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81 lines (63 loc) · 4.78 KB


Collection of scripts for studies based on haplotyped trios/duos, in collaboration with CCHMC. Basic package implements the pipeline:
phased VCFs -> split_haplotypes + plink + gcta -> heritability estimates
Other scripts help prepare & check the phased VCFs, pedigree files, and provide simulation testing.

Installation of basic package

  1. Download GCTA and PLINK 1.9. Linux x64 binaries are provided in bin/, for other systems look up their provider webpages.
  2. Download bin/split_haplotypes and bin/divide_grm (for Linux x64 systems), or the source files split_haplotypes.c and divide_grm.c.


Input and output formats

Main input is a nice-phase VCF file. It is a standard VCF with phase information (|-separated genotypes in GT field), but with alleles aligned so that the left haplotype on parents is the transmitted one, and left haplotype in child is the maternally inherited one (i.e. M|P or T|U). See input-output_file_formats.pdf for more details.
Pedigree information is provided in a file with at least 3 columns, indicating child ID, father ID, and mother ID, respectively. Duos must have 0 for the missing parent ID. Any subsequent columns will be ignored. This format is equivalent to columns 2, 3, and 4 of PLINK's .fam files, after removing parents' rows. All samples in the VCF file must be present in the pedigree file.


For basic usage, change parameters in (input and output file locations) and set the convert, makegrm, and esth2 flags to true. Set the haveMothers or haveFathers to false if you have only duos of some kind. Set plinkfam to true if you have pedigree information in a PLINK-style .fam file (correct columns will be extracted, and parents' rows removed.)

Running only split_haplotypes

Input (unzipped) VCF file is streamed from STDIN, so recommend using zcat on gzipped files. Arguments are: pedigree input file, log output file, stem for other output files.
So zcat input.vcf.gz | ./bin/split_haplotypes input.fam output.log out will produce:

  1. output.log - log file
  2. outM1.bed - maternal transmitted haplotypes
  3. outM2.bed - maternal untransmitted haplotypes
  4. outP1.bed - paternal transmitted haplotypes
  5. outP2.bed - paternal untransmitted haplotypes
  6. out.bim - one marker map
  7. outF.fam, outM.fam, outP.fam - list of children corresponding to outM1.bed and outP1.bed, outM2.bed, outP2.bed, respectively
  8. outM.tokeep, outP.tokeep - list of mothers and fathers (to keep from VCF)

Downstream usage

Produced files can be directly passed to PLINK/GCTA, for example:

plink --bfile outM1 --bim out.bim --fam outF.fam --keep-allele-order --recodeA --out recoded

Note that 0/2 haplotype encoding makes PLINK overestimate GRM by a factor of 2 (i.e. expected value on the diagonal is 2), so we provide a simple divide_grm.c script to adjust a binary haplotype-based GRM:

# Arguments: inputFile outputFile nSamples divisor
./divide_grm M1.grm.bin M1adjusted.grm.bin 2000 2

Advanced usage


Example cases

Some example files of s markers and i individuals are provided in testcases/example_sXXX_iXXX.vcf.gz. More can be generated by make_pheno.R (beware - not optimized and hogs RAM). can help plan the runtime for large datasets.

Current features

  • speed
  • PLINK- and GCTA-compatible output (.bed/.bim/.fam)
  • supports mixed trio, duo, and singleton input
  • supports full- and half-siblings
  • proper treatment multi-allelic sites
  • proper treatment of missing input genotypes

Known limitations

  • produced .bed files are aligned to ref/alt alleles, not to major/minor
  • child ID must be non-missing (singletons must be coded as children)
  • all samples in the VCF must be present in the input fam file at least once
  • multi-generational trios will produce errors
  • auto-generated .fam and .tokeep files might be wrong under weird pedigrees - recommend checking them
  • half calls treated as missing
  • no support for X chromosomes or other non-diploid genotypes

Input and output formats

Described in the input-output_file_formats.pdf.

Other scripts

Phasing checker

The script check_phasing.R checks haplotype alignment inside trios after SHAPEIT phasing.

Haplotype flipper

The script flip_haplotypes.c assigns SHAPEITv2-phased haplotypes to transmitted/untransmitted. Input must be trios, phased with duoHMM on. Then it is assumed that fetal haplotypes are paternal-left, maternal-right, and parental haplotypes are assigned transmission/non-transmission based on that. Input parental phase information is ignored.

GRM divider

./divide_grm can also be used to adjust for confounding, by replacing 2 with the true variance of genotypes, i.e. 1+Fstat.