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Acceptance Tests Publish npm Package



Integration of Applitools with CodeceptJS.

The codeceptjs-applitoolshelper is a CodeceptJS helper designed to publish test results on Applitools after test execution.


npm i codeceptjs-applitoolshelper --save
npm i webdriverio@5 --save


Add the helper to codecept.conf.ts:

helpers: {
  Playwright: {
    // ... Playwright configuration
  ApplitoolsHelper: {
    require: 'codeceptjs-applitoolshelper', 
    apiKey: 'YOUR_API_KEY',
    debug: true // enable verbose log
    // ... other configuration options
Key Description
apiKey (Required) API key found under the user menu on the right-hand side of the test manager toolbar.
windowSize (Optional) Window size, e.g., 1440x700. If not provided, the default 1920x600 is used. The window size follows this precedence: ApplitoolsHelper, Webdriver.
appName (Optional) Desired application name. If not provided, the default 'Application Under Test' is used.
batchInfo (Optional) Desired batch info. If not provided, the default 'Visual Tests with the Classic Runner' is used.
debug (Optional) Enable verbose log.

Usage Example

const { I } = inject();

Feature('Applitools functionality');

Scenario('Check home page @test', async () => {
    await I.eyeCheck({ pageName: 'Homepage' });

Scenario('Check a CTA button on home page @test', async () => {
    const targetElement = 'div.section.button-section > button';
    await I.eyeCheck({ pageName: 'CTA button', element: targetElement });

// Additional scenarios...

Test Results

  • Passed Test:

    CodeceptJS v3.5.11 #StandWithUkraine
    Applitools functionality --
    [1]  Starting recording promises
    Check home page @test
    I am on page ""
    I eye check {"pageName":"Homepage"}
    ✔ OK in 17113ms
  • Failed Test:

    CodeceptJS v3.5.11 #StandWithUkraine
    Applitools functionality --
        [1]  Starting recording promises
        Check home page @test
        I am on page ""
        I eye check {"pageName":"Homepage"}
        I am on page ""
        ✖ FAILED in 43435ms
    -- FAILURES:
    1) Applitools functionality
         Check home page @test:
       Test 'Homepage' of 'Application Under Test' detected differences! See details at:
        at ClassicRunner.getAllTestResults (node_modules/@applitools/eyes-api/dist/Runners.js:64:23)
        at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)
        at async Test.<anonymous> (applitools_test.ts:9:5)
    Scenario Steps:
    - I.eyeCheck({"pageName":"Homepage"}) at Test.<anonymous> (./applitools_test.ts:9:13)
    - I.amOnPage("") at Test.<anonymous> (./applitools_test.ts:8:7)
    - I.eyeCheck({"pageName":"Homepage"}) at Test.<anonymous> (./applitools_test.ts:7:13)
    - I.amOnPage("") at Test.<anonymous> (./applitools_test.ts:6:7)
    - screenshot: /Users/t/Desktop/projects/applitools-example/output/Check_home_page_@test.failed.png

Example Repo

Explore the functionalities with the example repository.