All notable changes to PlaceOS are documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to PlaceOS Platform Versioning.
- Interfaces/Backoffice [triggers]: Fix editing of cron time conditions (ppt-1792)
- Interfaces/Backoffice [systems]: Fix add trigger search
- Interfaces/Templates: Fix table filtering with non-string values (ppt-1811)
- Interfaces/Templates [workplace]: Hide colleague button when setting enabled
- Interfaces/Templates [visitor-kiosk]: Fix flow redirections after registration (ppt-1812)
- Interfaces/Templates [workplace]: Fix removing favourites (ppt-1814)
- Interfaces/Templates [workplace]: Ignore errors when loading colleague data (ppt-1817)
- Interfaces/Templates [explore]: Fix pinning points of interest (ppt-1820)
- Libraries/Driver [interface/lockers]: Add a allocation id
- Services/RestAPI [asset_types]: Ppt-1803 index endpoint when no matching entries found (#398)
- Services/StaffAPI [bookings]: [ppt-1835] booked desks showing up as available (#340)
- Interfaces/Templates [visitor-kiosk]: Add ability to select language on visitor kiosk (ppt-1897)
- Interfaces/Templates [visitor-kiosk]: Add ability for visitors to checkout (ppt-1808)
- Interfaces/Backoffice: Fix uploading bulk items with csv (ppt-1783)
- Interfaces/Backoffice [systems]: Fix trigger links (ppt-1793)
- Interfaces/Templates [concierge]: Fix keeping desks assigned to user on edit (ppt-1794)
- Interfaces/Templates [concierge]: Handle errors when saving desk details (ppt-1805)
- Interfaces/Backoffice [triggers]: Add ability to input cron string for time conditions (ppt-1792)
- Interfaces/Templates [concierge]: Add security field to desk model (ppt-1784)
- Interfaces/Templates [workplace]: Add ability to show calendar links for visitor invites (ppt-1798)
- Interfaces/Templates [bookings]: Add ability to hide booking checkin option (ppt-1796)
- Interfaces/Templates [visitor-kiosk]: Add success header for self-registered visitors (ppt-1797)
- Interfaces/Templates [concierge]: Add ability to set which visitor listing columns show (ppt-1799)
- Libraries/Models [tenant]: Delegate tenant configuration (#280)
- Services/StaffAPI [utilities/multi_tenant]: Add parent tenant support
- Interfaces/Templates [conicerge]: Cleanup room approval component
- Services/StaffAPI [bookings]: Add
to checked_out in sql (#339)
- Interfaces/Backoffice [admin]: Add section for managing build jobs (ppt-1758)
- Interfaces/Templates [concierge]: Add report for lockers (ppt-1730)
- Interfaces/Templates [concierge]: Add ability to assign desks to users (ppt-1775)
- Libraries/Models: Ppt-54 add full text search capabilities to guest model (#278)
- Services/StaffAPI: Ppt-54 updated guests endpoint to use full text search capabilities (#338)
- Services/StaffAPI [bookings]: [ppt-1430] signal on induction accepted/declined (#337)
- Interfaces/Templates [visitor-kiosk]: Fix visitor label printing (ppt-1744)
- Interfaces/Templates [concierge]: Update desk booking local state on changes (ppt-1779)
- Libraries/Models [bookings]: Prefix checked_in with bookings in sql (#279)
- Services/Core [driver_manager]: Fix reload_driver to return proper status code (#278)
- Services/RestAPI [asset_types]: Refactor endpoint to respect zone_id param (#397)
- Services/RestAPI [webhook]: Don't include spaces in user_id
- Services/StaffAPI [events]: [ppt-1473] return most detailed metadata (#336)
- Services/Build: Minor refactor to client.compile
- Clients/Typescript [drivers]: Add endpoint for reloading compiled driver
- Services/StaffAPI [events]: [ppt-1473] prefer metadata with ext_data over metadata without (#335)
- Services/StaffAPI [availability]: Ppt-1629 return 404 when tenant not found (#334)
- Interfaces/Backoffice [drivers]: Add recompile and reload buttons (ppt-1732)
- Interfaces/Templates [visitor-kiosk]: Add translation hooks for text in visitor kiosk (ppt-1720)
- Services/RestAPI: Ppt-1733 add reload driver endpoint (#396)
- Clients/Crystal [auth]: Auth_api_root path (#35)
- Interfaces/Backoffice: Update frontend search filters to use notes/description (ppt-1650)
- Interfaces/Templates [explore]: Check desk rules before finalising booking (ppt-1687)
- Interfaces/Templates [visitor-kiosk]: Prevent user re-checking in an finish booking (ppt-1686)
- Interfaces/Templates [concierge]: Remove bookings when deleting parking space (ppt-1690)
- Interfaces/Templates [workplace]: Prevent booking closed favourite spaces (ppt-1716)
- Services/Core [Dockerfile]: Ensure tmp folder has the correct permissions (#274)
- Services/Core [module_manager]: Ppt-1636 refactor to use empty settings when merge settin… (#275)
- Services/FrontendLoader [Dockerfile]: Allow random user ids in production (#86)
- Services/Init [authority]: Use provided name to create authority, provide correc… (#95)
- Interfaces/Backoffice [systems]: Add ability to add a system's module to another system (ppt-1674)
- Interfaces/Templates [spaces]: Add ability to set alerts on rooms (ppt-1645)
- Interfaces/Templates [workplace]: Add desks default duration setting (ppt-1683)
- Interfaces/Templates [catering]: Add ability to have multiple menus per building (ppt-1646)
- Interfaces/Templates [concierge]: Add parking report (ppt-1691)
- Interfaces/Templates [concierge]: Add form for modifying visitor kiosk settings (ppt-1694)
- Services/Core [Dockerfile]: Minimal core image
- Services/Core: Ppt-1701 added extra endpoints for recompile and reload (#276)
- Services/Core: Ppt-1635 stale driver cleanup task (#277)
- Services/RestAPI: Ppt-1701 refactored recompile/reload logic (#395)
- Swagger/RestAPI: Update for placeos-2.2411.0
- Swagger/StaffAPI: Update for placeos-2.2411.0
- Interfaces/Templates [concierge]: Handle case where first instance is cancelled when removing parking assignment (ppt-1523)
- Interfaces/Templates [workplace]: Set initial user for parking bookings (ppt-1520)
- Interfaces/Templates [concierge]: Add ability to set host for visitor invites (ppt-1532)
- Interfaces/Templates [concierge]: Fix removing parking users (ppt-1548)
- Interfaces/Templates [concierge]: Fix minor room report issues (ppt-1554)
- Interfaces/Templates [concierge]: Fix minor issues with desk reports (ppt-1554)
- Interfaces/Templates [workplace]: Ignore catering checks when no menu available (ppt-1555)
- Interfaces/Templates [bookings]: Fix check for user's availability (ppt-1557, ppt-1558)
- Interfaces/Templates [events]: Fix extending bookings over another booking (ppt-1559)
- Interfaces/Templates [concierge]: Fix setting visitors as remote (ppt-1556)
- Interfaces/Templates [bookings]: Fix adding and viewing booked assets (ppt-1568)
- Interfaces/Templates [concierge]: Fix zones when booking parking from map (ppt-1582)
- Interfaces/Templates [explore]: Fix parking statuses on maps (ppt-1590)
- Interfaces/Templates [workplace]: Re-enable ability to make non-all-day parking bookings (ppt-1595)
- Interfaces/Templates [concierge]: Fix search for pending approvals (ppt-1609)
- Interfaces/Templates [concierge]: Fix building timezone display on week view (ppt-1608)
- Interfaces/Templates [concierge]: Fix user shown when editing parking bookings (ppt-1606)
- Interfaces/Templates [concierge]: Update parking booking list after creation/edit (ppt-1605)
- Libraries/Models [booking]: Recurring booking clash check (#276)
- Interfaces/Backoffice: Add ability to add resources from staff api (ppt-1536)
- Interfaces/Templates [concierge]: Add email templates section (ppt-1448)
- Interfaces/Templates [concierge]: Add logic to use email template tokens (ppt-1459)
- Interfaces/Templates [form-fields]: Add ability to attach files to input (ppt-1458)
- Interfaces/Templates [concierge]: Add reply-to and from addresses (ppt-1461)
- Interfaces/Templates [concierge]: Add ability to send test emails (ppt-1460)
- Interfaces/Templates [explore]: Add logic to show occupancy icons for rooms (ppt-1464)
- Interfaces/Templates [concierge]: Add ui and logic to set booking panel settings (ppt-1282)
- Interfaces/Templates [visitor-kiosk]: Add ability for visitors to self register (ppt-1530)
- Interfaces/Templates [concierge]: Add simple visitors report (ppt-1533)
- Interfaces/Templates: Add ability to view building timezones when booking (ppt-1560, ppt-1564)
- Interfaces/Templates [concierge]: Allow user to print all desk qr codes for a level (ppt-1572)
- Interfaces/Templates [workplace]: Add ability to book desk after booking a room (ppt-1573)
- Interfaces/Templates [workplace]: Add ability to show calendar options after booking parking (ppt-1586)
- Interfaces/Templates [concierge]: Add button to link room to av control panel (ppt-1597)
- Interfaces/Templates [workplace]: Add ability to book recurring desk bookings (ppt-1576)
- Interfaces/Templates [workplace]: Disallow daily recurrence for all day events (ppt-1596)
- Libraries/Driver [MailerTemplates]: New interface for mailer template fields (#167)
- Libraries/Driver [logger]: Default to json formatted logs on stdout
- Libraries/Models: Ppt-642 added place_id attribute in zone model (#275)
- Libraries/Models: Ppt-1622 add auth tokens cleanup code (#277)
- Services/Init: Ppt-1516 add support for azure blob storage to init (#89)
- Services/Init: Ppt-1621 updated backup/restore tasks (#91)
- Services/Init: Ppt-1623 cleanup task (#92)
- Services/Init: Ppt-1623 cleanup task (#93)
- Services/RestAPI: Ppt-1518 added uploads listing controller (#391)
- Services/RestAPI: Ppt-1470 add lookup by email endpoint in domains controller (#388)
- Services/RestAPI: Ppt-1517 add azure storage support (#392)
- Services/StaffAPI: Ppt-642 added place controller (#333)
- Interfaces/Templates [concierge]: Add level selector to day view when use region set (ppt-1434)
- Interfaces/Templates [concierge]: Up limit for requested rooms (ppt-1441)
- Interfaces/Templates: Fix table filtering with invalid value (ppt-1450)
- Interfaces/Templates [concierge]: Fix room booking view scroll when font size not default (proj-854)
- Interfaces/Templates [bookings]: Display region instead of building for visitor invite when configured (proj-852)
- Interfaces/Templates [events]: Use room_booking_rules metadata (proj-804)
- Interfaces/Templates [bookings]: Fix visitor name display (ppt-1453)
- Interfaces/Templates [bookings]: Tweak building display on details modal (ppt-1454)
- Interfaces/Templates [concierge]: Split name and id columns on desk manage (ppt-1471)
- Interfaces/Templates [concierge]: Fix managing desk bookable status (ppt-1471)
- Interfaces/Templates [explore]: Fix parking info reserved status when space not assigned (ppt-1386)
- Interfaces/Templates [concierge]: Fix form checks for unedited fields on desk manage modal (ppt-1471)
- Interfaces/Templates [concierge]: Save support issue types to concierge metadata also (ppt-1485)
- Interfaces/Templates [workplace]: Handle removing booking instances (ppt-1480)
- Interfaces/Templates [mapspeople]: Tweak handling of building switching (ppt-1501)
- Interfaces/Templates [mapspeople]: Clear directions when changing focus item (ppt-1504)
- Interfaces/Templates [concierge]: Fix saving level id to parking assignment booking (ppt-1498)
- Interfaces/Templates [bookings]: Fix ending booking instances (ppt-1480)
- Interfaces/Templates [explore]: Fix selecting the same item twice from search (ppt-1504)
- Interfaces/Templates [mapspeople]: Store last position of the user (ppt-1504)
- Interfaces/Templates [events]: Fix applying space zones to asset bookings (ppt-1346)
- Interfaces/Templates [concierge]: Fix showing old data when switching zones on week view (ppt-1508)
- Interfaces/Templates [concierge]: Fix z-index of room approvals section (ppt-1514)
- Libraries/Models [authority]: Add migration script to set defaults (#271)
- Services/Source: Ppt-1503 refactor event processing logic to avoid memory leak (#55)
- Interfaces/Templates [concierge]: Add ability to reserve parking for visitors (ppt-1388)
- Interfaces/Templates [concierge]: Add ability to see parking space status on manage view (ppt-1379)
- Interfaces/Templates [explore]: Setup parking map booking checks and status displays (ppt-1387)
- Interfaces/Templates [workplace]: Update booking listings to show extra info for parking (ppt-1380)
- Interfaces/Templates [concierge]: Add extra parking map display info (ppt-1386)
- Interfaces/Templates: Update logic for group events to use calendar events (ppt-1424)
- Interfaces/Templates [bookings]: Use new booked endpoint for resource availability (ppt-1443)
- Interfaces/Templates [concierge]: Add ability to set notes on visitors (ppt-1472)
- Interfaces/Templates [workplace]: Rework work location ui (ppt-1482)
- Interfaces/Templates [concierge]: Add ability to set booking rules for parking (ppt-1500)
- Interfaces/Templates [concierge]: Add ability to restrict sections to certain groups (ppt-1500)
- Interfaces/Templates [concierge]: Add week view for calendar events (ppt-1508)
- Interfaces/Templates [concierge]: Add ability to search for calendar events (ppt-1509)
- Libraries/Models [booking]: [ppt-1405] update approved/rejected fields on child bookings (#267)
- Libraries/Models: Ppt-1470 add email domain feature to authority model (#269)
- Libraries/Models [playlist/item]: Add video length (#270)
- Libraries/Models: Ppt-1475 mark trigger fields to ignore from es index (#273)
- Libraries/Models [user]: [ppt-1484] format of work_preferences and work_overrides (#274)
- Services/SearchIngest: Ppt-1476 add es_ignore attribute to avoid dynamic mapping (#83)
- Services/StaffAPI [tenants]: Early_checkin endpoints (#327)
- Services/StaffAPI [events]: Debug log (#329)
- Services/StaffAPI [bookings]: Update_induction endpoint (#331)
- Libraries/Models [booking]: Change induction to an enum (#272)
- Services/FrontendLoader: Ppt-1456 remove raven dependency (#85)
- Clients/Crystal [zone]: [ppt-1416] add timezone field to zone (#34)
- Interfaces/Backoffice [staff-api]: Add early_checkin field to tenants (ppt-1442)
- Interfaces/Templates [workplace]: Add desk height options (ppt-1295, ppt-1298, ppt-1299, ppt-1300)
- Libraries/Models: Ppt-1413 add error flag to repository model (#264)
- Libraries/Models [bookings]: Add recurring support to bookings (#263)
- Libraries/Models: Ppt-1437 add early_check field to tenant model (#265)
- Libraries/Models [event_metadata]: Add permission field (#266)
- Services/FrontendLoader: Ppt-1413 add error handling + reporting. clean-up and linting c… (#84)
- Services/RestAPI: Ppt-1329: removed git related methods from rest-api (#386)
- Services/RestAPI: Ppt-1396 add search fields options to index endpoints (#387)
- Services/StaffAPI [bookings]: #index filter on permission field (#320)
- Services/StaffAPI [events]: Preference metadata and system selection (#322)
- Services/StaffAPI: Ppt-1326 add endpoint to provide a list of booking ids (#323)
- Services/StaffAPI: Ppt-1437 allow checkin by early_checkin value (#325)
- Services/StaffAPI [bookings]: Add recurring booking support [ppt-1382] (#324)
- Services/StaffAPI [events]: #add_attendee (#326)
- Services/Triggers: Make loki-search trigger loki presence dependent (#48)
- Interfaces/Backoffice [domains]: Fix deleting of applications (ppt-1418)
- Interfaces/Templates [events]: Include booked event for room availability (ppt-1369)
- Interfaces/Templates [concierge]: Fix report charts on initial load (ppt-1410)
- Interfaces/Templates [spaces]: Hide space select filters when viewing using mapsindoors (ppt-1407)
- Interfaces/Templates: Update kiosk bootstrap pages to handle region listing of buildings (ppt-1428)
- Interfaces/Templates [bookings]: Remove value to ignore hiding set desk height when not checked in (ppt-1298)
- Interfaces/Templates [org]: Tweak initialisation of zone settings (ppt-1439)
- Interfaces/Templates [concierge]: Simplify getting ignore week days for reports (ppt-1440)
- Libraries/Models [module]: Make error indicator fields as read-only (#262)
- Services/StaffAPI [events]: [ppt-1390] return 404 instead of 500 and improve logging (#321)
- Interfaces/Templates [bookings]: Add fallback for zone requested for availability checks (ppt-1318)
- Interfaces/Templates [explore]: Simplify display of sensor info to allow more displayed on map (ppt-1317)
- Interfaces/Templates [catering]: Remove ability to edit existing orders when field disabled (ppt-1340)
- Interfaces/Templates [concierge]: Add print styling to reports sections (ppt-1344)
- Interfaces/Templates: Fix zoom controls for resource selection (ppt-1361)
- Interfaces/Templates [maps-indoors]: Fix map actions (ppt-1360)
- Interfaces/Templates [explore]: Ignore bookings status for non-bookable rooms (ppt-1364)
- Interfaces/Templates: Fix sizing of resource selection modals (ppt-1365)
- Interfaces/Templates [map-kiosk]: Allow search when using maps indoors (ppt-1352)
- Interfaces/Templates [form-fields]: Add check to file type when loading users from csv file (proj-768)
- Interfaces/Templates [workplace]: Add setting to force colleague search to only used authenticated user (ppt-1366)
- Interfaces/Templates [form-fields]: Clear input field after uploading image (ppt-1370)
- Interfa