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This package provides tools for:

  • Separation of flood events from discharge timeseries
  • Spatial interpolation of precipitation
  • Separation of storm events from precipitation timeseries
  • Flood event typology
    • Typing of rain events by TQ-Value
    • Typing of snow events by clustering
  • TMPS: Floodtype-based Mixture Model of Partial Duration Series
    • typewise statistical estimate of return periods
    • typewise statistical estimate of quantiles

Installation and usage

devtools::install_github(repo = "PhilippBuehler/FloodR")
## Warning: replacing previous import 'data.table::shift' by 'spatstat::shift' when
## loading 'FloodR'

Separation of flood events

For the separation of flood events from a discharge timeseries, we need the daily discharge.

# Create a data.frame with continuous daily discharge
dailyMQ <- data.frame(Date=seq(from=as.Date("01.01.2000", format="%d.%m.%Y"),
  to=as.Date("01.01.2004", format="%d.%m.%Y"), by="days"),

#Run the separation
Flood_events <- eventsep(dailyMQ)
# The Separation might still contain overlaid flood events which need to be corrected
##        Begin        End  Peak_date  DailyMQ      Volume  dir_Volume
## 1 2000-01-12 2003-12-31 2002-03-04 40.48444 1162.438578 -576.838291
## 2 2000-01-29 2000-07-11 2000-06-03 27.56812  139.092376  105.383304
## 3 2000-07-22 2000-12-05 2000-08-20 32.63187  111.793628   87.684659
## 4 2001-05-26 2001-09-07 2001-06-22 28.09075   83.945235   74.681092
## 5 2001-09-09 2001-09-18 2001-09-17 15.33049    4.304676    2.671009
## 6 2001-10-10 2001-11-20 2001-11-10 25.89258   36.096961   28.999155
##   baseflow_peak baseflow_begin baseflow_end No_Peaks HQ HQ_dir Comments
## 1    14.1343321    10.84810721    16.937289       69 NA     NA         
## 2     3.2365995     0.78066438     3.977278        8 NA     NA overlaid
## 3     1.5473761     1.17232333     2.931191        6 NA     NA overlaid
## 4     0.6638801     0.26739192     1.794606        5 NA     NA overlaid
## 5     3.6650153     0.08991597     4.111903        1 NA     NA overlaid
## 6     2.5498873     0.93725019     3.070093        1 NA     NA overlaid

Correction of flood events

Run the Web separation on the dummy Catchment As input to the function a minimum of discharge data is used. The Flood event tables can be opened from within the User-Interface


Separation of precipitation

After the flood events are corrected (if needed), the precipitation belonging to flood event need to be estimated For the both functions, a daily precipitation timeseries is needed, as well as the parameter indT, which has the position indices of begin, end and peak of the FLOOD event as vector.

# create a sample dataset
dailyprec <- data.frame(Date=seq(from=as.Date("01.01.2000", format="%d.%m.%Y"),
  to=as.Date("30.04.2000", format="%d.%m.%Y"), by="days"),

# Create indices of beginning, end and peak of the flood event
indT <- c(15, 30, 14+which.max(dailyprec[15:30,2])) 

# Run the separation for both methods
Date1 <- PreconeCP(dailyprec, indT = indT)
Date2 <- PrectwoCP(dailyprec, indT = indT)
print(c("Method1" = Date1, "Method2" = Date2))
##      Method1      Method2 
## "2000-01-13" "2000-01-04"

Typing of flood events

For the typing of the flood event, multiple characteristics for each flood event must be calculated before:

  • Sum_SM: Sum of snowmelt during the floodevent in mm
  • Sum_N: Sum of precipitation during the floodevent in mm
  • dir_Volume: Direct volume of the flood event (Volume minus baseflow) in Mio. m³/s
  • HQ_dir: Direct peak (instantaneous flood peak minus baseflow) in m³/s
  • PSI_SM: Runoff coefficient of the flood event WITH snowmelt + precipitation
# Open the sample flood event data
##        Begin        End  Peak_date Sum_SM  Sum_N dir_Volume  HQ_dir PSI_SM
## 1 1950-02-10 1950-02-14 1950-02-11   0.73  14.81      18.45  146.02   0.22
## 2 1951-01-18 1951-01-26 1951-01-20   1.37  38.45      26.56  108.25   0.12
## 3 1952-09-12 1952-09-18 1952-09-14   0.09  68.45      22.05  142.18   0.06
## 4 1953-01-28 1953-02-11 1953-01-30  28.68  52.64     124.25  353.18   0.28
## 5 1953-02-19 1953-03-04 1953-02-23  17.05   6.27     113.31  209.12   0.89
## 6 1954-07-08 1954-07-24 1954-07-10   0.09 197.43     545.35 1513.91   0.50
##    TQDir SM_rel       HQ
## 1  35.10   0.05  171.622
## 2  68.15   0.03  130.075
## 3  43.08   0.00  167.398
## 4  97.72   0.35  399.498
## 5 150.51   0.73  241.032
## 6 100.06   0.00 1676.301
# Run the event typing
Floods_typed <- Flood_typology(Floods = Sample_Flood_events, n_G = 3, Type_3_min_samplesize = 10)

## R1 R2 R3 S1 S2 
## 30 74 10 26  9
# Plot the event typing
Floods_Rain <- Floods_typed[Floods_typed$Type %in% c("R1", "R2", "R3"),]

  geom_point(aes(x=dir_Volume, y=HQ_dir, fill=Type), colour="black", shape=21, size=2)+
  scale_fill_manual(values = c("R1"="#D7191C", "R2"="#FDAE61", "R3"= "#1A9641"))

Typewise and combined return period estimation with the TMPS model

For the TMPS model, multiple characteristics for each flood event must be present in the input Floods_typed:

  • Peak_date: Date of the peak of the flood event
  • HQ: Direct peak in m³/s
  • Type: Flood type of the flood event, preferably as factor

Also, a Discharge timeseries with a “Date” and “Discharge” is needed

# Open the discharge data
##          Date Discharge
## 1: 1950-01-01  144.2951
## 2: 1950-01-02  140.8438
## 3: 1950-01-03  143.0167
## 4: 1950-01-04  151.4559
## 5: 1950-01-05  145.1900
## 6: 1950-01-06  141.6746
Floods_typed <- Floods_typed[, c("Peak_date","HQ", "Type")]

TMPS_quantiles <- qTMPS(p = c(2, 5, 10, 20, 25, 50, 100, 200, 500, 1000), 
  Flood_events = Floods_typed, Daily_discharge = Discharge, 
  return_TMPS = c("TMPS", "R1", "R2", "R3", "S1", "S2"))

TMPS_quantiles <-,1))
TMPS_quantiles[TMPS_quantiles < 0] <- NA
##          2     5    10     20     25     50    100    200    500   1000
## TMPS 549.5 708.3 897.9 1259.6 1397.7 1911.5 2586.8 3479.1 5122.4 6853.7
## R1    68.0 236.4 403.4  623.7  709.3 1033.1 1468.9 2056.7 3160.7 4341.5
## R2   162.7 402.2 616.3  876.4  972.3 1316.2 1743.8 2277.1 3190.5 4083.8
## R3      NA    NA    NA     NA  165.2  457.7  571.7  616.5  637.2  642.4
## S1   382.8 472.9 518.2  553.2  562.9  588.9  610.0  627.2  645.1  655.8
## S2      NA    NA 286.4  525.6  571.6  661.7  705.6  727.2  740.0  744.2
# 1) no hydrological years 
# 2) asummption instantaneous peaks == annual max of daily discharge * 1.1

AMS <- aggregate((Discharge$Discharge*1.1), list(as.numeric(format(Discharge$Date,"%Y"))), max, na.rm=TRUE)$x


AMS_params <- gevFit(AMS, type="pwm")@fit$par.ests  
AMS <- qgev(1-1/c(2,5,10,20,25,50,100,200,500,1000), mu=AMS_params[2], xi=AMS_params[1], beta=AMS_params[3])

Results <- rbind(TMPS_quantiles, AMS=AMS)
Results <- cbind(Results, "Method" = rownames(Results))
Results_melt <- melt(Results, id.vars = "Method", = "Annuality")
Results_melt$Annuality <- as.numeric(as.character(Results_melt$Annuality))

cols <- c("AMS"="black",c(R1 = "#D7191C", R2 = "#FDAE61", R3 = "#1A9641", S1 = "#6BAED6", S2 = "#2171B5"),  "TMPS"="darkorchid1")

  geom_line(aes(x=Annuality, y=value, colour = Method ), size=1.5)+ 
  labs(x="T[a]",y="Peak discharge [m³/s]")+
  annotation_logticks(sides = "b")
## Warning: Removed 6 row(s) containing missing values (geom_path).

# Calculate 
TMPS_probs_from_AMS_quants <- pTMPS(q = round(AMS), 
  Flood_events = Floods_typed, Daily_discharge = Discharge, 
  return_TMPS = c("TMPS", "R1", "R2", "R3", "S1", "S2"))

TMPS_probs_from_AMS_quants[is.infinite(TMPS_probs_from_AMS_quants)] <- NA
TMPS_probs_from_AMS_quants <- round(TMPS_probs_from_AMS_quants, 1)
##       410   589   737  906  966 1174 1418  1706  2167  2590
## TMPS  1.8   2.4   6.3 10.2 11.6 17.2 25.8  38.7  66.5 100.3
## R1   10.2  18.2  26.8 39.0 44.0 64.0 93.1 135.7 223.2 325.8
## R2    5.1   9.2  14.0 21.5 24.6 38.2 59.8  94.6 175.4 282.4
## R3   42.3 122.0    NA   NA   NA   NA   NA    NA    NA    NA
## S1    2.5  50.1    NA   NA   NA   NA   NA    NA    NA    NA
## S2   13.4  27.6 369.3   NA   NA   NA   NA    NA    NA    NA