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ITR_Seq2 pipeline manual

This pipeline guideline was initiated by: Qi Zheng (

This manual is for the updated ITR_Seq2 pipeline.

We thank Kelly Martins ( and Jenny Greig ( for their help of understanding the original ITR_Seq pipeline.

ITR sequencing assay is a method to identify genome-wide DNA editing sites in vivo following the adeno-associated viral vector-mediated genome editing.


Please cite the following research if you are using this ITR_Seq pipeline.

Breton, C.,, ITR-Seq, a next-generation sequencing assay, identifies genome-wide DNA editing sites in vivo following adeno-associated viral vector-mediated genome editing. BMC Genomics. 2020 Mar 17;21(1):239.

Dependency and pre-requirement

You need working Perl and Java distributions and available in your PATH to run this pipeline. Both Perl and Java are generally available under most model Operation Systems, including Windows, Mac OS X, and Unix/Linux, and is likely pre-install on most Unix/Linux based systems.

Besides, this pipeline also depends the following programs/tools pre-installed and available in your PATH.

If you are running this pipeline on PMACS HPC, all the following dependencies are pre-installed and pre-configured, so you can ignore this step and jump to the next step.

  1. Samtools - basic tool for manipulating standard alignment files in SAM/BAM format. You can download and install Samtools by following the instructions at

  2. Bowtie2 - Default NGS read aligner used by this pipeline. You can download and install Bowtie2 by following the instructions at

  3. Cutadapt - Cutadapt finds and optionally removes or marks adapter sequences, primers, poly-A tails and other types of unwanted sequence from your high-throughput sequencing reads. You can download and install Cutadapt by following the instructions at

  4. Picard tools - Picard is a set of Java based command line tools for manipulating high-throughput sequencing (HTS) data and formats such as SAM/BAM/CRAM and VCF. This pipeline ships a JAR copy of Picard tools with it, but you can replace it with your own copy, you can achieve this by simply download and replace the latest picard.jar file from in this pipeline.

  5. Je - tool suite used for removing PCR/UMI duplication (dedup) in NGS alignments. You can download and install Je by following the instructions at

Secondary analysis

You may want to perform some secondary analysis procedures after running this main pipeline. These secondary analysis steps include additional "mis-priming" filters, peak annotation re-formatting, etc. Please refer to the ITR-Seq Secondary Analysis Page for more details.

Getting Started

This pipeline's scripts only "prepare" the running commands (cmds) and output them into the shell/bash files. After running these "prepare" scripts, you will need to run them either by directly execute the output files, or "submitting" them via an LSF system such as bsub that is available on PMACS/HPC. The "prepare" scripts will also check whether the output files already exist, and if yes, it will not override the existing files and instead generate "commented-out" commands that you can feel free to enable/disable them manually.

Note: If you are using this pipeine in an HPC environment, be sure to do any of these steps in an interactive node, initiated by typing bsub -Is "bash".

Create the experimental design config file

You need to create a special tab-delimited config file to specify all the experimental designs for a given project (PROJECT_ID). You should do this by copying the template file Template_ITR_Seq_experimental_design.conf in this pipeline into your working directory, and fill/edit it with a text-editor or Excel/Libre-Office, and save it in tab-delimited format to your working directory (assuming it is saved as PROJECT_ID_EXP_DESIGN.conf)

Each project-specific config file contains global options and per-sample local options, both are explained in the "comment lines" at the beginning of the template, while the global options are in all upper-cases, and the values are given in GLOBAL_OPT=GLOBAL_VAL format, and local options are given in corresponding table cells.

Note: If you are setting any of the working dir options below to values other than the current dir (./), you will have to create or link the directories manually before running this pipeline.

Global options

  • NUM_PROC: # of processors (cores/threads) to use [default 8]
  • BASE_DIR: base directory for generating major result files (sequences, alignments, tables, figures, etc.) [default ./]
  • WORK_DIR: working directory for all intermediate files [default WORK/]
  • SCRIPT_DIR: path to this pipeline feel free to link it to your working directory [default scripts/]
  • DEMUX_DIR: path to demultiplexed per-sample FASTQ read files [default fastqs/demux/]
  • VECTOR_DIR: path to the AAV vector/plasmid map files in GenBank format, also used to build vector databases [default AAV_vector/]
  • UMI_LEN: Unique Molecular Identifier (UMI) length that were built into the P5 Index primer [default 8]
  • UMI_MM: mismatch allowed when mark UMI duplicates [default 0]
  • PRIMER_FILE: path to the ITR-specific primer sequence(s) that are reverse-complement to the ITRs [default ITR_primer.fa]
  • INSERT_SIZE: ITR insertion recognition site size by the meganuclease, used to call insertion site [default 2]
  • KEEP_UNPAIR: beside paired mapped reference reads, which additional strand to keep, 0 for none, 1 for forward, 2 for reverse and 3 for both [default 1]
  • KEEP_STRAND: strand(s) required for peaks, 0: no requirement, 1 forward, 2: reverse, 3: both, we recommend use 3 for gene-editing and 0 for gene-therapy [default 3]
  • MAX_PEAK_DIST: maximum distance allowed for merging multiple insertion sites into peaks, we recommend use 2 X known target size [default 44]
  • PRIMER_FLANK: size of flanking sequences of unique ITR-insertion sites for checking and filtering "mispriming" false-positives
  • PRIMER_ALN_OPTS: other options passed to the local pairwise sequence aligner between primers (and their reverse-complements) and the insertion site flanking sequences, i.e. '-gapextend 1' [default NULL]
  • PRIMER_SEED_LEN: seed length of the primer-flanking alignments (3' of the primer or 5' of the revcom of the primer) to searching for defining a mispriming [default 10]
  • PRIMER_MAX_SEED_ERROR: max seed error for defining a mispriming, we recommand 0.1 for gene-therapy or gene-editing samples, and 0.2 for wtAAV samples (multiple primer-version)
  • PRIMER_MIN_MATCH: minimum aligned primer bases for defining a mispriming [default 12]

Per-sample options

  • sample_name: unique sample name
  • fastq_R1: filename of forward FASTQ read (R1), .gz or .bz2 files are accepted
  • fastq_R2: filename of reverse FASTQ read (R2), .gz or .bz2 files are accepted
  • fastq_I1: filename of forward FASTQ index (I1), .gz or .bz2 files are accepted
  • fastq_I2: filename of reverse FASTQ index (I2), .gz or .bz2 files are accepted
  • vector_file: Vector sequence(s) file in GenBank format
  • trim_prog: program used to identify ITR-primer containing reads (5' of R2, 3' of R1), now only supports 'cutadapt'
  • max_error_rate: maximum error rate allowed for identifying ITR-primer containing reads (recommend 0.1)
  • min_len: minimum length after trimming, no effect for the current version of this pipeline
  • trim_opts: additional options to invoke the trimming program, or leave blank if none
  • aligner: NGS aligner to use, now supports 'bowtie2' and 'bwa'
  • align_opts: additional options to invoke the NGS aligner, or leave blank if none
  • ref_db: path/name to pre-built reference (host) genome database, e.g.: /project/gtplab/pub_data/genomes/Macaca_mulatta/Bowtie2_index/Mmul_10/MMul_10
  • min_mapQ: minimum mapping quality (mapQ) values required (recommend 30)
  • novec_min_mapQ: minimum mapQ for filtering out vec-mapped reads (recommend 0 for regular ITR-Seq, 30 for wtAAV-ITR-Seq) [default 0]
  • ref_gff: path to reference annotation file(s) in GFF3/GTF format, multiple files must be separated by comma
  • genome_seq: path to reference seq file/dir, e.g. /project/gtplab/pub_data/genomes/Macaca_mulatta/fasta/Mmul_10/
  • anno_opts: additional options to invoke for peak & clonal annotation, e.g. '--exclude-type chromosome,biological_region' [default NULL]
  • target_file: path to the known gene editing target region(s) in BED format, leave blank if this is a gene therapy sample
  • min_clone_loc: minimum distinct UMI R1 locus required to define a clone expansion, ignored if target_file is provided (gene-editing sample) [default 2]

Step REF -- Build Reference Database files for the project

  • Prepare REF cmds by running: SCRIPT_DIR/ PROJECT_ID_EXP_DESIGN.conf

    • Input: PROJECT_ID_EXP_DESIGN.conf
    • Output:
  • Run REF cmds in by running:

    • On a Linux cluster: bsub -J REF -o ref.log ./
    • On a regular Linux server: ./ > ref.log 2>&1
  • Output for each PROJECT:

    • Reverse-complemented sequenes of the ITR-primer(s) in BASE_DIR [default ITR_primer_rev.fa]
    • REF database files in VECTOR_DIR, including (masked) a FASTA seq file, a GFF3 annotation file, and Bowtie2 database files for each unique vector/plasmid

Step UMI -- Append UMI information from index 2 read (I2) to the read names of de-multiplexed FASTQ files

  • Prepare UMI cmds by running: SCRIPT_DIR/ PROJECT_ID_EXP_DESIGN.conf

    • Input: PROJECT_ID_EXP_DESIGN.conf
    • Output:
  • Run UMI cmds in by running:

    • On a Linux cluster: bsub -J UMI -o UMI.log ./
    • On a regular Linux server: ./ > UMI.log 2>&1
  • Output for each SAMPLE: WORK_DIR/SAMPLE_R1_UMI.fastq.gz and WORK_DIR/SAMPLE_R2_UMI.fastq.gz

Step TRIM -- Trim (identify) ITR-primer containing reads

  • Prepare TRIM cmds by running: SCRIPT_DIR/ PROJECT_ID_EXP_DESIGN.conf

    • Input: PROJECT_ID_EXP_DESIGN.conf
    • Output:
  • Run TRIM cmds in by running:

    • On a Linux cluster: bsub -J TRIM -o trim.log -n 24 -M 16000 ./
    • On a regular Linux server: ./ > trim.log 2>&1
  • Output for each SAMPLE:

    • ITR-primer containing FASTQ files: WORK_DIR/SAMPLE_R1_trimmed.fastq.gz and WORK_DIR/SAMPLE_R2_trimmed.fastq.gz
    • ITR-primer non-containing FASTQ files: WORK_DIR/SAMPLE_R1_untrimmed.fastq.gz and WORK_DIR/SAMPLE_R2_untrimmed.fastq.gz
    • Too short reads after ITR-primer trimming: WORK_DIR/SAMPLE_R1_short.fastq.gz and WORK_DIR/SAMPLE_R2_short.fastq.gz

Step MAP -- Map ITR-containing reads to host and vector sequences

  • Prepare MAP cmds by running: SCRIPT_DIR/ PROJECT_ID_EXP_DESIGN.conf

    • Input: PROJECT_ID_EXP_DESIGN.conf
    • Output:
  • Run MAP cmds in by running:

    • On a Linux cluster: bsub -J MAP -o map.log -n 24 -M 24000 ./
    • On a regular Linux server: ./ > map.log 2>&1
  • Output for each SAMPLE:

    • Host reference (ref) mapped alignment file: WORK_DIR/SAMPLE_ref_map.bam
    • Vector (vec) mapped alignment file: WORK_DIR/SAMPLE_vec_map.bam

Step FILTER -- Filter ref and vec mapped alignments

  • Prepare FILTER cmds by running: SCRIPT_DIR/ PROJECT_ID_EXP_DESIGN.conf

    • Input: PROJECT_ID_EXP_DESIGN.conf
    • Output:
  • Run FILTER cmds in by running:

    • On a Linux cluster: bsub -J FILTER -o filter.log -n 4 -M 24000 ./
    • On a regular Linux server: ./ > filter.log 2>&1
  • Output for each SAMPLE: - ref mapped, deduplexed and non-vec mapped alignment file: BASE_DIR/SAMPLE_ref_map_filtered_sorted_dedup_novec.bam

Step PEAK -- call AAV insert sites/peaks

  • Prepare PEAK cmds by running: SCRIPT_DIR/ PROJECT_ID_EXP_DESIGN.conf

    • Input: PROJECT_ID_EXP_DESIGN.conf
    • Output:
  • Run PEAK cmds in by running:

    • On a Linux cluster: bsub -J PEAK -o peak.log -n 4 -M 24000 ./
    • On a regular Linux server: ./ > peak.log 2>&1
  • Output for each SAMPLE:

    • Called ITR-peaks in BED format: BASE_DIR/SAMPLE_ref_peak.bed, only sensible for gene-editing samples
    • Called ITR-clonal sites (clones) in BED format: BASE_DIR/SAMPLE_ref_clone.bed, only sensible for gene-therapy samples

Step ANNOTATE -- annotate called peaks/clonal-sites

  • Prepare ANNO cmds by running: SCRIPT_DIR/ PROJECT_ID_EXP_DESIGN.conf

    • Input: PROJECT_ID_EXP_DESIGN.conf
    • Output:
  • Run ANNOTATE cmds in by running:

    • On a Linux cluster: bsub -J ANNOTATE -o annotate.log -n 4 -M 48000 ./
    • On a regular Linux server: ./ > annotate.log 2>&1
  • Output for each SAMPLE, note that "peak" files are only sensible for gene-editing samples and "clone" files are for gene-therapy samples:

    • peak track file in BED format for IGV display: BASE_DIR/SAMPLE_ref_peak_track.bed
    • peak annotation file in TSV format with closeset/overlapping genetic feature details: BASE_DIR/SAMPLE_ref_peak_anno.tsv
    • clone track file in BED format for IGV display: BASE_DIR/SAMPLE_ref_clone_track.bed
    • clone annotation file in TSV format with closeset/overlapping genetic feature details: BASE_DIR/SAMPLE_ref_clone_anno.tsv
  • Output for the entire experiment/run:

    • PROJECT statistics summary in TSV format: PROJECT_ID_EXP_DESIGN_sample_stats.tsv, it includes the following tab-delimited fields for each SAMPLE
      • sample_name: Sample name
      • total_read: Total reads (pairs)
      • trimmed_read: ITR-primer containing reads
      • ref_mapped: Host-mapped reads
      • ref_mapped_dedup: Host-mapped deduplexed reads
      • vec_mapped: Vector-mapped reads
      • ref_mapped_dedup_novec: Host-mapped deduplexed non-vector reads
      • insert_site_unique: Unique insert sites
      • insert_site_filtered: Unique insert sites mispriming filtered
      • peak_count: Merged insert peaks
      • peak_clone: Read abundance of insert peaks
      • target_count: On-target insert peaks
      • target_clone: Read abundance of on-target insert peaks
      • clonal_count: Clonal insert sites
      • clonal_loc_count: UMI-locus abundance of clonal insert sites
      • clonal_loc_freq: Frequency of UMI locus abundance of clonal insert sites


  • Some common options for the LSF bsub is explained below, try man bsub for more options and details:
    • -J: Job name (for display only)
    • -o: redirect job logs (stdout and stderr) to the given file
    • -n: # of cores/CPUs requests for this job
    • -M: memory required for this job