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GoMySQL Version 0.3.0-beta-1

Revision History

0.3.x series [development]

  • 0.3.0-beta-1 - Added full statement and functions. Refactored packet handlers into generic functions. Added new BindResult/Fetch method to get result data from prepared statements. Added type conversions for similar types to populate the result pointers with values from the row data. Added simple type conversion to standard queries. Added automatic reconnect for a select number of operations. Added greater number of client errors from the MySQL manual. Added date/time types to allow date/time elements to be stored as integers and ints, making them more useful.
  • 0.3.0-alpha-3 - Added new error structs ClientError and ServeThe most complete and stable MySQL client library written completely in Go. For discussion, ideas, suggestions, feature requests etc, please visit the GoMySQL Google Group (link below). For any issues/bugs or need some help, please post an issue on Github.rError. Replaced majority of os.Error/os.NewError functionality with MySQL specific ClientError objects. Server error responses now return a ServerError. Removed Client.Errno and Client.Error. Added deferred error processing to reader, writer and packets to catch and errors and always return a ClientError. Rewrote auto reconnect to check for specific MySQL error codes.
  • 0.3.0-alpha-2 - Added transaction wrappers, Added auto-reconnect functionality to repeatable methods. Removed mutex lock/unlocking, as it is now more appropriate that the application decides when thread safe functions are required and it's considerably safer to have a sequence such as Client.Lock(), Client.Query(...), Client.Unlock(). Added a new test which performs create, drop, select, insert and update queries on a simple demo table to test the majority of the library functionality. Added additional error messages to places where an error could be returned but there was no error number/string set. Many small changes and general improvements.
  • 0.3.0-alpha-1 - First test release of new library, completely rewritten from scratch. Fully compatible with all versions of MySQL using the 4.1+ protocol and 4.0 protocol (which supports earlier versions). Fully supports old and new passwords, including old passwords using the 4.1 protocol. Includes new Go style constructors 'NewClient', 'DialTCP', 'DialUnix' replacing 'New' from the 0.2 branch. All structs have been renamed to be more user friendly, MySQL has also now been replaced with Client. Removed many dependencies on external packages such as bufio. New reader that reads the entire packet completely to a slice then processes afterwards. New writer that constructs the entire packet completely to a slice and writes in a single operation. The Client.Query function no longer returns a result set and now uses the tradition store/use result mechanism for retrieving the result and processing it's contents. The 'MultiQuery' function has been removed as this is now supported by the Client.Query function. Currently all result sets must be freed before another query can be executed either using the Result.Free() method or Client.FreeResult() method, a check for additional result sets can be made using Client.MoreResults() and the next result can be retrieved using Client.NextResult(). Client.FreeResult() is capable of reading and discarding an entire result set (provided the first result set packet has been read), a partially read result set (e.g. from Client.UseResult) or a fully stored result. Transaction support and prepared statements are NOT available in this alpha release.

0.2.x series [current]

  • 0.2.12 - Fix a bug in getPrepareResult() causing queries returning no fields (e.g. DROP TABLE ...) to hang.
  • 0.2.11 - Skipped
  • 0.2.10 - Compatability update for Go release.2011-01-20
  • 0.2.9 - Added support for MySQL 5.5
  • 0.2.8 - Fixes issue #38.
  • 0.2.7 - Added additional binary type support: medium int (int32/uint32), decimal (string), new decimal (string), bit ([]byte), year (uint16), set ([]byte), enum/set use string type.
  • 0.2.6 - Replaced buffer checks in prepared statements, similar to change in 0.2.5, more robust method to handle end of packets.
  • 0.2.5 - Fixes issue #10, removed buffer check from query function as no longer needed.
  • 0.2.4 - Fixes issue #7 and related issues with prepared statment - thanks to Tom Lee [thomaslee]. New faster Escape function - thanks to [jteeuwen]. Updated/fixed examples - thanks to [jteeuwen]. Fixes issues (#10, #21) with reading full packet, due to some delay e.g. network lag - thanks to Michał Derkacz [ziutek] and Damian Reeves for submitting fixes for this.
  • 0.2.3 - Fixes issue #6 - thanks to Tom Lee [thomaslee].
  • 0.2.2 - Resolves issue #16.
  • 0.2.1 - Updated to work with latest release of Go plus 1 or 2 minor tweaks.
  • 0.2.0 - Functions have been reworked and now always return os.Error to provide a generic and consistent design. Improved logging output. Improved client stability. Removed length vs buffered length checks as they don't work with packets > 4096 bytes. Added new Escape function, although this is currently only suitiable for short strings. Tested library with much larger databases such as multi-gigabyte tables and multi-megabyte blogs. Many minor bug fixes. Resolved issue #3, #4 and #5.

0.1.x series [deprecated]

  • 0.1.14 - Added support for long data packets.
  • 0.1.13 - Added proper support for NULL bit map in binary row data packets.
  • 0.1.12 - Added auth struct to store authentication data. Removed logging param from New() in favour of just setting the public var. Added Reconnect() function. Bug fix in Query() causing panic for error packet responses. Added a number of examples.
  • 0.1.11 - Added support for binary time fields, fixed missing zeros in time for datetime/timestamp fields.
  • 0.1.10 - Changed row data to use interface{} instead of string, so rows contain data of the correct type.
  • 0.1.9 - Small code tweaks, change to execute packets to allow params to contain up to 4096 bytes of data. [not released]
  • 0.1.8 - Added internal mutex to make client operations thread safe.
  • 0.1.7 - Added prepared statement support.
  • 0.1.6 - Added Ping function.
  • 0.1.5 - Clean up packet visibility all should have been private, add packet handlers for prepare/execute and related packets.
  • 0.1.4 - Connect now uses ...interface{} for parameters to remove (or reduce) 'junk' required params to call the function. [not released]
  • 0.1.3 - Added ChangeDb function to change the active database. [not released]
  • 0.1.2 - Added MultiQuery function to return multiple result sets as an array. [not released]
  • 0.1.1 - Added support for multiple queries in a single command. [not released]
  • 0.1.0 - Initial release, supporting connect, close and query functions. [not released]


The most complete and stable MySQL client library written completely in Go. The aim of this project is to provide a library with a high level of usability, good internal error handling and to emulate similar libraries available for other languages to provide an easy migration of MySQL based systems into the Go language.

For discussions, ideas, suggestions, comments, please visit the Google Group:

Please report bugs via the GitHub issue tracker:


GoMySQL 0.3 is governed by a BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.

GoMySQL 0.1.x and 0.2.x is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2.0 UK: England & Wales License.


Implements the MySQL protocol version 4.0- and 4.1+

Tested on versions of MySQL 4.x, 5.x (including 5.5), MariaDB and Percona.

Thread Safety

As of version 0.3, the thread safe functionality was removed from the library, but the inherited functions from sync.Mutex were retained. The reasons for this is that the inclusions of locking/unlocking within the client itself conflicted with the new functionality that had been added and it was clear that locking should be performed within the calling program and not the library. For convenience to the programmer, the mutex functions were retained allowing for Client.Lock() and Client.Unlock() to be used for thread safe operations.

In older versions of the client from 0.1.8 - 0.2.x internal locking remains, however it is not recommended to use these versions as version 0.3.x is a much better implementation.


There are 2 methods to install GoMySQL

  1. Via goinstall:


The library will be installed in the same path locally so the import must be the same:

import ""

  1. Via make:

Clone the git repository:

git clone git://

Build / install:

cd GoMySQL
make install

This installs the package as 'mysql' so can be imported as so:

import "mysql"

A note about 0.3 methods and functionality

Version 0.3 is a complete rewrite of the library and a vast improvement on the 0.2 branch, because of this there are considerable changes to available methods and usage. Please see the migration guide below for more information.

Client constants

Client.VERSION - The current library version.

Client.DEFAULT_PORT - The default port for MySQL (3306).

Client.DEFAULT_SOCKET - The default socket for MySQL, valid for Debian/Ubuntu systems.

Client.MAX_PACKET_SIZE - The maximum size of packets that will be used.

Client.PROTOCOL_41 - Used to indicate that the 4.1+ protocol should be used to connect to the server.

Client.PROTOCOL_40 - Used to indicate that the 4.0- protocol should be used to connect to the server.

Client.DEFAULT_PROTOCOL - An alias for Client.PROTOCOL_41

Client.TCP - Used to indicate that a TCP connection should be used.

Client.UNIX - Used to indicate that a unix socket connection should be used (this is faster when connecting to localhost).

Client.LOG_SCREEN - Send log messages to stdout.

Client.LOG_FILE - Send log messages to a provided file pointer.

Client properties

Client.LogLevel - The level of logging to provide to stdout, valid values are 0 (none), 1 (essential information), 2 (extended information), 3 (all information).

Client.LogType - The type of logging to use, should be one of mysql.LOG_SCREEN or mysql.LOG_FILE, the default is mysql.LOG_SCREEN.

Client.LogFile - A pointer for logging to file, can be used to log to any source that implements os.File.

Client.AffectedRows - The number of affected rows for the last operation (if applicable).

Client.LastInsertId - The insert id of the last operation (if applicable).

Client.Warnings - The number of warnings generated by the last operation (if applicable).

Client methods

*mysql.NewClient(protocol ...uint8) (c Client) - Get a new client instance, optionally specifying the protocol.

*mysql.DialTCP(raddr, user, passwd string, dbname ...string) (c Client, err os.Error) - Connect to the server using TCP.

*mysql.DialUnix(raddr, user, passwd string, dbname ...string) (c Client, err os.Error) - Connect to the server using unix socket.

Client.Connect(network, raddr, user, passwd string, dbname ...string) (err os.Error) - Connect to the server using the provided details.

Close() (err os.Error) - Close the connection to the server.

ChangeDb(dbname string) (err os.Error) - Change database.

Query(sql string) (err os.Error) - Perform an SQL query.

*StoreResult() (result Result, err os.Error) - Store the complete result set and return a pointer to the result.

*UseResult() (result Result, err os.Error) - Use the result set but do not store the result, data is read from the server one row at a time via Result.Fetch functions (see below).

FreeResult() (err os.Error) - Traditionally this function would free the memory used by the result set, in GoMySQL this removes the reference to allow the GC to clean up the memory. All results must be freed before more queries can be performed at present. FreeResult also reads and discards any remaining row packets received for the result set.

MoreResults() bool - Check if more results are available.

NextResult() (more bool, err os.Error) - Get the next result set from the server.

SetAutoCommit(state bool) (err os.Error) - Set the auto commit state of the connection.

Start() (err os.Error) - Start a new transaction.

Commit() (err os.Error) - Commit the current transaction.

Rollback() (err os.Error) - Rollback the current transaction.

Escape(s string) (esc string) - Escape a string.

*InitStmt() (stmt Statement, err os.Error) - Initialise a new statement.

*Prepare(sql string) (stmt Statement, err os.Error) - Initialise and prepare a new statement using the supplied query.

Result Functions


Statement Functions


Prepared Statement Notes (previously limitations)

This section is less relavent to the 0.3 client as it has full binary support and excellent type support but has been retained for reference.

When using prepared statements the data packets sent to/from the server are in binary format (normal queries send results as text).

Prior to version 0.2.7 there were a number of unsupported data types in the library which limited the use of prepared statement selects to the most common field types.

As of version 0.2.7 all currently supported MySQL data types are fully supported, as well as a wide range of support of Go types for binding paramaters. There are some minor limitations in the usage of unsigned numeric types, as Go does not natively support unsigned floating point numbers unsigned floats and doubles are limited to the maximum value of a signed float or double.

Supported parameter types:

Integer types: int, uint, int8, uint8, int16, uint16, int32, uint32, int64, uint64

Float types: float, float32, float64

Strings/other tyes: string

Go row data formats:

MySQL data type Native Go type
TINYINT (unsigned) uint8
SMALLINT (unsigned) uint16
MEDIUMINT (unsigned) uint32
INT int32
INT (unsigned) uint32
BIGINT int64
BIGINT (unsigned) uint64
DATE string
TIME string
YEAR string
VARCHAR string
TEXT string
BLOB string
BIT []byte

Error handling

As of version 0.3.0 all functions return a ClientError or ServerError struct which contains a MySQL error code and description. The original Errno and Error public properties are deprecated.

As of version 0.2.0 all functions return os.Error. If the command succeeded the return value will be nil, otherwise it will contain the error. If returned value is not nil then MySQL error code and description can then be retrieved from Errno and Error properties for additional info/debugging. Prepared statements have their own copy of the Errno and Error properties.
Generated errors attempt to follow MySQL protocol/specifications as closely as possible.

Migration guide from 0.2 - 0.3
