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Food court microservice


πŸ”In this challenge, you are tasked with designing the backend of a system that centralizes the services and orders of a restaurant chain with multiple branches across the city. This microservice is responsible for implementing the business logic related to the food court, ensuring seamless operations and delightful dining experiences. πŸŒ―πŸ•This microservice communicates with the user, messaging, and traceability microservice. For this, it is necessary to execute or launch said microservices for proper operation.

Get ready to power up the food court and create a robust backend solution that optimizes processes, manages orders, and enhances the overall efficiency of the restaurant chain. Let's embark on this exciting journey! πŸ’ͺπŸš€

Built With

  • Java
  • Spring
  • Gradle
  • MySQL

Getting Started

To get a local copy up and running follow these steps.

Prerequisites πŸ“‹βœ…

Recommended Tools πŸ› οΈπŸ”§

Installation πŸš€πŸ”§

  1. Clone the repository πŸ“₯πŸ”§
  2. Change directory
    cd power-up-arquetipo-v3
  3. Create a new database in MySQL called powerup1
  4. Update the database connection settings βš™οΈπŸ”§
    # src/main/resources/application-dev.yml
           url: jdbc:mysql://localhost/powerup1
           username: root
           password: <your-password>
  5. After the tables are created execute src/main/resources/data.sql content to populate the database
  6. Open Swagger UI and search the /auth/login endpoint and login with userDni: 123, πŸ•΅οΈβ€β™‚οΈπŸ”§password: 1234

Usage πŸ“πŸ”§

  1. Right-click the class FoodCourtApplication and choose Run
  2. Open http://localhost:8091/swagger-ui/index.html in your web browser

Tests πŸ§ͺπŸ”§

  • Right-click the test folder and choose Run tests with coverage

How to Test the API

You can test the API using a tool like Postman or any REST client of your choice.

Sign In πŸ”

  • Endpoint: POST /auth/login
  • Request body /json:
  "mail": "",
  "password": "password123"

Example of a successful response:

  "accessToken": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJqb2huX2RvZSIsImlhdCI6MTYzMzI1NDkzMCwiZXhwIjoxNjMzMTQxMzMwfQ.2_5te1vQjDG-yTeBEOsmBAPdQHzCmCtojmYHltWkWbI",
  "tokenType": "Bearer"

Add a New Restaurant 🍽️

  • Endpoint: POST /api/v1/restaurant
  • Request body /json:
  "name": "frisby",
  "adress": "cr 45-85",
  "phone": "84674128",
  "urlLogotype": "string",
  "nit": "70491543",
  "idOwner": "1235896"

Example of a successful response:

  "message": "Restaurant created"

Get all restaurants 🏬

Endpoint: GET /api/v1/restaurant

Example of a successful response:

  "id": 1,
  "name": "Frisby",
  "adress": "cr 45-85",
  "phone": "84674128",
  "urlLogotype": "string",
  "nit": "70491543",
  "idOwner": "1235896"
  "id": 2,
   "name": "Presto",
  "adress": "cr 25-85",
  "phone": "7754128",
  "urlLogotype": "http_presto",
  "nit": "5896543",
  "idOwner": "236598745"
  "id": 3,
   "name": "Dominos",
  "adress": "cr 75-85",
  "phone": "4584128",
  "urlLogotype": "http//Logo/",
  "nit": "4589624",
  "idOwner": "58933585"

Get all restaurants by page πŸ“œπŸ”’

  • Endpoint: GET /api/v1/restaurant/page/{page}/size/{size} Example of URL: /api/v1/restaurant/page/1/size/2

Example of a successful response:

  "id": 1,
  "name": "Frisby",
  "adress": "cr 45-85",
  "phone": "84674128",
  "urlLogotype": "string",
  "nit": "70491543",
  "idOwner": "1235896"
  "id": 2,
   "name": "Presto",
  "adress": "cr 25-85",
  "phone": "7754128",
  "urlLogotype": "http_presto",
  "nit": "5896543",
  "idOwner": "236598745"

Add new order βž•πŸ›’

  • Endpoint: POST /api/v1/order
  • Request body /json:
  "restaurantId": 1,
  "customerId": 1,
  "items": [
      "itemId": 1,
      "quantity": 2
      "itemId": 2,
      "quantity": 1

Example of a successful response:

  "orderId": 1,
  "message": "Orden creada"

Take an order and update the status βœ…πŸ›’

  • Endpoint: PUT /api/v1/order/takeOrderAndUpdateStatus/{idOrder}/status/{state}
  • Example of URL: /api/v1/order/takeOrderAndUpdateStatus/1/status/READY

Example of a successful response:

  "orderId": 1,
  "message": "Order updated"

Notify that the order is ready πŸ“£βœ…

  • Endpoint: PUT /api/v1/order/notifyOrderReady/{idOrder}
  • Example de URL: /api/v1/order/notifyOrderReady/1

Example of a successful response:

  "orderId": 1,
  "message": "Orden notificada como lista"

deliver an order πŸššβœ…

  • Endpoint: PUT /api/v1/order/deliverOrder/{idOrder}/pin/{pin}
  • Example of URL: /api/v1/order/deliverOrder/1/pin/1234

Example of a successful response:

  "orderId": 1,
  "message": "Orden entregada"

Cancel order βŒπŸ›’

  • Endpoint: PUT /api/v1/order/cancelOrder/{idOrder}
  • Example de URL: /api/v1/order/cancelOrder/1

Example of a successful response:

  "orderId": 1,
  "message": "Orden cancelada"

Get Logs by order ID πŸ”πŸ“ƒ

  • Endpoint: GET /api/v1/order/logs/{idOrder}
  • Example of URL: /api/v1/order/logs/1

Example of a successful response:

    "duration_Pending_to_Preparing": "34 min",
    "duration_Preparing_to_Ready": "15 min",
    "duration_Pending_to_Preparing": "34 min",
    "duration_Preparing_to_Ready": "15 min",
    "duration_Readyto_Delivered": "10 MIN"

Get orders by status and page πŸ“œπŸ”’πŸ›’

  • Endpoint: GET /api/v1/order/getOrdersByState/page/{page}/size/{size}/state/{state}
  • Example of URL: /api/v1/order/getOrdersByState/page/1/size/10/state/in_progress

Example of a successful response:

    "orderId": 1,
    "restaurantId": 1,
    "customerId": 1,
    "state": "PENDING",
    "items": [
        "itemId": 1,
        "quantity": 2
        "itemId": 2,
        "quantity": 1
    "orderId": 2,
    "restaurantId": 1,
    "customerId": 2,
    "state": "in_progress",
    "items": [
        "itemId": 3,
        "quantity": 3

Add a new dish πŸ•βž•

  • Endpoint: POST /api/v1/dish
  • Request body /json:
  "restaurantId": 1,
  "name": "Pizza Margherita",
  "description": "Deliciosa pizza margherita con salsa de tomate, mozzarella y albahaca.",
  "price": 12.99

Example of a successful response:

  "dishId": 1,
  "message": "Dish added successfully"

Enable or disable a dish βœ…βŒ

  • Endpoint: PUT /api/v1/dish/{id}/activate/{enableDisable} Example of URL: /api/v1/dish/1/activate/true

Example of a successful response:

  "dishId": 1,
  "message": "Plato habilitado"

update a dish πŸ”„πŸ½οΈ

  • Endpoint: PATCH /api/v1/dish/
  • Request body /json:
  "dishId": 1,
  "name": "Pizza Margherita",
  "description": "Deliciosa pizza margherita con salsa de tomate, mozzarella y albahaca.",
  "price": 14.99

Example of a successful response:

  "dishId": 1,
  "message": "Plato actualizado exitosamente"

Get all dishes by restaurant or category πŸ½οΈπŸ“œπŸ”’

  • Endpoint: GET /api/v1/dish/{idRestaurant}/page/{page}/size/{size}
  • Example of URL: /api/v1/dish/1/page/0/size/2

Example of a successful response:

    "dishId": 1,
    "restaurantId": 1,
    "name": "Pizza Margherita",
    "description": "Deliciosa pizza margherita con salsa de tomate, mozzarella y albahaca.",
    "price": 12.99,
    "isActive": true
    "dishId": 2,
    "restaurantId": 1,
    "name": "Hamburguesa ClΓ‘sica",
    "description": "Hamburguesa de carne con lechuga, tomate, cebolla y queso.",
    "price": 10.99,
    "isActive": true

