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Releases: Pavion/openhab-addons

4.0.0 Bridgeless test version

30 Aug 17:59
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The bridge is removed altogether.
You probably should remove old Thing / Bridge first, ensure the clean update and recreate the Thing.
No deeper testing was possible, confirmation pending...


22 Jan 12:06
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4.0.0-SNAPSHOT Pre-release

This pre-release is synchronized with master for OH 4.0.0 as of 2023-01-22
Authentication for Neato is thus updated, Vorwerk owner still do not need / can't use a Bridge and need their serial/secret instead.
Will probably not run on OH 3.x.x
Not tested, confirmation is kindly requested / pending.


06 Aug 07:27
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Installation notes for Vorwerk vacuums:

You need your vacuum's serial and secret for this binding to work.
If you don't have it, you may want to try my scripts:
With both values and the vendor vorwerk you can now create a Thing for your Vacuum.
You don't need to create a Bridge!

Important note: this release is basically a recompilation of my previous release for 3.3.0 and above. As I don't own a vacuum anymore, I can't test its functionality. Feedback is very appreciated.

Update 2022-12-23: a confirmation was received, so it's not marked as "Pre-" anymore.

3.1.0M3 release

08 Apr 17:36
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  • removed org.apache.commons.lang dependency
  • updated copyright
  • see previous release notes for more details regarding this fork


3.1.0-SNAPSHOT is already enforcing a new dependency for org.osgi.framework (1.9) upon compilation.
To make this release compatible with 3.1.0M3 the jar file had to be edited manually, MANIFEST.MF was changed to allow for a previous 1.8 dependency support.

Neato/Vorwerk vacuum binding for OH3

27 Dec 16:19
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Important information

You need your vacuum's serial / secret for configuring this binding.
If you don't have them, you have to do some advanced curl stuff described in the readme below:



Feedback appreciated.

Reapply vendor fork

22 Nov 17:06
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Reapply vendor fork Pre-release

Applying Vendor fork to the current official binding version

A new vendor parameter has been introduced. Default value is Neato and should not affect the binding in any way. Other possible value is Vorwerk. Selecting this will redirect all requests to Vorwerk server instead of Neato server.

Vendor fork for Neato Binding 2.5.4

31 Mar 18:46
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Applying Vendor fork to the current official binding version

A new vendor parameter has been introduced. Default value is Neato and should not affect the binding in any way. Other possible value is Vorwerk. Selecting this will redirect all requests to Vorwerk server instead of Neato server.

Note: due to certificate issues with Vorwerk server, another possibly disadvantageous server implementation with disabled certificate validation had to be used, which may cause issues.

Neato binding fork with Vorwerk support

20 Dec 13:04
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Introducing Vorwerk support

A new vendor parameter has been introduced. Default value is Neato and should not affect the binding in any way. Other possible value is Vorwerk. Selecting this will redirect all requests to Vorwerk server instead of Neato server.

Note: due to certificate issues with Vorwerk server, another possibly disadvantageous server implementation with disabled certificate validation had to be used, which may cause issues.