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Basic Phaser Editor 2D script nodes

This project is deprecated. Check phasereditor2d-scripts-core

This project contains a couple of Script Nodes for Phaser Editor 2D.

These script nodes are very basic and may fit on any Phaser Editor 2D project.

The scripts are coded in TypeScript with ES modules.


Copy this project folder (or clone the repo) and paste it into your project's src/ folder.


There are three groups of scripts: Base, Triggers, and Actions.

Base scripts

Contain basic/abstract functionallity. Often, you will create prefab variants of them (extend them).

  • ScriptNode - the base class for all the scripts.
  • SpriteScriptNode - base prefab for script nodes accessing sprite objects.
  • RootScriptNode - a script node that registers itself into the game object and can be used as container of other scripts.

Trigger scripts

These scripts listen certain event. When the event is triggered, then execute the children, which are actions.

  • OnEventScript - registers to the given eventEmitter and listens the given eventName event.
  • OnPointerDownScript - listens the pointerdown event of the game object.

Action scripts

Actions are script that are executed manually or by other nodes, like triggers or other actions.

  • CallbackActionScript - executes the given callback expression.
  • StartSceneActionScript - starts the given sceneKey scene.
  • ExecActionScript - executes the given targetAction.
  • EmitEventActionScript - the given eventEmitter emits the given eventName.


The base of all the scripts. Probably it is already avaliable in your project (if you generated it with Phaser Editor 2D).

This class provides methods for managing the node's children, and implementing the scene events: awake, start, and update.


A base script for all the scripts accesing sprite objects. It just overrides the gameObject property and set its type to Phaser.GameObjects.Sprite. This helps IDE auto-completion and type-checking.


A base script that you can use to register the script node into the game object. In this way you can access the scripts associated to a game object.

When you create a RootScriptNode, it registers itself to the game object in this way:

gameObject["RootScript__scripts"] = this;

You can use the key parameter to register the root script node using other attribute. If the key parameter is "anotherScripts", then it register the root node like this:

gameObject["RootScript__anotherScripts"] = this;

The RootScriptNode class contains utility methods for accessing the root script of a game object.

The static getRoot() method can be used for getting the root script:

const script = RootScriptNode.getRoot(someGameObject);
const otherScript = RootScriptNode.getRoot(someGameObject, "anotherScripts");

The static hasRoot() method tells if the game object as a root script:

if (RootScriptNode.hasRoot(gameObject, "myScripts")) {

The static getChildren() method returns the chidlren of the root script:

const children = RootScriptNode.getChildren(gameObject, "myScripts");

You can create variants of the RootScriptNode and use different keys.


A trigger-like script node. It registers to the given eventEmitter and listens the given eventName. When the event is fired, it executes the children action nodes.

You can create handy prefab variants for different events, like the OnPointerDownScript prefab.

You can select an eventEmitter from the following list:

  • scene.loader
  • scene.input
  • scene.input.keyboard
  • scene.anims
  • gameObject (by default)


A trigger-like script. It is a prefab variant of the OnEventScript node. It listens to the pointerdown event of the game object, and executes the children action nodes.

If the game object's input is not set whe the scene "awakes", then this script calls the gameObject.setInteractive() method.


An action-like script. It executes the given callback expression. You can use this script for executing custom methods from your prefabs or scenes.


An action-like script. It starts the given sceneKey scene.


An action-like script. It executes the given targetAction. You can use this script for executing an action node from script-tree.

For example, let's say you have a JumpAction for jumping a character. But you want to call this action when different events are fired:

  • When you click a jump button.
  • When you press the SPACE key.
  • When you press the UP button of an external gamepad.

So, you can use different ExecActionScript nodes in different contexts, but referencing the same JumpAction node.


An action like script. It calls the emit method of the given eventEmitter with the given eventName. As argument of the event it uses the argument received in the execute() method.

Like in the OnEventScript, you can select an eventEmitter from a list:

  • scene.loader
  • scene.input
  • scene.input.keyboard
  • scene.anims
  • gameObject (by default)