo
    cd codi-client

  4. Install all the depndencies
    npm install

  5. Sign up with Auth0. Add http://localhost:[PORT] link to Allowed Callback URLs, Allowed Logout URLs, and Allowed Web Origins. Add https://[] to Application Login URI.

  6. Create a .env file according to the template below

  7. Run the server

    npm start

🧱 Main Structure

├── docs                       # screenshots and gifs for readme
├── public
│  └── assets                  # contains static assets like images
├── src
│  ├── components              # reusable UI components
│  ├── helpers                 # utility functions
│  ├── pages                   # components representing each page in the app
│  ├── providers               # contexts and providers
│  └── routes                  # routing components
├─── netlify.toml              # netlify configuration
├─── package-lock.json
├─── package.json

📦 Tech Stack (Dependencies)

🔨 contributors

  • PavelKotlov @PavelKotlov
  • Juliana Mochizuki @jkmochizuki
  • Shorouk Abdelaziz @ShoroukAziz

⚠️ Disclaimer

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