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41 lines (22 loc) · 730 Bytes


File metadata and controls

41 lines (22 loc) · 730 Bytes

compression ========

Tar and untar --------

Create tar archive File

$ tar -cvf tar-archive-name.tar <source>

Untar files in current directory

$ tar -xvf tar-archive-name.tar

Untar files to a specific directory

$ tar -xvf tar-archive-name.tar -C <destination>

List content of tar archive file

$ tar -tvf tar-archive-name.tar

Compress and uncompress --------

Compress folder to tar.gz

$ tar -czvf tar-archive-name.tar.gz <source>

Extract a tar.gz compressed archive

$ tar -xzvf tar-archive-name.tar.gz

Compress folder to tar.bz2

$ tar -cjvf tar-archive-name.tar.bz2 <source>

Extract a tar.bz2 compressed archive

$ tar -xjvf tar-archive-name.tar.bz2