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113 lines (104 loc) · 6.2 KB

File metadata and controls

113 lines (104 loc) · 6.2 KB


APIs added

  • Added BIP-86 descriptor templates


APIs added

  • Expose Address class's fromScript, payload, network, toQrUri and asString methods
  • Added keychain to LocalUtxo
  • Added jsonSerialize method to PartiallySignedTransaction, to get the JSON serialized value of all PSBT fields.
  • Expose Transaction class's txid, weight, size, vsize, isCoinBase, isExplicitlyRbf, version, isLockTimeEnabled, lockTime, input and output methods.
  • Expose Script.toBytes() method.
  • Wallet changes:
    • Added includeRaw to listTransactions() param. Returns Transation if passed true else null.
    • Added signOptions to sign()
    • Changed getAddress() to return KeychainKind for keychain and Address for address
    • Expose getInternalAddress and isMine methods


APIs exposed

  • Address
    • create(address: string) - Constructor
    • scriptPubKey()
  • Blockchain
    • create(config: BlockchainElectrumConfig | BlockchainEsploraConfig | BlockchainRpcConfig, blockchainName?: BlockChainNames) - Constructor
    • getHeight() - Get current height of the blockchain.
    • getBlockHash(height?: number) - Get block hash by block height.
    • broadcast(tx: Transaction) - Broadcast transaction.
    • estimateFee(target: number) - Estimate the fee rate required to confirm a transaction in a given target of blocks.
  • BumpFeeTxBuilder
    • create(txid: string, newFeeRate: number) - Constructor.
    • allowShrinking(address: string) - Explicitly tells the wallet to reduce the amount of the output matching this address in order to bump the fee.
    • enableRbfWithSequence(nSequence: number) - Enable signaling RBF with a specific nSequence value.
    • enableRbf() - Enable signaling RBF.
    • finish(wallet: Wallet) - Finish building the transaction.
  • DerivationPath
    • create(path: string) - Constructor.
  • Descriptor
    • create(descriptor: string, network: Network) - Constructor.
    • asString() - Return the public version of the output descriptor.
    • asStringPrivate() - Return the private version of the output descriptor if available, otherwise return the public version.
    • newBip44(secretKey: DescriptorSecretKey, keychain: KeychainKind, network: Network) - BIP44 template. Expands to pkh(key/44'/{0,1}'/0'/{0,1}/*).
    • newBip44Public(publicKey: DescriptorPublicKey, fingerprint: string, keychain: KeychainKind, network: Network) - BIP44 public template. Expands to pkh(key/{0,1}/*).
    • newBip49(secretKey: DescriptorSecretKey, keychain: KeychainKind, network: Network) - BIP49 template. Expands to sh(wpkh(key/49'/{0,1}'/0'/{0,1}/*)).
    • newBip49Public(publicKey: DescriptorPublicKey, fingerprint: string, keychain: KeychainKind, network: Network) - BIP49 public template. Expands to sh(wpkh(key/{0,1}/*)).
    • newBip84(secretKey: DescriptorSecretKey, keychain: KeychainKind, network: Network) - BIP84 template. Expands to wpkh(key/84'/{0,1}'/0'/{0,1}/*).
    • newBip84Public(publicKey: DescriptorPublicKey, fingerprint: string, keychain: KeychainKind, network: Network) - BIP84 public template. Expands to wpkh(key/{0,1}/*).
  • DescriptorPublicKey
    • create(publicKeyId: string) - Constructor.
    • fromString(publicKey: string) - Create descriptorPublic from public key string.
    • derive(derivationPath: DerivationPath) - Derive descriptorPublic from derivation path.
    • extend(derivationPath: DerivationPath) - Extend descriptorPublic from derivation path.
    • asString() - Get public key as string.
  • DescriptorSecretKey
    • create(network: Network, mnemonic: Mnemonic, password?: string) - Constructor.
    • derive(derivationPath: DerivationPath) - Derive xprv from derivation path.
    • extend(derivationPath: DerivationPath) - Extend xprv from derivation path.
    • asPublic() - Create publicSecretKey from xprv.
    • secretBytes() - Create secret bytes of xprv.
    • asString() - Get secret key as string.
  • Mnemonic
    • create(wordCount?: WordCount) - Constructor.
    • fromString(mnemonic: string) - Parse a Mnemonic with given string
    • fromEntropy(entropy: Array) - Generates Mnemonic with given entropy
    • asString() - Get Mnemonic as string
  • PartiallySignedTransaction
    • constructor(base64: string) - Default constructor.
    • combine(other: PartiallySignedTransaction) - Combines this PartiallySignedTransaction with other PSBT as described by BIP 174.
    • extractTx() - Return the transaction as bytes.
    • serialize() - Return transaction as string.
    • txid() - Return txid as string.
    • feeAmount() - Return feeAmount.
    • feeRate() - Return feeRate.
  • Transaction
    • create(bytes: Array) - Constructor.
    • serialize() - Return the transaction bytes, bitcoin consensus encoded.
  • TxBuilder
    • create() - Constructor.
    • addRecipient(script: Script, amount: number) - Add recipient.
    • addUnspendable(outPoint: OutPoint).
    • addUtxo(outPoint: OutPoint).
    • addUtxos(outPoints: Array).
    • doNotSpendChange().
    • manuallySelectedOnly() - Only spend utxos added by add_utxo.
    • onlySpendChange().
    • unspendable(outPoints: Array).
    • feeRate(feeRate: number).
    • feeAbsolute(feeRate: number).
    • drainWallet() - Spend all the available inputs.
    • drainTo(script: Script) - Sets the address script to drain excess coins to.
    • enableRbf().
    • enableRbfWithSequence(nsequence: number) - Enable signaling RBF with a specific nSequence value.
    • addData(data: Array) - Add data as an output, using OP_RETURN.
    • setRecipients(recipients: Array).
    • finish(wallet: Wallet) - Finishes the transaction building
  • Wallet
    • create(descriptor: Descriptor, changeDescriptor: Descriptor | null | undefined, network: Network, dbConfig: DatabaseConfig) - Constructor.
    • getAddress(addressIndex: AddressIndex) - Return a derived address using the external descriptor.
    • getBalance() - Return balance of current wallet.
    • network() - Get the Bitcoin network the wallet is using.
    • sync(blockchain: Blockchain) - Sync the internal database with the Blockchain.
    • listUnspent() - Return the list of unspent outputs of this wallet.
    • listTransactions() - Return an unsorted list of transactions made and received by the wallet.
    • sign(psbt: PartiallySignedTransaction) - Sign PSBT with wallet.