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Step III: Job submission and job status

babs-init follows the steps below to determine the final list of included subjects (and sessions) to process:

  1. Determine an initial list:

    • If --list-sub-file in babs-init is provided by the user, use it as initial list
    • If not, BABS will list the subjects and sessions from the first input dataset, and use it as initial list
  2. Filter the initial list: Remove subjects (and sessions) which do not have the required files that are defined in :ref:`required_files` in --container-config-yaml-file provided when running babs-init.

Now, BABS gets the final included subjects (and sessions) to process. It saves this list into a CSV file, named sub_final_inclu.csv (for single-session dataset) or sub_ses_final_inclu.csv (for multiple-session dataset), is located at /path/to/my_BABS_project/analysis/code.

Processing large-scale datasets and handling hundreds or even thousands of jobs can be tough. We hope BABS can help this process. We recommend using babs-submit and babs-status in the following way; in short, it's a iteration between babs-submit and babs-status:

  1. Check how many jobs need to run: run babs-status --project_root /path/to/my_BABS_project. This will return a summary that includes the number of jobs that are expected to complete. See :ref:`list_included_subjects` for how BABS determines this list of jobs to complete.

  2. You may submit several exemplar jobs with babs-submit, then check job status with babs-status to see if they finish successfully.

  3. If there are failed jobs, you can use babs-status to perform failed job auditing.

  4. You may start to iteratively call babs-submit and babs-status until all jobs finish. See below for tips of each function.

You have several choices when running babs-submit:

  • Submit one or several specific jobs by --job;
  • Submit N jobs (from the top of the list, jobs haven't been submitted yet) by --count N;
  • If your clusters allow, and you're confident to run BIDS App on all remaining subjects (and sessions), you may submit all remaining jobs by --all. After then, only thing you need to do is to run babs-status once a while until all jobs finish.

To check job status and perform failed job auditing, you can use two options of babs-status here:

  • To save time, you may run:

    babs-status \
        --project-root /path/to/my_BABS_project \
        --container-config-yaml-file /path/to/my_yaml_file.yaml

    i.e., using alert_log_messages in the YAML file for failed job auditing. See :ref:`the section below <setup-section-alert-log-messages>` for how to set up this section alert_log_messages. With the YAML file provided, this may take ~1.5 min for ~2500 jobs.

  • If time allows, and there are failed jobs without alert messages, you may add --job-account:

    babs-status \
        --project-root /path/to/my_BABS_project \
        --container-config-yaml-file /path/to/my_yaml_file.yaml \

    This will perform job account, thus it may take longer (e.g., ~0.5h for ~250 failed jobs without alert messages; also depending on the speed of the cluster).

If there are failed jobs, you may be wondering why they failed. A direct way to investigate is to check their log files, but it will take a lot of time to go through all failed jobs' log files. babs-status supports failed job auditing and summary by searching pre-defined alert messages in the failed jobs' log files. These alert messages are defined by you in the section alert_log_messages in the container's configuration YAML file.

  • In this section, please define some alert messages that might be found in the failed jobs' log files, Example alert message could be Excessive topologic defect encountered. This is helpful for debugging.

  • You may also refer to the example YAML files we provide in folder "notebooks/".

  • Do not worry if you do not cover all alert messages on the first try; you can add/change this section alert_log_messages in the YAML file anytime you want, and simply call:

    babs-status \
        --project-root /path/to/my_BABS_project \
        --container-config-yaml-file /path/to/updated_yaml_file.yaml

    to ask BABS to find updated list of alert messages.

  • For more details about this section, please refer to :ref:`alert_log_messages`.

You can also resubmit jobs that are failed or pending. See --resubmit and --resubmit-job in :doc:`babs-status` for more.


Do NOT kill babs-submit or babs-status (especially with --resubmit*) when it's running! Otherwise, new job IDs may not be captured or saved into the job_status.csv!

$ babs-status \
    --project_root /path/to/my_BABS_project \
    --container_config_yaml_file /path/to/config.yaml \

Did not request resubmit based on job states (no `--resubmit`).
`--job-account` was requested; `babs-status` may take longer time...

Job status:
There are in total of 2565 jobs to complete.
2565 job(s) have been submitted; 0 job(s) haven't been submitted.
Among submitted jobs,
697 job(s) are successfully finished;
1543 job(s) are pending;
260 job(s) are running;
65 job(s) are failed.

Among all failed job(s):
1 job(s) have alert message: 'stdout file: Numerical result out of range';
56 job(s) have alert message: 'BABS: No alert message found in log files.';
1 job(s) have alert message: 'stdout file: fMRIPrep failed';
7 job(s) have alert message: 'stdout file: Excessive topologic defect encountered';

Among job(s) that are failed and don't have alert message in log files:
56 job(s) have job account of: 'qacct: failed: 37  : qmaster enforced h_rt, h_cpu, or h_vmem limit';

All log files are located in folder: /path/to/my_BABS_project/analysis/logs

As you can see, in the summary Job status, there are multiple sections:

  1. Line #9-16: Overall summary of number of jobs to complete, as well as their breakdowns: number of jobs submitted/finished/pending/running/failed;

  2. Line #18-22: Summary of failed jobs, based on the provided section alert_log_messages in --container-config-yaml-file, BABS tried to find user-defined alert messages in failed jobs' log files;

  3. Line #24-25: If there are jobs that failed but don't have defined alert message, and --job-account is requested, BABS will then run job account and try to extract more information and summarize. For each of these jobs, BABS runs job account command and extracts messages from it.

    • In the above case, line #25 tells us that these jobs were killed by the cluster because they exceeded resource limits.
    • For SGE clusters: BABS uses command qacct for job account, and pulls out the code and message from failed section in qacct.
    • For Slurm clusters: BABS uses command sacct for job account, and pulls out message from the State column.

Finally, you can find the log files (stdout, stderr) in the path provided in the last line of the printed message (line #27).

As described above, BABS babs-status has provided a summary of all the jobs. This summary is based on job_status.csv (located at: /path/to/my_BABS_project/analysis/code). If you hope to dig out more information, you may take a look at this CSV file.


This job_status.csv file won't exist until the first time running babs-submit or babs-status.


Do NOT make changes to job_status.csv by yourself! Changes that are not made by babs-submit or babs-status may cause conflicts or confusions to BABS on the job status.

To take a look at job_status.csv, you may load it into Python. Below is an example python script of reading job_status.csv:

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

fn_csv = "/path/to/my_BABS_project/analysis/code/job_status.csv"  # change this path
df = pd.read_csv(csv_path,
                 dtype={"job_id": 'int',
                        'has_submitted': 'bool',
                        'is_done': 'bool'

# print:
with pd.option_context('display.max_rows', None,
                       'display.max_columns', None,
                       'display.width', 120):   # default is 80 characters
    print(df.head())   # print the first 5 rows

You can also slice df and extract only failed jobs, only jobs whose alert_message matches with a specific string, etc.

Each row in the job_status.csv is for a job, i.e., of a subject (single-session dataset), or of a session of a subject (multiple-session dataset).

Below is description of each column. Note: np.nan means numpy's NaN if loading the CSV file into Python.

  • sub_id (and ses_id in multiple-session dataset): string, the subject ID (and session ID) for a job.

  • has_submitted: bool (True or False), whether a job has been submitted.

  • job_id: integer (usually positive), ID of a job. Before a job is submitted, job_id = -1.

  • job_state_category: string or np.nan, the category of a job's state, e.g., "pending", "running", etc on SGE clusters. Before a job is submitted, job_state_category = np.nan.

  • job_state_code: string or np.nan, the code of a job's state, e.g., "qw", "r", etc on SGE clusters. Before a job is submitted, job_state_code = np.nan.

  • duration: string or np.nan, the runtime of a running job since it starts running, e.g., 0:00:14.733701 (i.e., 14.733701 sec). If a job is not running (not submitted, pending, finished, etc), duration = np.nan.

  • is_done: bool (True or False), whether a job has been successfully finished, i.e., there is a result branch of this job in the output RIA.

  • is_failed: bool (True or False) or np.nan, whether a job is failed. If a job has been submitted and it's out of job queues, but there is no result branch in the output RIA, this job is failed. Before a job is submitted, is_failed = np.nan.

  • log_filename: string or np.nan, the filename of the log file in the format of <jobname>.*<jobid>, e.g., fmr_sub-xx.*11111. Replace .* with .o or .e to get corresponding log filename. The path to the log files are indicated in the last line of printed message from babs-status. Before a job is submitted, log_filename = np.nan.

    • The log files can be printed in the terminal via cat (printing the entire file), head (printing first several lines), tail (printing last several lines), etc.
    • Also note that if a job hasn't started running, although its log_filename is a valid string, the log files won't exist until the job starts running.
  • last_line_stdout_file: string or np.nan, the last line of current stdout file. Before a job is submitted, last_line_stdout_file = np.nan.

  • alert_message: string or np.nan, a message from BABS that whether BABS found any alert messages (defined in alert_log_messages in the YAML file) in the log files.

    • Example alert_message: 'stdout file: fMRIPrep failed' (alert messages found); BABS: No alert message found in log files. (alert messages not found).
    • This column of all submitted jobs will be updated every time babs-status is called. It will be updated based on current --container-config-yaml-file (if provided). if --container-config-yaml-file is not provided, column alert_message will be reset to np.nan.
    • If a job hasn't been submitted, or --container-config-yaml-file was not specified in babs-status, alert_message = np.nan.
  • job_account: string or np.nan, information extracted by running job account. This is designed for failed jobs that don't have alert message in the log files. More detailed explanation of how and what information is get by BABS can be found in :ref:`example_job_status_summary`. Other details about this column:

    • This column is only updated when --job-account is requested in babs-status but --resubmit failed is not requested
    • For other jobs (not failed, or failed jobs but alert messages were found), job_account = np.nan
    • if babs-status was called again, but without --job-account, the previous round's job_account column will be kept, unless the job was resubmitted. This is because the job ID did not change, so job account information should not change for a finished job.

Q: In printed messages from babs-status, what if the number of submitted jobs does not match with the total number of jobs summarized under "Among submitted jobs"?

A: This should happen infrequently. Those "missing" jobs may in some uncommon or brief states that BABS does not recognize. Please wait for a bit moment, and rerun babs-status.

Q: In job_status.csv, why column alert_message is updated every time babs-status is called, whereas column job_account is only updated when --job-account is called?


  1. alert_message is got from log files, which are dynamic as the jobs progress; also, alert_log_messages in the yaml file can also be changed in each babs-status call. On the other hand, only failed jobs have job_account with actual contents, and job account won't change after a job is finished (though failed).
  2. Updating alert_message is quick, whereas running job account (e.g., calling qacct on SGE clusters) is slow

Q: A job is done (i.e., is_done = True in job_status.csv), but column last_line_stdout_file is not SUCCESS?

A: This should be an edge case. Simply run babs-status again, and it might be updated with 'SUCCESS'.

