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Shadow enclave (Penglai-TVM)

This tutorial introduces the shadow enclave in Penglai. Shadow enclave is a clean template, another enclave can fork from the shadow enclave to achieve fast boot. Shadow enclave is suitable for the scenario that needs to auto-scale multiple enclave instances with single source code.


Before using this tutorial, please make sure you have finished getting started <../Getting-started/intro>.

In current veriosn, we use ramfs as the rootfs, so it needs to build all files into ramfs previously. To simplify this process, we define a macro SDK_FILES, all the files defined in SDK_FILES will be added to the initramfs during the build phase. When machine boots, all these files are existed in the root directory.

Make sure all the requested files in this tutorial are added in the SDK_FILES.

Required files


Test scripts

./fork-host hello-world

Host app

struct elf_args* enclaveFile = malloc(sizeof(struct elf_args));
char * eappfile = argv[1];
elf_args_init(enclaveFile, eappfile);

    printf("error when initializing enclaveFile\n");
    goto out;

struct PLenclave* enclave = malloc(sizeof(struct PLenclave)); 
struct enclave_args* params = malloc(sizeof(struct enclave_args));
//Mark the enclave as a shaodw enclave
params->type = SHADOW_ENCLAVE;

if(PLenclave_create(enclave, enclaveFile, params) < 0 )
    printf("host: failed to create enclave\n");

We propose the shadow enclave to boost the enclave initialization. Creating a shadow enclave is similar to creating a normal enclave, just setting enclave type in the creation parameter to the SHADOW_ENCLAVE. After creating a shadow enclave, it will return its eid. A forked enclave can use this shadow enclave eid to initialize a new enclave instance.

enclave->fd = fd;
enclave->user_param.eid = eid;
enclave->eid = eid;

Host can fork multiple enclave instances from a single shadow enclave. Each enclave instance will not interfere each other, with its own stack and heap.

Fork a new enclave instance from shadow enclave can reduce the measurement overhead, which is suitable in the fast-boot and auto-scale scenarios.