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File metadata and controls

190 lines (137 loc) · 9.03 KB


The data class is responsible for loading (e.g., images or texts), and processing (e.g., data augmentation) of samples. A sample is a single instance of data that is processed in the network.

A preprocessing pipeline handles the data that are fed into the :ref:`Model<doc.model:Model>` by applying a list of DataProcessors and eventually setting up a Furthermore, a postprocessing pipeline can be added to process the data (e.g. pruning) that is produced by the network.

Figure 1 shows an overview of the pre-processing pipeline provided by |tfaip|. The actual pipeline (lower half, purple) is created by a list of DataProcessorParams (upper half, orange). The input of the pipeline (DataGeneratorParams, golden) is can depend on the steps training, LAV, or prediction. Usually, this is ListsFileDataGeneratorParams which will simply generate filenames parsed from text file (see Scenario<doc.scenario:ListFileScenario> for setting up a ListFileScenario).

Data-Pipeline Workflow

Figure 1: The data processing pipeline


A data class has to extend from import DataBase and implement the following

class DataParams(DataBaseParams):
    def cls():
        return Data

class Data(DataBase[DataParams]):
    def _input_layer_specs(self) -> Dict[str, tf.TensorSpec]:
        raise NotImplementedError

    def _target_layer_specs(self) -> Dict[str, tf.TensorSpec]:
        raise NotImplementedError

    def default_params(cls):
        # can optionally be overwritten
        p = super().default_params()
        p.pre_proc.processors = [
            # Optionally pass a list of DataProcessorParams to define the input pipeline (see orange boxes in Figure 1)
        return p

Extend DataBaseParams to return the actual implementation in the cls method. It is recommended to do this in a separate python file (e.g. called

Required Overrides

The only two required methods to overwrite return dicts mapping from node names to tf.TensorSpec, e.g.,

def _input_layer_specs(self) -> Dict[str, tf.TensorSpec]:
    # Shape and type of the input data for the graph
    return {'img': tf.TensorSpec(shape=[28, 28], dtype='float32')}

def _target_layer_specs(self) -> Dict[str, tf.TensorSpec]:
    # Shape and type of the input data for the graph
    return {'tgt': tf.TensorSpec(shape=[1], dtype='int32')}

for a fixed 28x28 input image, and a class label as target. The batch dimension must be omitted as batching is performed automatically.

Important: No scalars are allowed. Allowed shapes [1] for a scalar, [N] for vector, [H,W,C] for a tensor, ...

Optional Overrides

By default, all arrays are automatically padded with zeros, overwrite _padding_values to provide different values.

def _padding_values(self) -> Dict[str, AnyNumpy]:
   return {'img': 255}

Pre/Post-Processing Pipelines

DataProcessors enable to modify data by consuming and producing a list of Sample. There are two types of data processors:

  • A MappingDataProcessor is similar to the default mapping function of Python and produces one output sample for each input sample (a 1 to 1 mapping).
  • A GeneratingDataProcessor is similar to a generator in Python: N samples are consumed but M samples are produces, whereby M<N and M>N are equally legitimated.

DataProcessors are defined and constructed by their corresponding DataProcessorParams.

DataProcessor Definition

The following shows a simple DataProcessor that will load an image and its GT from the drive based on filenames. Optionally, add parameters (e.g., the color mode in this case) to the processor params.

class LoadSampleProcessorParams(DataProcessorParams):
    def cls(self):
        return LoadSampleProcessor

class LoadSampleProcessor(MappingDataProcessor):
    def apply(self, sample):
        return (
                new_inputs(load_image(sample.inputs)).   # Change the inputs
                new_targets(load_gt(sample.targets))     # Change the targets

Set Up

Override the default_params of the Data-class to set up the default preprocessing pipeline:

def default_params(cls) -> ListFileDataParams:
    # setup default processing pipeline
    params = super().default_params()
    params.pre_proc = SequentialDataProcessorPipeline(
        run_parallel=True,  # Set to True if this pipeline shall run in parallel
            LoadSampleProcessorParams(),  # Load the sample and its GT
            AugmentProcessorParams(modes={PipelineMode.Training}),  # Apply data augmentation, but only during training
            FinalizeProcessorParams(),  # Finalize the sample, i.e., bring it in the correct form matchin the input and target layer specs
    return params

Modes of DataProcessor

As shown in the previous code, the DataProcessorParams provide a field when to apply this processor. Here, the AugmentProcessorParams (i.e., data augmentation) shall only be applied on the training pipeline.


Quite often your model requires resources for training but also for the later application. A typical resource is a file that needs to be served when exporting the model. The dataclass automatically handles the export of Resources via its ResourceManager by copying the resources to the export dirs and automatically adapting the search path of the resource. Define a Resource in your parameters:

class DataParams(DataBaseParams):
    charmap: Resource = field(default=None,
                              metadata={**pai_meta(help="File specifying the character map used", required=True),
                                        **config(encoder=Resource.encode, decoder=Resource.decode)}

In this example, the character map will automatically be copied to the resources dir in the exported model.


This section provides additional information about the actual implementation of the data pipeline in |tfaip|. Read this if you are interested in understanding or extending |tfaip|.

The following image provides an overview of all relevant classes

Data-Pipeline Overview

Figure 2: Overview of all classes withing the data module

Have a look at the code documentation for a description of the individual classes, in the following is only a small overview:

  • Red: DataBaseParams and DataBase define the overall structure of a data pipeline by connecting DataProcessorParams. By calling get_or_create_pipeline, or create_pipeline a DataPipeline will be prepared.
  • Yellow: The DataGenerator provide the data for the preprocessing pipeline. The actual implementation depends on the scenario and mode (e.g. different data sources for training, lav and prediction)
  • Orange: The creation and definition of the different DataProcessor types. A user should only override MappingDataProcessor and GeneratingDataProcessor. Multiple MappingDataProcessors will be joined to a SequenceProcessor for faster execution (send as a complete block to a spawned process upon parallelization).
  • Green: Setting up of the actual Pipeline using parameters. By default, a SequenceProcessorPipelineParams should suffice, if however GeneratingDataProcessors play a role it might be sensible to provide a custom grouping which can be done via CompoundProcessorPipelineParams Note, the SequenceProcessorPipelineParams will be converted automatically to a CompoundProcessorPipelineParams (see Figure 1).
  • Blue: These classes are use for the actual data processing of a set of MappingDataProcessors in a MappingSampleProcessorPipeline or one GeneratingDataProcessor in a GeneratingSampleProcessorPipeline. Each class has a corresponding parallel version (see lower half of Figure 1). Construction of the actual processors (calling DataProcessorParams.create) is performed within these classes to ensure that only the parameters are passed to a spawned process not the actual class (which might not be serializable via pickle).
  • Yellow (lower right): The TFDatasetGenerator can optionally be overwritten in a DataPipeline to change the creation of the or to inject additional data mappings performed in Tensorflow.