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Respect documentation


This guide will help you get Respect and having a test-watcher setup. Respect in itself does not implement test-watcher functionality, but it is easily added with the nodemon package.

Basic installation

First, add respect, the npm package is named "@stroiman/respect"

npm install --save-dev @stroiman/respect

As this is a package with Reason code, you need to add a reference to the package in the bsconfig.json file, as well.

You also need a folder to contain your test files.

"files": [
  {"dir": "src"},
  {"dir": "tests",
   "type": "dev" }
"bs-dev-dependencies": [

Create a skeleton test, "./tests/":

open Respect.Dsl.Sync;

describe "My first test" [
  it "runs" (fun _ => {()})
] |> register

The functions describe and it helps build an immutable data structure describing your tests. register adds this to a global list, so they can be found by the runner.

Now, let's add a test target to package.json to call the test runner. The runner needs to find the compiled .js files.

"scripts": {
   "test": "respect"

Execute npm run build to build the code, and npm run test to run the tests.

Adding test watcher functionality

The npm package nodemon can trigger running .js files when the file system changes. We can use this to implement filesystem watcher functionality. First install the package

npm install --save-dev nodemon

And then add a script to the package.json file (remember to add a file-glob if the tests are not in lib/js/tests.

  "scripts": {
    "test:watch": "nodemon node_modules/.bin/respect"

And now, you can have the tests run automatically when a .js file changes with the command npm run test:watch. Of course, when you edit reason source files, that will not trigger a test run, so you need to run npm run watch in a different terminal.

Optionally, create a dev task

In the previous section, you had to run two watchers in two separate terminals in order to have full watcher implementation. We can create an npm script that does both of these tasks with the help of the npm package npm-run-all, which allows parallel execution of multiple scripts.

npm install --save-dev npm-run-all

In the package.json file, add a new script:

  "scripts": {
    "dev": "run-p watch test:watch"

The command run-p is part of npm-run-all, and it runs the two scripts in parallel.

Now you can run npm run dev in one terminal, and it will compile reason files, and run tests, as files are written on disk.

Caution When implementing this target, you can experience false positives. The tests are executed whenever a .js file has changed. And sometimes when the bucklescript build fails, it still touches some of the .js files, causing a test run to execute, but it's running on old files.


Instead of using mutating nested function calls, Respect uses immutable data structures for building up the test context and tests. Therefore, the desribe-operation takes nested operations in a list.

  describe("Parent context", [
    it("has some test", (_) =>

    it("has some test", (_) =>

    describe("Child context", [
      it("has more tests", (_) =>

The only mutating construct here is the function register which adds the group of examples to an implicit root group.

Pending tests

Often it is useful to write pending tests, small skeleton descriptions of functionality you need to implement. This can turn the test framework into a small todo list:

describe("Register user", [
  pending("Returns Ok(user) if registration succeeded"),
  pending("Returns Error(DuplicateEmail) if email already registered"),
]) |> register

Pending tests will not result in failure when running the tests.

Sync and Async tests

Internally, respect works asynchonously. A test function takes two curried arguments, a context object (more on that later) and a callback.

/* Represents the outcome of running a test */
type executionResult =
| TestPending
| TestSucceeded
| TestFailed;
type executionCallback = executionResult => unit;
/* Internal implementation, a nicer callback is exposed via the DSL */
type testFunc = (Respect_ctx.t, executionCallback) => unit;

The DSL functions, it, beforeEach, etc. though are generated by a functor, Respect.Dsl.Make, mapping generating the internal representation from a nicer format.

This allows you to modify the DSL, but also create both sync and async versions of the DSL, and use custom async mechanisms, e.g. promises.

Sync module

The sync DSL is available in Respect.Dsl.Sync. It also exists in Respect.Dsl, but that is legacy support and will be removed.

The Sync module will simply fail the test if an exception is thrown. (The matcher library will throw exceptions)

Async module

The module Respect.Dsl.Async supports async test execution, however this is a bit clunky interface. This was the first attempt at an async implementation and predates the use of the Make-functor for increased flexibility.

open Respect.Dsl.Async;

describe ("Parent context", [
  it("has an async test", (_,don) => {
    if (success) {
      don ()
    }else {
      don (~err="Error",())
]) |> register;

There is currently async matcher support through the function shoulda (should-async). The function has the signature:

(matcher : matcher 'a 'b) => (actual : 'a) => (cb : doneCallback) => unit

This signature plays nicely with the callback allowing you to write tests like this:

describe("Register User", [
  describe("Posting valid user", [
    it("creates a user", (_) => {
      createValidInput ()
        |> UserFeature.registerUser
        |> shoulda(asyncSucceed)
]) |> register

This is a bit cryptic but I'll try to explain

  • Our test function didn't explicitly specify a done callback
  • We didn't pass a done callback to to the shoulda function either. This makes the result of the shoulda function another function, which takes a done callback.
  • So the result of our test function is the function returned by should, the one that takes done callback. Thus our test function has the exact shape that it expects.
  • The registerUser is an async function that expects a callback that we didn't supply.
  • The asyncSucceed takes an async function as argument and supplies the right callback that binds it to the done callback.

This doesn't play nice however, if you want to have multiple assertions in the same test :(

Please be aware that the matcher syntax is likely to change, but I will try to keep backward compatibility by moving alternate matcher framework into separate modules.

Creating a custom DSL

The following piece of code will generate a new DSL supporting my own async library

  module Resync = {
    module Mapper = {
      type t('a) = Async.t('a);
      let mapTestfunc =
          (fn, ctx: Respect.Ctx.t, callback: Respect.Domain.executionCallback) => {
        let f = _ => callback(TestSucceeded);
        let fe = _ => callback(TestFailed);
        fn(ctx) |>, f);

    include Make(Mapper);

Focused/skipped examples

You can focus an example with the focus function. When there are focused examples, only those will be executed.

You can skip an example with the skip function. Skipped examples will not run.

You can apply the functions to both examples, and example groups.

describe("Group with focused examples", [
  focus @@
  it("This example is focused", ...),

  skip @@
  it("This example is skipped", ...),

  focus @@
  describe("Group with more focused examples", [
    it("This example is focused", ...),

    it("This example is also focused", ...),
]) |> register


The matchers framework is based on these types:

type matchResult('t) =
  | MatchSuccess('t)
  | MatchFailure(Obj.t);

type matcher('a, 'b) = 'a => (matchResult('b) => unit) => unit;

exception MatchFailedException(string);

So a matcher takes an actual value and provides a matchresult asyncrounously through a callback. Matchers that evaluate synchronously can use these helper functions

let matchSuccess = (a) => cb => cb(MatchSuccess(a));
let matchFailure = (a) => cb => cb(MatchFailure(a |> Obj.repr));

So if we look at the equal match constructor:

let equal = (expected, actual) =>
  actual == expected ? matchSuccess(actual) : matchFailure(expected);

So it takes an expected value and returns a matcher based on this.

Composing Matchers

Matchers can be composed using the "fish" operator >=>, so a matcher('a,'b) can be composed with a matcher('b,'c) into a matcher('a,'c).

This can be particularly useful when the value passed with the success is different from the actual value passed to the matcher. Here is an example from a piece of production code I am working on:

/* General types to handle errors and async code */
type result('a, 'b) = Js.Result.t('a, 'b) = | Ok('a) | Error('b);

type async('a) = ('a => unit) => unit;
type asyncResult('a,'b) = async(result('a,'b));

/* Specific error types returned by repository layer */
type databaseError 'id =
  | DocumentNotFound(string,'id)
  | MongoErr(MongoError.t);

/* This is a matcher that verifies that an async function fails. "actual" is a
function that takes a result callback */
let asyncFail = actual => cb => {
    |> (fun
    | Error(y) => cb(MatchSuccess(y))
    | Ok(y) => cb(MatchFailure (Obj.repr(y))));

The interesting thing is that the asyncFail matcher passes the error to the MatchResult constructor, to be used by a new matcher. In this tests we compose it with a new matcher that verifies that we actually get the expected error.

describe("UserRepository", [
  describe("findById", [
    describe("record doesn't exist", [
      it("returns DocumentNotFound", (_) => {
        let id = "dummy";
          |> shoulda (asyncFail >=> (equal (DocumentNotFound("users",id))))
]) |> register;


The context object passed to both setup functions and test functions provides a place setup code can place data that can be read by examples or setup code in nested contexts.

Note I'm working at completely rewriting how to work with dynamic data. This feature is very much inspired by the solution I chose for FSpec, where it worked reasonably well. But F# has runtime type information - OCaml/ReasonML does not.

Currently, all data stored in the test context is stored as Obj.t. And as there is no run-time type check, the following piece of code will neither generate a compile-time, nor a run-time error.

let newCtx = ctx |> Ctx.add("key", 42);
let s : string = newCtx |> Ctx.get("key");

We might get an exception further down the line, where the source of the error is difficult to determine. But even worse, we could get a false positive.

Test Metadata

You can add metadata to a group or an example. And if you have metadata on a parent group, you can override it in a child group. The metadata is added using the strange looking **> operator (I chose this because the ** makes it right associative, which I need in order to avoid parenthesis hell, and the > is a visual aid, that it binds with the group to come.

The interesting thing is that the metadata is initialized before the example starts executing, which means that metadata specified on an example can effect the setup code executed in a parent group. The following example shows how:

open Respect.Dsl.Async;
module Ctx = Respect.Ctx;

describe("Register user", [
  beforeEach ((ctx,don) => {
      |> Ctx.get("userName")
      |> /* do something interesting with the user */

  ("userName", "johndoe") **>
  describe("A valid user name was entered", [
    it("Correctly registers the user", (ctx,don) => {

  ("userName", "!@#$") **>
  describe("An invalid user name was entered", [
    it("Returns a sensible error message", (ctx, don) => {
       don ()
]) |> register

Multiple pieces of metadata can be added to the same example or group, and values can be overwritten in nested groups/examples.

/* Pass sensible defaults for a happy case to the root example */
("userName", "johndoe") **>
("password", "agoodlongpassword*42!X") **>
describe("Register user", [
  beforeEach((ctx, don) => {
    let userName = ctx |> Ctx.get("userName");
    let password = ctx |> Ctx.get("password");

  it("succeeds when username and password are ok", (ctx, don) => {

  /* Create various examples that deviate from the happy case to test
     that the code handles these cases correctly */

  ("userName", "!@#$") **>
  it("Rejects the attempt when username is invalid", (ctx, don) => {

  ("password", "xyz") **>
  it("Rejects the attempt when password is too short", (ctx, don) => {
]) |> register


A special property exists on the test context, the subject which is meant to mean "the thing that we are verifying". The subject is a lazily evaluated value, and the evaluation receives the test context as input. Therefore a setup function in a parent group can setup the subject, and setup functions in nested groups can modify the input.

Note this feature might be dropped.

This shows how (this is for the sake of the example only, there are nicer ways of doing this).

describe("create user", [
  beforeEach((ctx) => {
      |> Ctx.setSubj(ctx => {
          let username : string = ctx |> Ctx.get("username");
          let password : string = ctx |> Ctx.get("password");
          createUser({username, password});
          /* Assume that createuser returns an Ok/Error indicating the result */
      |> Ctx.don

  describe("Valid credentials", [
    /* this nested context modifies the context before the subject evaluation */
    beforeEach(ctx => {
        |> Ctx.add("username", "validusername")
        |> Ctx.add("password", "validpassword")

    it("successfully creates the user", ctx => {
        |> Ctx.subject
        |> shoulda(equal(Ok({...})))

Ctx module functions

/* The don function helps return a curried function for the done callback */
beforeEach(ctx => ctx |> Ctx.don)

/* Adding data to the context */
beforeEach(ctx => ctx
  |> Ctx.add("Key", value)
  |> Ctx.add("key", value)
  |> Ctx.don);

/* Retrieving data */
let x : string = ctx |> Ctx.get("key")

/* Retrieve Some(_) if a key exists, None if it doesn't */
let x : option(string) = ctx |> Ctx.tryGet("key")

/* Mapping data in the context */
describe("email is empty", [
  beforeEach(ctx => ctx
    |>"user", user => {...user, email: ""})
    |> Ctx.don)

/* Setting the subject */
beforeEach(ctx => ctx
  |> Ctx.setSubj(ctx => {
    Login(ctx |> Ctx.get("username"), ctx |> Ctx.get("password"))
  |> Ctx.don)

/* Getting the subject */
let subject : option(Domain.user) = ctx |> Ctx.subject;

Test context as an object

The test context itself is implemented as an object, meaning that you can use the object methods to access the data.

This could be changed however, so I would recommend using the module function.

ctx#add("key", value)
/* add returns the context, making it possible to chain calls to #add */
ctx#add("key", value)#add("key2", value2) /* do notice the bug mentioned below */

let s: string = ctx#get("key")
/* get will automatically cast to whatever type you assign it to */

let maybeS: option(string) = ctx#tryGet("key")
/* returns Some(_) if the key exists, otherwise returns None */

ctx#setSub(ctx => Login(ctx#get("username"), ctx#get("password")))
/* Sets the function that will be used to evaluate the subject. The function
 receives the context (which may have been updated) when it is eventually run */

let s = ctx#subject()
/* Evaluates and retrieves the subject. The value is cached, so multiple calls
will return the same value. */

/* helper for ending a setup function */

beforeEach(ctx => {
    #add("key", 42)

Extending the context

One technique to help reduce code duplication in the test is to write a specialed context module in a code file with tests, and add useful functions to this.

open Respect.Dsl.Async;
open Respect.Matcher;

module Ctx = {
  include Respect.Ctx;

  let createUser = ctx => {
    open CreateUserModule;
    let username = ctx |> get("username");
    let password = ctx |> get("password");
    createUser({username, password})

("username", "goodusername") **>
("password", "goodpassword") **>
describe("createUser", [
  it("succeeds when user is a success", ctx =>
      |> Ctx.createUser
      |> shoulda(beSuccess))

  ("username", "") **>
  it("fails when username is empty", ctx =>
      |> Ctx.createUser
      |> shoulda(beFailure))