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Pierfrancesco Soffritti edited this page Jun 30, 2018 · 20 revisions

The documentation has been moved in the readme of the project. This wiki is outdated.

YouTubePlayerView is the access point to the library.

You can add the View to your layout

    android:orientation="vertical" >


or you can initialize it programmatically and manually add it to a ViewGroup

YouTubePlayerView youTubePlayerView = new YouTubePlayerView(this);

if the height of the view is set to wrap_content, the view will automatically have an aspect ratio of 16:9, so that videos don't look bad.


In order to use the YouTubePlayer you need to initialize it. Call YouTubePlayerView.initialize(YouTubePlayerInitListener listener, boolean handleNetworkEvents) to do so.

This methods takes in a YouTubePlayerInitListener and a boolean. The boolean parameter is used to tell the library whether it should handle network events or not, read more about network events here.

The callback YouTubePlayerInitListener.onInitSuccess(YouTubePlayer) will be called by the library. The argument is a reference to the initialized YouTubePlayer. The YouTubePlayer is the object responsible for handling the playback of YouTube videos, read more about it here.

Full screen

You can use the YouTubePlayerView to set the player full screen or not, using these methods


You can also add listeners to get notified when the YouTubePlayerView enters or exits full screen

YouTubePlayerView.addFullScreenListener(YouTubePlayerFullScreenListener fullScreenListener);
YouTubePlayerView.removeFullScreenListener(YouTubePlayerFullScreenListener fullScreenListener);

It's important to keep in mind the the library is not responsible for changing the orientation of your Activity, that's up to you. The sample app contains an helper class that may help you handling orientation changes.


If you want to interact with the UI of the player you need to get a reference to the PlayerUIController from the YouTubePlayerView by calling this method

PlayerUIController YouTubePlayerView.getPlayerUIController();

You can read more about PlayerUIController here.

Release the YouTubePlayerView

Remember to release the YouTubePlayerView when you're done using it.

public void onDestroy() {


YouTubePlayerView implements the LifecycleObserver interface. If added as an observer of your Activity/Fragment's lifecycle, the release() method will be called automatically.


Adding YouTubePlayerView as an observer to a lifecycle will also automatically cause the player to pause the playback when the Activity/Fragment stops (not when it pauses, in order to support multi-window applications).

If you want your app to keep playing even when the Activity/Fragment is paused (remember that this behaviour is not allowed, if you want to publish your app on the PlayStore), don't register the YouTubePlayerView as a lifecycle observer. But remember to manually call release() when the Activity/Fragment is destroyed.