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Beginners Guide

This section covers the basics of using kafe2 for fitting parametric models to data by showing examples. Specifically, it teaches users how to specify measurement data and uncertainties, how to specify model functions, and how to extract the fit results.

An interactive Jupyter Notebook teaching the usage of the kafe2 Python interface is available in English and German. The use of the aforementioned Jupyter notebooks is recommended

More detailed information for the advanced use of kafe2 is found in the :ref:`user_guide` and in the :ref:`user_guide_kafe2go`.

Basic Fitting Procedure

Generally, any fit performed by kafe2 requires the specification of a model as well as some sort of data. The uncertainties of said data usually also need to be defined in order to calculate parameter uncertainties. A specific model function can also be defined; depending on the data type there are defaults (e.g. a straight line for xy data).

Using kafe2go

Using kafe2go is the simplest way of performing a fit. Here all the necessary information and properties like data and uncertainties are specified in a YAML file (.yml and .yaml file extension). To perform the fit, simply run:

kafe2go path/to/fit.yml

Using Python

When using kafe2 via a Python script it is possible to precisely control how fits are performed and plotted. However, because there is an inherent tradeoff between complexity and ease of use simplified interfaces for the most common use cases exist. The simplified interfaces in the documentation are functions called directly on the kafe2 module. The code looks something like this:

import kafe2
kafe2.xy_fit("line", x_data, y_data, y_error=my_y_error)

The mode complex object-oriented interface imports the objects from the kafe2 module instead:

from kafe2 import XYFit, Plot

Notice how the objects are capitalized according to CamelCase while the simplified functions are written with snake_case. The difference in how the interfaces are imported is entirely arbitrary and only serves to highlight the difference for educational purposes.

If a code example contains a line similar to data = XYContainer.from_file("data.yml") then a kafe2 object is loaded from a YAML file on disk. The corresponding YAML files can found in the same directory that contains the example Python script.

All example files are available on GitHub.

1. Line Fit

The simplest, and also the most common use case of a fitting framework is performing a line fit: A linear function of the form f(x) = a x + b is made to align with a series of xy data points that have some uncertainty along the x axis and the y axis. This example demonstrates how to perform such a line fit in kafe2 and how to extract the results.

Plot of a line fit performed with kafe2.


To run this example, open a text editor and save the following file contents as a YAML file named :file:`line_fit.yml`.

.. literalinclude:: ../../../examples/001_line_fit/line_fit.yml
    :language: yaml

Then open a terminal, navigate to the directory where the file is located and run

kafe2go line_fit.yml


The same fit can also be performed by using a Python script.

.. literalinclude:: ../../../examples/001_line_fit/
    :language: python

If you're performing the fit via Python code there should be two plots. The second plot which shows the so-called profile likelihood ("contour plot") will be explained in the next chapter.

2. Model Functions

In experimental physics a line fit will only suffice for a small number of applications. In most cases you will need a more complex model function with more parameters to accurately model physical reality. This example demonstrates how to specify arbitrary model functions for a kafe2 fit. When a different function has to be fitted, those functions need to be defined either in the YAML file or the Python script.

Comparison of a line and exponential fit with kafe2.

The graphical output itself does not clearly indicate which of the models is acceptable. For this purpose a hypothesis test can be performed which indicates the so-called \chi^2 probability - i.e. the probability of obtaining a worse value for \chi^2 at the minimum than the observed one. A higher value corresponds to a better fit. The \chi^2 probability of a fit is shown inside the fit info box on the right.

An exponential function is a non-linear function! Non-linear refers to the linearity of the parameters. Any polynomial like ax^2+bx+c is a linear function of the parameters a, b and c. An exponential function A_0 e^{(x/x_0)} is non-linear in its parameter x_0. Thus the profile of \chi^2 can have a non-parabolic shape. If that is the case, uncertainties of the form a\pm\delta_a may not be accurate. Please refer to :ref:`profiling` for more information.

To see the shape of the profiles and contours, please create a contour plot of the fitted parameters. This can be done by appending the -c or --contours option to kafe2go. Additionally a grid can be added to the contour plots with the --grid all flag.

With the simplified Python interface a contour plot is created automatically when x errors or relative y errors are specified or when setting the keyword argument profile=True. The object-oriented interface uses the ContoursProfiler object the usage of which is shown further down.

The corresponding contour plot for the exponential fit shown above looks like this:

Corresponding contour plot for the exponential fit.

When looking at the \chi^2 profiles of the parameters, a deformation is effectively not present. In this case the fit results and uncertainties are perfectly fine and are can be used as is. See :ref:`profiling` for more information.


Inside a YAML file custom fit functions can be defined with the model_function keyword. The default way to define said model functions is to write a function Python function. NumPy and SciPy functions are supported without extra import statements, as shown in the example. Alternatively model functions can be defined via SymPy (symbolic Python). The part of the model function left of the string -> is interpreted as SymPy symbols, the part on the right is interpreted as a SymPy expression using said symbols. The leftmost part of the string up to : is interpreted as the model function name (can be omitted).

For more advanced fit functions, consider using kafe2 inside a Python script.

.. literalinclude:: ../../../examples/002_model_functions/exponential_fit.yml
    :language: yaml
    :emphasize-lines: 38-43

.. literalinclude:: ../../../examples/002_model_functions/line_fit.yml
    :language: yaml
    :emphasize-lines: 38-43

To use multiple input files with kafe2go, simply run

kafe2go path/to/fit1.yml path/to/fit2.yml

To plot the fits in two separate figures append the --separate flag to the kafe2go command.

kafe2go path/to/fit1.yml path/to/fit2.yml --separate

For creating a contour plot, simply add -c to the command line. This will create contour plots for all given fits.

kafe2go path/to/fit1.yml path/to/fit2.yml --separate -c


When using Python multiple model functions can be defined in the same file. They are plotted together by first calling kafe2.xy_fit multiple times and then calling kafe2.plot.

.. literalinclude:: ../../../examples/002_model_functions/
    :lines: 13-
    :language: python

3.1: Profiling

Very often, when the fit model is a non-linear function of the parameters, the \chi^2 function is not parabolic around the minimum. A very common example of such a case is an exponential function parametrized as shown in this example.

Fit of a non-linear function.

In the case of a nonlinear fit, the minimum of a \chi^2 cost function is no longer shaped like a parabola (with a model parameter on the x axis and \chi^2 on the y axis). Now, you might be wondering why you should care about the shape of the \chi^2 function. The reason why it's important is that the common notation of p\pm\sigma for fit results is only valid for a parabola-shaped cost function. If your likelihood function is distorted it will also affect your fit results!

Luckily nonlinear fits oftentimes still produce meaningful fit results as long as the distortion is not too big - you just need to be more careful during the evaluation of your fit results. A common approach for handling nonlinearity is to trace the profile of the cost function (in this case \chi^2) in either direction of the cost function minimum and find the points at which the cost function value has increased by a specified amount relative to the cost function minimum. In other words, two cuts are made on either side of the cost function minimum at a specified height. The two points found with this approach span a confidence interval for the fit parameter around the cost function minimum. The confidence level of the interval depends on how high you set the cuts for the cost increase relative to the cost function minimum. The one sigma interval described by conventional parameter errors is achieved by a cut at the fit minimum plus 1^2=1 and has a confidence level of about 68%. The two sigma interval is achieved by a cut at the fit minimum plus 2^2=4 and has a confidence level of about 95%, and so on. The one sigma interval is commonly described by what is called asymmetric errors: the interval limits are described relative to the cost function minimum as p^{+\sigma_\mathrm{up}}_{-\sigma_\mathrm{down}}.

Contour and profiles of an non-linear fit.

In addition to non-linear function, the usage of x data errors leads to a non-linear fits as well. This is shown in :ref:`x_errors`.


To display asymmetric parameter uncertainties use the flag -a. In addition the profiles and contours can be shown by using the -c flag. In the Python example a ratio between the data and model function is shown below the plot. This can be done by appending the -r flag to kafe2go.

.. literalinclude:: ../../../examples/003_profiling/01_non_linear_fit.yml
    :language: yaml


From this point on the examples use the object-oriented Python interface. For a quick intorduction consider this code that is mostly equivalent to the very first example of a straight line with xy errors:

.. literalinclude:: ../../../examples/003_profiling/
    :lines: 16-
    :language: python

Now for the actual example. The relevant lines to display asymmetric uncertainties and to create the contour plot are highlighted in the code example below.

.. literalinclude:: ../../../examples/003_profiling/
    :lines: 33-
    :emphasize-lines: 22, 26, 28-30
    :language: python

3.2: Double Slit

A real world example, when asymmetric parameter uncertainties are needed is the double slit experiment. Here the model function is highly non-linear.

A fit for the double slit experiment.

This is also reflected by the highly distorted contours.

Highly distorted contours for the double slit experiment.


A YAML file for this example is available on GitHub. It works perfectly fine with kafe2go, but is not edited to a compact form. It is in fact a direct dump from the fit object used in the python script. kafe2 supports writing fits and datasets to a kafe2go compatible file with the data.to_file("my.yml") and fit.to_file("filename.yml") methods as well as reading them with the corresponding classes like XYContainer.from_file("my.yml") and XYFit.from_file("filename.yml") as shown in the Python example.


.. literalinclude:: ../../../examples/003_profiling/
    :lines: 13-
    :language: python

3.3: x-Errors:

In addition to non-linear function, the usage of x data errors leads to a non-linear fits as well. kafe2 fits support the addition of x data errors - in fact we've been using them since the very first example. To take them into account the x errors are converted to y errors via multiplication with the derivative of the model function. In other words, kafe2 fits extrapolate the derivative of the model function at the x data values and calculate how a difference in the x direction would translate to the y direction. Unfortunately this approach is not perfect though. Since we're extrapolating the derivative at the x data values, we will only receive valid results if the derivative doesn't change too much at the scale of the x error. Also, since the effective y error has now become dependent on the derivative of the model function it will vary depending on our choice of model parameters. This distorts our likelihood function - the minimum of a \chi^2 cost function will no longer be shaped like a parabola (with a model parameter on the x axis and \chi^2 on the y axis).

To demonstrate this, the second file x_errors will perform a line fit with much bigger uncertainties on the x axis than on the y axis. The non-parabolic shape can be seen in the one-dimensional profile scans.

Profiles and contour of a line fit with big x errors.

The effects of this deformation are explained in :ref:`profiling`.


Keep in mind that kafe2go will perform a line fit if no fit function has been specified. In order do add a grid to the contours, run kafe2go with the --grid all flag. So to plot with asymmetric errors, the profiles and contour as well as a grid run kafe2go x_errors.yml -a -c --grid all

.. literalinclude:: ../../../examples/003_profiling/03_x_errors.yml
    :language: yaml


The example to show that uncertainties on the x axis can cause a non-linear fit uses the YAML dataset given in the kafe2go section.

.. literalinclude:: ../../../examples/003_profiling/
    :lines: 19-
    :language: python

4: Constraints

The models used to describe physical phenomena usually depend on a multitude of parameters. However, for many experiments only one of the parameters is of actual interest to the experimenter. Still, because model parameters are generally not uncorrelated the experimenter has to factor in the nuisance parameters for their estimation of the parameter of interest.

Historically this has been done by propagating the uncertainties of the nuisance parameters onto the y-axis of the data and then performing a fit with those uncertainties. Thanks to computers, however, this process can also be done numerically by applying parameter constraints. This example demonstrates the usage of those constraints in the kafe2 framework.

More specifically, this example will simulate the following experiment:

A steel ball of radius r has been connected to the ceiling by a string of length l, forming a pendulum. Due to earth's gravity providing a restoring force this system is a harmonic oscillator. Because of friction between the steel ball and the surrounding air the oscillator is also damped by the viscous damping coefficient c.

The goal of the experiment is to determine the local strength of earth's gravity g. Since the earth is shaped like an ellipsoid the gravitational pull varies with latitude: it's strongest at the poles with g_p=9.832\,\mathrm{m}/\mathrm{s}^2 and it's weakest at the equator with g_e=9.780\,\mathrm{m}/\mathrm{s}^2. For reference, at Germany's latitude g lies at approximately 9.81\,\mathrm{m}/\mathrm{s}^2.

Fit of a damped harmonic oscillator with parameter constraints to determine the gravitational pull g.


Parameter constraints are straightforward to use with kafe2go. After defining the model function parameter constraints can be set. Simple gaussian constraints can be defined with the parameter name followed by the required information as highlighted in the example. For more information on parameter constraints via a covariance matrix, please refer to :ref:`kafe2go_constraints`.

.. literalinclude:: ../../../examples/004_constraints/constraints.yml
    :language: yaml
    :emphasize-lines: 58-


Using kafe2 inside a Python script, parameter constraints can be set with fit.add_parameter_constraint(). The according section is highlighted in the code example below.

.. literalinclude:: ../../../examples/004_constraints/
    :language: python
    :lines: 30-
    :emphasize-lines: 30-33

5: Convenience

This part includes examples, designed to be used as cheat sheets.

Plot Customization

This example is a cheat sheet for plot/report customization. It briefly demonstrates methods that modify the optics of kafe2 output.

.. literalinclude:: ../../../examples/005_convenience/
    :language: python
    :lines: 9-

Accessing Fit Data via Properties

In the previous kafe2 examples we retrieved kafe2 results in a human-readable form via reports and plots. This example demonstrates how these fit results can instead be retrieved as Python variables.

.. literalinclude:: ../../../examples/005_convenience/
    :language: python
    :lines: 10-

Saving Fits

Most kafe2 objects can be turned into the human-readable YAML format and written to a file. These files can then be used to load the objects into Python code or as input for kafe2go.

.. literalinclude:: ../../../examples/005_convenience/
    :language: python
    :lines: 9-

6.1: Covariance matrix


.. literalinclude:: ../../../examples/006_advanced_errors/01_covariance_matrix.yml
    :language: yaml


.. literalinclude:: ../../../examples/006_advanced_errors/
    :language: python
    :lines: 23-

6.2: Error components

Typically, the uncertainties of the measurement data are much more complex than in the examples discussed so far. In most cases there are uncertainties in ordinate and abscissa, and in addition to the independent uncertainties of each data point there are common, correlated uncertainties for all of them.

With the method add_error() or add_matrix_error() uncertainties can be specified on the 'x' and 'y' data, either in the form of independent or correlated, relative or absolute uncertainties of all or groups of measured values or by specifying the complete covariance or correlation matrix. All uncertainties specified in this way are included in the global covariance matrix for the fit.

As an example, we consider measurements of a cross section as a function of the energy near a resonance. These are combined measurement data from the four experiments at CERN's LEP accelerator, which were corrected for effects caused by photon radiation: Measurements of the hadronic cross section (\sigma) as a function of the centre-of-mass energy (E).


.. literalinclude:: ../../../examples/006_advanced_errors/
    :language: python
    :lines: 18-

6.3: Relative uncertainties

We had already seen that kafe2 allows the declaration of relative uncertainties which we want to examine more closely in this example. Adjustments with relative uncertainties suffer from the fact that the estimate of the parameter values is distorted. This is because measured values that fluctuate to smaller values have smaller uncertainties; the uncertainties are correspondingly greater when the measured values fluctuate upwards. If the random fluctuations were exactly the other way round, other uncertainties would be assigned. It would be correct to relate the relative uncertainties to the true values, which we do not know. Instead, the option reference='model' allows the uncertainties to be dependent on the model value - still not completely correct, but much better.

A line fit showing the difference in using uncertainties relative to the data and relative to the model.

As seen in the example, the \chi^2 probability improves from around 0.05 to 0.08 and \chi^2/\mathrm{ndf} improves from 2.1 to 1.9.


For using uncertainties relative to the model, The parametric_model section must be added inside the YAML file, as highlighted below. For comparison, one cane move the y-uncertainty out of the parametric_model section. Then the uncertainty will be relative to the data.

.. literalinclude:: ../../../examples/006_advanced_errors/03_relative_model_uncertainties.yml
    :language: yaml
    :emphasize-lines: 11-15


Referencing the model as source for relative uncertainties is done by setting the keyword reference='model' in the :py:meth:`~.XYFit.add_error` method.

.. literalinclude:: ../../../examples/006_advanced_errors/
    :lines: 13-
    :emphasize-lines: 11, 18
    :language: python

7: Poisson Cost Function

In data analysis the uncertainty on measurement data is most often assumed to resemble a normal distribution. For many use cases this assumption works reasonably well but there is a problem: to get meaningful fit results you need to know about the uncertainties of your measurements. Now imagine for a moment that the quantity you're measuring is the number of radioactive decays coming from some substance in a given time period. What is your data error in this case? The precision with that you can correctly count the decays? The answer is that due to the inherently random nature of radioactive decay the variance, and therefore the uncertainty on your measurement data directly follows from the mean number of decays in a given time period - the number of decays are following a poisson distribution. In kafe2 this distribution can be modeled by initializing a fit object with a special cost function. In previous examples when no cost function was provided a normal distribution has been assumed by default. It is important to know that for large numbers of events a poisson distribution can be approximated by a normal distribution \Delta y = \sqrt{y_\mathrm{data}}.

For our example on cost functions we imagine the following, admittedly a little contrived scenario: In some remote location on earth archaeologists have found the ruins of an ancient civilization. They estimate the ruins to be about 7000 years old. The civilization in question seems to have known about mathematics and they even had their own calendar. Unfortunately we do not know the exact offset of this ancient calendar relative to our modern calendar. Luckily the ancient civilization seems to have mummified their rulers and written down their years of death though. Using a method called radiocarbon dating we can now try to estimate the offset between the ancient and the modern calendar by analyzing the relative amounts of carbon isotopes in the mummified remains of the ancient kings. More specifically, we take small samples from the mummies, extract the carbon from those samples and then measure the number of decaying carbon-14 atoms in our samples. Carbon-14 is a trace radioisotope with a half life of only 5730 years that is continuously being produced in earth's upper atmosphere. In a living organism there is a continuous exchange of carbon atoms with its environment which results in a stable concentration of carbon-14. Once an organism dies, however, the carbon atoms in its body are fixed and the concentration of carbon-14 starts to exponentially decrease over time. If we then measure the concentration of carbon-14 in our samples we can then calculate at which point in time they must have contained atmospheric amounts of carbon-14, i.e. the times of death of the ancient kings.


.. literalinclude:: ../../../examples/007_cost_functions/
    :lines: 35-
    :language: python

8: Indexed Fit

In progress...

9: Histogram Fit

kafe2 is not only capable of performing XY-Fits. One way to handle one-dimensional data with kafe2 is by fitting a histogram. The distribution of a random stochastic variable follows a probability density function. The fit will determine the parameters of that density function, which the dataset is most likely to follow. To get to the height of a bin, multiply the results of the fitted function with the amount of entries N of the histogram.

A histogram fit performed with kafe2.


In order to tell kafe2go that a fit is a histogram fit type: histogram has to specified inside the YAML file.

.. literalinclude:: ../../../examples/009_histogram_fit/histogram.yml
    :language: yaml
    :emphasize-lines: 1


To use a histogram fit in a Python script you can use the wrapper kafe2.hist_fit. Alternatively you can use objects via from kafe2 import HistContainer, HistFit.

The creation of a histogram requires the user to set the limits of the histogram and the amount of bins. Alternatively the bin edges for each bin can be set manually.

.. literalinclude:: ../../../examples/009_histogram_fit/
    :lines: 16-
    :language: python

10: Unbinned Fit

An unbinned fit is needed when there are too few data points to create a (good) histogram. If a histogram is created from too few data points information can be lost or even changed by changing the exact value of one data point to the range of a bin. With an unbinned likelihood fit it's still possible to fit the probability density function to the data points, as the likelihood of each data point is fitted.

An unbinned likelihood fit performed with kafe2.

Inside a kafe2 fit, single parameters can be fixed as seen in the plot. When fixing a parameter, there must be a good reason to do so. In this case it's the normalization of the probability distribution function. This, of course, could have been done inside the function itself. But if the user wants to change to normalization without touching the distribution function, this is a better way.


Similar to histogram fits, unbinned fits are defined by type: unbinned inside the YAML file. How to fix single parameters is highlighted in the example below, as well as limiting the background fbg to physically correct values.

.. literalinclude:: ../../../examples/010_unbinned_fit/01_unbinned.yml
    :language: yaml
    :emphasize-lines: 43-47


The fitting procedure is similar to the one of a histogram fit. How to fix single parameters is highlighted in the example below.

.. literalinclude:: ../../../examples/010_unbinned_fit/
    :lines: 19-
    :emphasize-lines: 35-40
    :language: python

11: Multifit

The premise of this example is deceptively simple: a series of voltages is applied to a resistor and the resulting current is measured. The aim is to fit a model to the collected data consisting of voltage-current pairs and determine the resistance R.

According to Ohm's Law, the relation between current and voltage is linear, so a linear model can be fitted. However, Ohm's Law only applies to an ideal resistor whose resistance does not change, and the resistance of a real resistor tends to increase as the resistor heats up. This means that, as the applied voltage gets higher, the resistance changes, giving rise to nonlinearities which are ignored by a linear model.

To get a hold on this nonlinear behavior, the model must take the temperature of the resistor into account. Thus, the temperature is also recorded for every data point. The data thus consists of triples, instead of the usual "xy" pairs, and the relationship between temperature and voltage must be modeled in addition to the one between current and voltage.

Here, the dependence T(U) is taken to be quadratic, with some coefficients p_0, p_1, and p_2:

T(U) = p_2 U^2 + p_1 U + p_0

This model is based purely on empirical observations. The I(U) dependence is more complicated, but takes the "running" of the resistance with the temperature into account:

I(U) = \frac{U}{R_0 (1 + t \cdot \alpha_T)}

In the above, t is the temperature in degrees Celsius, \alpha_T is an empirical "heat coefficient", and R_0 is the resistance at 0 degrees Celsius, which we want to determine.

In essence, there are two models here which must be fitted to the I(U) and T(U) data sets, and one model "incorporates" the other in some way.

Approach 1: parameter constraints

There are several ways to achieve this with kafe2. The method chosen here consists of two steps: First, a quadratic model is fitted to the T(U) datasets to estimate the parameters p_0, p_1 and p_2 and their covariance matrix.

Next, the I(U) model is fitted, with the temperature t being explicitly replaced by its parameterization as a function of p_0, p_1 and p_2. The key here is to fit these parameters again from the I(U) dataset, but to constrain them to the values obtained in the previous T(U) fit.

In general, this approach yields different results than the one using a simultaneous multi-model fit, which is demonstrated in the next example.

.. literalinclude:: ../../../examples/011_multifit/
    :lines: 71-
    :language: python

Approach 2: multi-model fit

There are several ways to achieve this with kafe2. The method chosen here is to use the :py:class:`` functionality to fit both models simultaneously to the T(U) and I(U) datasets.

In general, this approach yields different results than the one using parameter constraints, which is demonstrated in the example called fit_with_parameter_constraints.

.. literalinclude:: ../../../examples/011_multifit/
    :lines: 65-
    :language: python