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LinkedIn Interview Questions:

Amazon Interview Questions

  1. Two Sum Medium
  2. Valid Parentheses Easy
  3. Merge Two Sorted Lists Easy
  4. Intersection of Two Linked Lists Easy
  5. Valid Anagram Easy
  6. Two Sum II - Input array is sorted Medium
  7. Rotate Image Medium
  8. Reverse Words in a String II Medium
  9. Gray Code Medium
  10. Reverse Linked List - Iterative Easy 206(2). Reverse Second Half of Linked Lists Medium
  11. Group Anagrams- Sort, Hashmap Medium
  12. Merge K Sorted Lists - Priority Queue Hard
  13. Minimal Path Sum Medium
  14. Binary Tree Right Side View(DFS and BFS) Medium
  15. Number of Islands - BFS, Union and Find Medium
  16. Subsets - Bit Manipulation Medium K Nearest Point to the Origin -- heap
  17. Valid Binary Search Tree Medium

BST:对于当前node,左子树最大节点值 < node.val < 右子树最小节点值 235. Lowest Common Ancestor of a Binary Search Tree - BST Property Easy 102. Binary Tree Level Order Traversal - BFS Easy 100. Same Tree

  1. String to Integer(atoi) Easy
  2. Min Stack Easy
  3. Count Primes Easy

----------------------- To be finished ------------------------ largest-bst-subtree 239. Sliding Maximum Window - deque Hard 146. LRU Cache Hard 5. Longest Palindromic Substring - Center Expand/DP Medium